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🇱🇷 🏴‍☠️ 🇮🇱 GLOBAL ECONOMY set for its HALF of in 30 years, says..

News Flash! = USA Federal Reserve 🤑 📡 🛰️ GONE WILD --using AS a 🐍 🇮🇱 Promotional HUB?

💣 Basically -- as Snake Oil Salesmen! 💰

What did all the Financial promoted by 📰 in the last 7 years?? >> really YOU in ?

💰 💰 💰 5.1 in and Money Printing by the


🌊 .. SIMPLY SAID IS A 100% and Money Laundering Vehicle poisoned by the to begin with! The SAME CENTRAL BANKS reporting this are the SAME CROOKS who have Stolen your Grandchildren grandchildren's inheritance!

You all have been . This version of Bitcoin is not . In Order for Bitcoin to be Officially Recognized as a Cryptocurrency it MUST HAVE THE BELOW INGREDIENTS!

~ built on block chain technology SOLID , , and . Bitcoin is CENTRALIZED and DOES NOT OFFER 100% , , and (A BIGGY!)~ See Below for full definition that we published on in 2016. ( !??)

simply cannot compete with this technology.. ( !)

A has NOT been yet! FOLKS! grin.. ( !?)

OFFER: , and/or . It is Simply a Vehicle USED BY Central Banks and USA TREASURY dept. to all the by ISRAELI'S since 2007. Check Charts.. ALL CAN BE confirmed. Massive EVERYWHERE!!

STAY AWAY OR YOU WILL LOSE EVERYTHING! Do not intermingle your funds with STOLEN FUNDS. Remember Logically speaking. One Bad apple will Poison the entire barrel of good apples That's your money btw and the Goal>>THE END GAME! of these GREEDY Central Bank .

REAL Cryptocurrencies built on blockchain technology offers SOLID Security, PRIVACY, Decentralization and AUTONOMY. Banks simply cannot compete with this technology..

GOOD NEWS! Cryptocurrency NOT been YET FOLKS.

You all seem to have forgotten that cannot with this .. CALLED .

The Central Banks didn't though! They have been poisoning the well since 2007 this from 2016. See Below..


Allow us to explain see below..

from 2016 | As with anything to do with Currencie$ there are Downsides as well as Upside$.

On the upside the competition for is . The whole idea to crypto mining is for the to that each in the is . is used to confirm all transaction in each block multiple, multiple times.

This of each -which is also referred to as a .

that offer only -while our "Dollars" are picked at -until gone..

A transaction is NOT a payment. A CRYPTO transaction is a Program, which is referred to as the technology known as .

Its not the "payment" that is irreversible, its the DECENTRALIZED " that is Irreversible.
Transactions CANNOT be , (a big one) or .

built on block chain technology offers SOLID , , and .

simply cannot compete with this technology..

Side note: we are living in a global economy with ole school mentality --at the helm.. which has FAILED many times. Centralized systems have proved to be IRRESPONSIBLE WITH SUCH CONTROL AND POWER.

Give a man a Gun he will rob a bank, give a man a BANK he will ROB the World..

TASTINGTRAFFIC LLC tried to WARN ALL (SINCE 2007 24/7) but has all your ! facilitated by Israeli Jews behind the scenes. Has stolen your children's FUTURE!

Why do you think many other countries have joined !?

The USA Dollar cannot be AS A . We the People DO NOT or the of by the USA killing over 10,000 and ??

The world now knows Who the really are!

LLC does not support any country who is in the Funding of , AND against the 🇵🇸 Palestine's in Gaza

🩸 NOW! and STOP !

1. Static Page: GLOBAL ECONOMY set for its HALF of in 30 years, says

2. VIDEO: : IS ! You are competing AGAINST Governments and A by ! Bitcoin: Beyond The Bubble - Full Documentary


* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

🇱🇷 🏴‍☠️ 🇮🇱 GLOBAL ECONOMY set for its HALF of in 30 years, says..

News Flash! = USA Federal Reserve 🤑 📡 🛰️ GONE WILD --using AS a 🐍 🇮🇱 Promotional HUB?

💣 Basically -- as Snake Oil Salesmen! 💰

What did all the Financial promoted by 📰 in the last 7 years?? >> really YOU in ?

💰 💰 💰 5.1 in and Money Printing by the


🌊 .. SIMPLY SAID IS A 100% and Money Laundering Vehicle poisoned by the to begin with! The SAME CENTRAL BANKS reporting this are the SAME CROOKS who have Stolen your Grandchildren grandchildren's inheritance!

You all have been . This version of Bitcoin is not . In Order for Bitcoin to be Officially Recognized as a Cryptocurrency it MUST HAVE THE BELOW INGREDIENTS!

~ built on block chain technology SOLID , , and . Bitcoin is CENTRALIZED and DOES NOT OFFER 100% , , and (A BIGGY!)~ See Below for full definition that we published on in 2016. ( !??)

simply cannot compete with this technology.. ( !)

A has NOT been yet! FOLKS! grin.. ( !?)

OFFER: , and/or . It is Simply a Vehicle USED BY Central Banks and USA TREASURY dept. to all the by ISRAELI'S since 2007. Check Charts.. ALL CAN BE confirmed. Massive EVERYWHERE!!

STAY AWAY OR YOU WILL LOSE EVERYTHING! Do not intermingle your funds with STOLEN FUNDS. Remember Logically speaking. One Bad apple will Poison the entire barrel of good apples That's your money btw and the Goal>>THE END GAME! of these GREEDY Central Bank .

REAL Cryptocurrencies built on blockchain technology offers SOLID Security, PRIVACY, Decentralization and AUTONOMY. Banks simply cannot compete with this technology..

GOOD NEWS! Cryptocurrency NOT been YET FOLKS.

You all seem to have forgotten that cannot with this .. CALLED .

The Central Banks didn't though! They have been poisoning the well since 2007 this from 2016. See Below..


Allow us to explain see below..

from 2016 | As with anything to do with Currencie$ there are Downsides as well as Upside$.

On the upside the competition for is . The whole idea to crypto mining is for the to that each in the is . is used to confirm all transaction in each block multiple, multiple times.

This of each -which is also referred to as a .

that offer only -while our "Dollars" are picked at -until gone..

A transaction is NOT a payment. A CRYPTO transaction is a Program, which is referred to as the technology known as .

Its not the "payment" that is irreversible, its the DECENTRALIZED " that is Irreversible.
Transactions CANNOT be , (a big one) or .

built on block chain technology offers SOLID , , and .

simply cannot compete with this technology..

Side note: we are living in a global economy with ole school mentality --at the helm.. which has FAILED many times. Centralized systems have proved to be IRRESPONSIBLE WITH SUCH CONTROL AND POWER.

Give a man a Gun he will rob a bank, give a man a BANK he will ROB the World..

TASTINGTRAFFIC LLC tried to WARN ALL (SINCE 2007 24/7) but has all your ! facilitated by Israeli Jews behind the scenes. Has stolen your children's FUTURE!

Why do you think many other countries have joined !?

The USA Dollar cannot be AS A . We the People DO NOT or the of by the USA killing over 10,000 and ??

The world now knows Who the really are!

LLC does not support any country who is in the Funding of , AND against the 🇵🇸 Palestine's in Gaza

🩸 NOW! and STOP !

1. Static Page: GLOBAL ECONOMY set for its HALF of in 30 years, says

2. VIDEO: : IS ! You are competing AGAINST Governments and A by ! Bitcoin: Beyond The Bubble - Full Documentary


* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

🇱🇷 🏴‍☠️ 🇮🇱 GLOBAL ECONOMY set for its HALF of in 30 years, says..

News Flash! = USA Federal Reserve 🤑 📡 🛰️ GONE WILD --using AS a 🐍 🇮🇱 Promotional HUB?

💣 Basically -- as Snake Oil Salesmen! 💰

What did all the Financial promoted by 📰 in the last 7 years?? >> really YOU in ?

💰 💰 💰 5.1 in and Money Printing by the


🌊 .. SIMPLY SAID IS A 100% and Money Laundering Vehicle poisoned by the to begin with! The SAME CENTRAL BANKS reporting this are the SAME CROOKS who have Stolen your Grandchildren grandchildren's inheritance!

You all have been . This version of Bitcoin is not . In Order for Bitcoin to be Officially Recognized as a Cryptocurrency it MUST HAVE THE BELOW INGREDIENTS!

~ built on block chain technology SOLID , , and . Bitcoin is CENTRALIZED and DOES NOT OFFER 100% , , and (A BIGGY!)~ See Below for full definition that we published on in 2016. ( !??)

simply cannot compete with this technology.. ( !)

A has NOT been yet! FOLKS! grin.. ( !?)

OFFER: , and/or . It is Simply a Vehicle USED BY Central Banks and USA TREASURY dept. to all the by ISRAELI'S since 2007. Check Charts.. ALL CAN BE confirmed. Massive EVERYWHERE!!

STAY AWAY OR YOU WILL LOSE EVERYTHING! Do not intermingle your funds with STOLEN FUNDS. Remember Logically speaking. One Bad apple will Poison the entire barrel of good apples That's your money btw and the Goal>>THE END GAME! of these GREEDY Central Bank .

REAL Cryptocurrencies built on blockchain technology offers SOLID Security, PRIVACY, Decentralization and AUTONOMY. Banks simply cannot compete with this technology..

GOOD NEWS! Cryptocurrency NOT been YET FOLKS.

You all seem to have forgotten that cannot with this .. CALLED .

The Central Banks didn't though! They have been poisoning the well since 2007 this from 2016. See Below..


Allow us to explain see below..

from 2016 | As with anything to do with Currencie$ there are Downsides as well as Upside$.

On the upside the competition for is . The whole idea to crypto mining is for the to that each in the is . is used to confirm all transaction in each block multiple, multiple times.

This of each -which is also referred to as a .

that offer only -while our "Dollars" are picked at -until gone..

A transaction is NOT a payment. A CRYPTO transaction is a Program, which is referred to as the technology known as .

Its not the "payment" that is irreversible, its the DECENTRALIZED " that is Irreversible.
Transactions CANNOT be , (a big one) or .

built on block chain technology offers SOLID , , and .

simply cannot compete with this technology..

Side note: we are living in a global economy with ole school mentality --at the helm.. which has FAILED many times. Centralized systems have proved to be IRRESPONSIBLE WITH SUCH CONTROL AND POWER.

Give a man a Gun he will rob a bank, give a man a BANK he will ROB the World..

TASTINGTRAFFIC LLC tried to WARN ALL (SINCE 2007 24/7) but has all your ! facilitated by Israeli Jews behind the scenes. Has stolen your children's FUTURE!

Why do you think many other countries have joined !?

The USA Dollar cannot be AS A . We the People DO NOT or the of by the USA killing over 10,000 and ??

The world now knows Who the really are!

LLC does not support any country who is in the Funding of , AND against the 🇵🇸 Palestine's in Gaza

🩸 NOW! and STOP !

1. Static Page: GLOBAL ECONOMY set for its HALF of in 30 years, says

2. VIDEO: : IS ! You are competing AGAINST Governments and A by ! Bitcoin: Beyond The Bubble - Full Documentary


* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

📛 DISCLAIMER: The ✝️ EVER TO ! 👿 The of !

✝️ Was WHITE?! 👀 .

The 🇮🇱 Jewish RACE is its !

aka Native Indians ()

You are all 🇸🇦 in Reality -- Long COVERED UP!..

Your religious has Bc he was .

That's right BEN (Correct) Jesus WAS EXACTLY the same skin color as YOU! You are ! All .

Your people are -- . In fact, in reality you are and .

Take a look at my pic. You see I am white. This is what A WHITE person looks like!

Davidv.TV ®

Pure white Races are and/or But not Jews. are a mixed race. and why back in the day the your Friends were !

I saw it in elementary schools with my own eyes!

BTW my first wife was Black. Black Black! Not a prejudice bone in my body. just stating the FACTS.

Your country IS and you have just committed AGAINST !

Superior Race? Not even close. !THOU SHALL NOT KILL!

and btw the EVIL Jewish people that are residing on Gods Holy Land.

THEY have Desecrated GOD LANDS and GOD himself will not TOLERATE GENOCIDE on HIS LANDS.

HE WILL REMOVE ALL OF JEWS W/0 PREJUDICED and all all will be Replace with God Fearing Jews who honor, Love and respect lives of others.

Jesus was by the Jews plain and simple bc he was BLACK!

started at the OF Led by the GREEDY JEWS (Turning over tables remember in synagogue). So the the Jews could retain power, control and supremacy.

Jewish regime is from the PITS of HELL (Satan himself)



2. : the ... but is the ? How did Jesus,’ turn into the , that we’ve grown accustomed to ?

3. : How Became Widely as Being | Unpack That

4. : How Became Widely Accepted as Being White - ADAPTED by ex professionnal colorist Pierre Girard

📛 DISCLAIMER: We Don't Cover the News | We Cover the 'Way' the is ! 👿


* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

- THE + THE PROGRAM (FULL VERSION) They are doing anything and everything to Our and the .

~Everyone has fallen short of the Glory of ✝️ God and has THE !~ 🏹

📛 DISCLAIMER: We Don't Cover the News | We Cover the 'Way' the is ! 👿


* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

📛 DISCLAIMER: We Don't Cover the News | We Cover the 'Way' the is ! 👿

🥊 "Here is a " >> “IF I said I about 🇺🇸 , they'd have to THE . 'That’s what TOLD ME in 2016!??? aka EVIDENCE btw!”

👨‍⚖️ There is in the USA. The USA is NOW controlled by murderers and sexually immoral PERVERTS. (RUNNING OUR COUNTRY NO LESS) It would appear that Everyone thinks they are not just the 🇮🇱 JEWS. Last time we check all blood is still RED! 🩸

All we see is . for or Business! in Business OR as a human Being!!

💩 All disgusting people not fit for humanity! Your 💉 HAS LEAD THIS COUNTRY TO ITS !

DavidV: Democracy has been BY since THE 'S! REMOVE all from our history books. Especially WHO HAS EVERY ELECTION HE HAS : #1 . We have been recording all activities of the CROOK SINCE 2016!

~AN ~

or ? Worked For Won’t Go Away | by AND OTHER SEX OFFENDERS OF A MINOR | Not So Virgin Anymore. The Vile Nastiness, the JEWISH Deceit, the Lies, The , the JEWISH , | , Underage of including and and in the Virgin Islands SINCE??

1 day ago
, (DAVID V >> REVOLVING DOOR A >> ALL SHOULD BE ), Policy Exchange, and . What hope is there for ?

2 days ago: !
Side note : The last person in contact with right his was a man named , a for and the of , the of

59 previously sealed court documents
relating to Jeffrey Epstein
have been the documents have
been highly anticipated after a
ordered them to be in December
and they a number of Epstein's
Associates mostly the hundreds of
pages released relate to a 2015
defamation case bought by

YouTube Comments:

“When exposing a is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by .” — Edward Snowden

2 days ago
The look on 's face when asked about being an intelligence asset said it all 🤣

2 days ago
is a terrible , it would be comical if it weren’t so . No one is more self-righteously defensive and offended than a who’s been accused of something they definitely did. He’s owned by Kim Iversen did an excellent job here.

1 day ago
Israel is blackmailing most western politicians

2 days ago
Just by that attempt to attention to HAMAS, seems like is as .

2 days ago
is a truly individual.

2 days ago
Leave it to the to somehow for what "Hamas is doing."

As as he's ever been. The fact that someone like him is a prominent lawyer says everything you need to know about the US legal system and in general.

2 days ago
You don't see this on mainstream media. Thank you for showing the truth!

1 day ago
It is frightening to even surmise that a tiny country like Israel may own all the power in the US that matters. It certainly helps to understand why Biden and Trump are turning a blind eye to what Israel is doing in Gaza.

Dershowitz is using the card 😂.

2 days ago (edited)
If you ever feel inferior that you didn't go to Ivy League schools, remember that Alan Dershowitz was a professor at Harvard, Trump went to Penn University, and George W. Bush went to Yale University.

All need to be HUNG by their NECKS until Pronounced DEAD!

BELOW IS Election was >> STARTED in 2016 and WE (TASTINGTRAFFIC LLC) ENDED IT through LEGAL MEANS (SEO) IN 2021! WE HAVE MASSIVE OF . Starting with the below!

The Behind | >> >> >> >> >> >> >>ILLEGAL TRUMP ELECTION | ? | MASS DATABASE Of ??

A Company that sparks controversy wherever it appears | Between the massive DATA LEAKS at and the impact the company has had on the and 's ; Today you would be hard pressed not to have NOT heard of Cambridge Analytica.

And yet despite all the recent Media Coverage of the Company has remained Surprisingly from the .

The Man who is at the of the infamous organization barely gets at all: (ENGLAND)

You see the (City of London) The heart of ! Will all be FOR !

Promise! Not on Purpose but by design!!;)..

📽️ VIDEO 1: Rumors' Jeffrey Epstein Worked For Israel Won’t Go Away

📽️ VIDEO 2: The Behind

📛 DISCLAIMER: We Don't Cover the News | We Cover the 'Way' the is ! 👿


* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101)

- THE + THE PROGRAM (FULL VERSION) They are doing anything and everything to Our and the .

~Everyone has fallen short of the Glory of ✝️ God and has THE !~ 🏹

📛 DISCLAIMER: We Don't Cover the News | We Cover the 'Way' the is ! 👿


* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

📛 DISCLAIMER: The ✝️ EVER TO ! 👿 The of !

✝️ Was WHITE?! 👀 .

The 🇮🇱 Jewish RACE is its !

aka Native Indians ()

You are all 🇸🇦 in Reality -- Long COVERED UP!..

Your religious has Bc he was .

That's right BEN (Correct) Jesus WAS EXACTLY the same skin color as YOU! You are ! All .

Your people are -- . In fact, in reality you are and .

Take a look at my pic. You see I am white. This is what A WHITE person looks like!

Davidv.TV ®

Pure white Races are and/or But not Jews. are a mixed race. and why back in the day the your Friends were !

I saw it in elementary schools with my own eyes!

BTW my first wife was Black. Black Black! Not a prejudice bone in my body. just stating the FACTS.

Your country IS and you have just committed AGAINST !

Superior Race? Not even close. !THOU SHALL NOT KILL!

and btw the EVIL Jewish people that are residing on Gods Holy Land.

THEY have Desecrated GOD LANDS and GOD himself will not TOLERATE GENOCIDE on HIS LANDS.

HE WILL REMOVE ALL OF JEWS W/0 PREJUDICED and all all will be Replace with God Fearing Jews who honor, Love and respect lives of others.

Jesus was by the Jews plain and simple bc he was BLACK!

started at the OF Led by the GREEDY JEWS (Turning over tables remember in synagogue). So the the Jews could retain power, control and supremacy.

Jewish regime is from the PITS of HELL (Satan himself)



2. : the ... but is the ? How did Jesus,’ turn into the , that we’ve grown accustomed to ?

3. : How Became Widely as Being | Unpack That

4. : How Became Widely Accepted as Being White - ADAPTED by ex professionnal colorist Pierre Girard

📛 DISCLAIMER: We Don't Cover the News | We Cover the 'Way' the is ! 👿


* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

📛 DISCLAIMER: We Don't Cover the News | We Cover the 'Way' the is ! 👿

! 🍷 LLC has the and it’s content behind the scenes! TEAM!! 🍾

~ 🔍 Founder of ( ) since 1999~

🏴‍☠️ , ☠️ | , Online , Traditional NEWS, 🔥 , ALL HAVE 🦂 and their own data?? --ALL now are considered and .

tried to corner all Ecommerce and Advertising markets out of 🦂 ! BUT INSTEAD THE ELITES THEMSELVES >> BACK IN TIME >> 25 YEARS!

🔫 AKA shot themselves in their own foot!

🔍 That's right Folks BIG TECH with all its FOR the last 7 years has just Destroyed their OWN MAJOR SEARCH ENGINES worldwide through the use of Chatgpt/Openai.

Via .


TastingTraffic LLC did it again. In fact we told you how we took down Google 2 times. See attached story attached; a prerequisite.

Remember? We took down ? But these INEPT LOSERS on chatgpt AKA copyright infringement and now they have POISONED all their OWN data AND AS --rendering all chatgpt searches 100% . MASSIVELY . ( AVAILED US !;)

BIG TECH is MASSIVELY spitting out OUR message NOT YOURS:)! AKA :) We basically took ALL the CANDY away from the again..

i KNOW i KNOW .. We are such .. .

And we enjoyed it!

In fact, the OF THAT Brain-dead BIG TECH (aka a money Laundering Vehicle through Bitcoin | As well ( by owned ) SELLING your DATA 4 resale)


Play with Fire and you just got burnt! You have no clue what you are doing. AND this is not Las Vegas btw!! (cut my teeth on the Vegas strip back in the day;).

, How CAN WE CONFIRM the above? Here is one example out of millions. The term has not been used since 1980's >> Now its everywhere;)

aka proof!

With millions of postings and billion of images we control the dialog and advertising 'behind the scenes' and will continue to do so.. WITH NOT LIES!

As Founder of SEO since 1999 and a in we drip fed millions of sayings from the 80's that have been . Some of these keywords have NOT been USED in over 25 years.

has been ;)

All software code that , , , , , ETC., ETC., is all kindergarten play and is Software Code! (all built overseas coders with zero supervision).

..VIA A of ; but mostly stolen open source code…

and turned into !

~aka ????~.

ALL , (IP THEFT) and BRAINLESS and of the and the AND AND for the last 2 .

~BUT ~.

See attached Commercials just this morning and you can confirm the if you have a !?

Aka RE-BRANDING AND OVER THE LAST 25 YEARS! Now and . (aka availed us !)

Think BIC Lighter NOW >> PEOPLE?!

Mainstream News, Online NEWS, Traditional TV NEWS, , SOCIAL NETWORKS etc. etc. have intermingled this language rendering all Definitions USELESS exposing the CHERRIES to the Top ( #GENIUS) and the ONES!



📛 DISCLAIMER: We Don't Cover the News | We Cover the 'Way' the is ! 👿


* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

📛 DISCLAIMER: We Don't Cover the News | We Cover the 'Way' the is ! 👿

🥊 "Here is a " >> “IF I said I about 🇺🇸 , they'd have to THE . 'That’s what TOLD ME in 2016!??? aka EVIDENCE btw!”

👨‍⚖️ There is in the USA. The USA is NOW controlled by murderers and sexually immoral PERVERTS. (RUNNING OUR COUNTRY NO LESS) It would appear that Everyone thinks they are not just the 🇮🇱 JEWS. Last time we check all blood is still RED! 🩸

All we see is . for or Business! in Business OR as a human Being!!

💩 All disgusting people not fit for humanity! Your 💉 HAS LEAD THIS COUNTRY TO ITS !

DavidV: Democracy has been BY since THE 'S! REMOVE all from our history books. Especially WHO HAS EVERY ELECTION HE HAS : #1 . We have been recording all activities of the CROOK SINCE 2016!

~AN ~

or ? Worked For Won’t Go Away | by AND OTHER SEX OFFENDERS OF A MINOR | Not So Virgin Anymore. The Vile Nastiness, the JEWISH Deceit, the Lies, The , the JEWISH , | , Underage of including and and in the Virgin Islands SINCE??

1 day ago
, (DAVID V >> REVOLVING DOOR A >> ALL SHOULD BE ), Policy Exchange, and . What hope is there for ?

2 days ago: !
Side note : The last person in contact with right his was a man named , a for and the of , the of

59 previously sealed court documents
relating to Jeffrey Epstein
have been the documents have
been highly anticipated after a
ordered them to be in December
and they a number of Epstein's
Associates mostly the hundreds of
pages released relate to a 2015
defamation case bought by

YouTube Comments:

“When exposing a is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by .” — Edward Snowden

2 days ago
The look on 's face when asked about being an intelligence asset said it all 🤣

2 days ago
is a terrible , it would be comical if it weren’t so . No one is more self-righteously defensive and offended than a who’s been accused of something they definitely did. He’s owned by Kim Iversen did an excellent job here.

1 day ago
Israel is blackmailing most western politicians

2 days ago
Just by that attempt to attention to HAMAS, seems like is as .

2 days ago
is a truly individual.

2 days ago
Leave it to the to somehow for what "Hamas is doing."

As as he's ever been. The fact that someone like him is a prominent lawyer says everything you need to know about the US legal system and in general.

2 days ago
You don't see this on mainstream media. Thank you for showing the truth!

1 day ago
It is frightening to even surmise that a tiny country like Israel may own all the power in the US that matters. It certainly helps to understand why Biden and Trump are turning a blind eye to what Israel is doing in Gaza.

Dershowitz is using the card 😂.

2 days ago (edited)
If you ever feel inferior that you didn't go to Ivy League schools, remember that Alan Dershowitz was a professor at Harvard, Trump went to Penn University, and George W. Bush went to Yale University.

All need to be HUNG by their NECKS until Pronounced DEAD!

BELOW IS Election was >> STARTED in 2016 and WE (TASTINGTRAFFIC LLC) ENDED IT through LEGAL MEANS (SEO) IN 2021! WE HAVE MASSIVE OF . Starting with the below!

The Behind | >> >> >> >> >> >> >>ILLEGAL TRUMP ELECTION | ? | MASS DATABASE Of ??

A Company that sparks controversy wherever it appears | Between the massive DATA LEAKS at and the impact the company has had on the and 's ; Today you would be hard pressed not to have NOT heard of Cambridge Analytica.

And yet despite all the recent Media Coverage of the Company has remained Surprisingly from the .

The Man who is at the of the infamous organization barely gets at all: (ENGLAND)

You see the (City of London) The heart of ! Will all be FOR !

Promise! Not on Purpose but by design!!;)..

📽️ VIDEO 1: Rumors' Jeffrey Epstein Worked For Israel Won’t Go Away

📽️ VIDEO 2: The Behind

📛 DISCLAIMER: We Don't Cover the News | We Cover the 'Way' the is ! 👿


* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101)

📛 DISCLAIMER: The ✝️ EVER TO ! 👿 The of !

✝️ Was WHITE?! 👀 .

The 🇮🇱 Jewish RACE is its !

aka Native Indians ()

You are all 🇸🇦 in Reality -- Long COVERED UP!..

Your religious has Bc he was .

That's right BEN (Correct) Jesus WAS EXACTLY the same skin color as YOU! You are ! All .

Your people are -- . In fact, in reality you are and .

Take a look at my pic. You see I am white. This is what A WHITE person looks like!

Davidv.TV ®

Pure white Races are and/or But not Jews. are a mixed race. and why back in the day the your Friends were !

I saw it in elementary schools with my own eyes!

BTW my first wife was Black. Black Black! Not a prejudice bone in my body. just stating the FACTS.

Your country IS and you have just committed AGAINST !

Superior Race? Not even close. !THOU SHALL NOT KILL!

and btw the EVIL Jewish people that are residing on Gods Holy Land.

THEY have Desecrated GOD LANDS and GOD himself will not TOLERATE GENOCIDE on HIS LANDS.

HE WILL REMOVE ALL OF JEWS W/0 PREJUDICED and all all will be Replace with God Fearing Jews who honor, Love and respect lives of others.

Jesus was by the Jews plain and simple bc he was BLACK!

started at the OF Led by the GREEDY JEWS (Turning over tables remember in synagogue). So the the Jews could retain power, control and supremacy.

Jewish regime is from the PITS of HELL (Satan himself)



2. : the ... but is the ? How did Jesus,’ turn into the , that we’ve grown accustomed to ?

3. : How Became Widely as Being | Unpack That

4. : How Became Widely Accepted as Being White - ADAPTED by ex professionnal colorist Pierre Girard

📛 DISCLAIMER: We Don't Cover the News | We Cover the 'Way' the is ! 👿


* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

📛 DISCLAIMER: The ✝️ EVER TO ! 👿 The of !

✝️ Was WHITE?! 👀 .

The 🇮🇱 Jewish RACE is its !

aka Native Indians ()

You are all 🇸🇦 in Reality -- Long COVERED UP!..

Your religious has Bc he was .

That's right BEN (Correct) Jesus WAS EXACTLY the same skin color as YOU! You are ! All .

Your people are -- . In fact, in reality you are and .

Take a look at my pic. You see I am white. This is what A WHITE person looks like!

Davidv.TV ®

Pure white Races are and/or But not Jews. are a mixed race. and why back in the day the your Friends were !

I saw it in elementary schools with my own eyes!

BTW my first wife was Black. Black Black! Not a prejudice bone in my body. just stating the FACTS.

Your country IS and you have just committed AGAINST !

Superior Race? Not even close. !THOU SHALL NOT KILL!

and btw the EVIL Jewish people that are residing on Gods Holy Land.

THEY have Desecrated GOD LANDS and GOD himself will not TOLERATE GENOCIDE on HIS LANDS.

HE WILL REMOVE ALL OF JEWS W/0 PREJUDICED and all all will be Replace with God Fearing Jews who honor, Love and respect lives of others.

Jesus was by the Jews plain and simple bc he was BLACK!

started at the OF Led by the GREEDY JEWS (Turning over tables remember in synagogue). So the the Jews could retain power, control and supremacy.

Jewish regime is from the PITS of HELL (Satan himself)



2. : the ... but is the ? How did Jesus,’ turn into the , that we’ve grown accustomed to ?

3. : How Became Widely as Being | Unpack That

4. : How Became Widely Accepted as Being White - ADAPTED by ex professionnal colorist Pierre Girard

📛 DISCLAIMER: We Don't Cover the News | We Cover the 'Way' the is ! 👿


* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

📛 DISCLAIMER: The ✝️ EVER TO ! 👿 The of !

✝️ Was WHITE?! 👀 .

The 🇮🇱 Jewish RACE is its !

aka Native Indians ()

You are all 🇸🇦 in Reality -- Long COVERED UP!..

Your religious has Bc he was .

That's right BEN (Correct) Jesus WAS EXACTLY the same skin color as YOU! You are ! All .

Your people are -- . In fact, in reality you are and .

Take a look at my pic. You see I am white. This is what A WHITE person looks like!

Davidv.TV ®

Pure white Races are and/or But not Jews. are a mixed race. and why back in the day the your Friends were !

I saw it in elementary schools with my own eyes!

BTW my first wife was Black. Black Black! Not a prejudice bone in my body. just stating the FACTS.

Your country IS and you have just committed AGAINST !

Superior Race? Not even close. !THOU SHALL NOT KILL!

and btw the EVIL Jewish people that are residing on Gods Holy Land.

THEY have Desecrated GOD LANDS and GOD himself will not TOLERATE GENOCIDE on HIS LANDS.

HE WILL REMOVE ALL OF JEWS W/0 PREJUDICED and all all will be Replace with God Fearing Jews who honor, Love and respect lives of others.

Jesus was by the Jews plain and simple bc he was BLACK!

started at the OF Led by the GREEDY JEWS (Turning over tables remember in synagogue). So the the Jews could retain power, control and supremacy.

Jewish regime is from the PITS of HELL (Satan himself)



2. : the ... but is the ? How did Jesus,’ turn into the , that we’ve grown accustomed to ?

3. : How Became Widely as Being | Unpack That

4. : How Became Widely Accepted as Being White - ADAPTED by ex professionnal colorist Pierre Girard

📛 DISCLAIMER: We Don't Cover the News | We Cover the 'Way' the is ! 👿


* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

📛 DISCLAIMER: We Don't Cover the News | We Cover the 'Way' the is ! 👿

🥊 "Here is a " >> “IF I said I about 🇺🇸 , they'd have to THE . 'That’s what TOLD ME in 2016!??? aka EVIDENCE btw!”

👨‍⚖️ There is in the USA. The USA is NOW controlled by murderers and sexually immoral PERVERTS. (RUNNING OUR COUNTRY NO LESS) It would appear that Everyone thinks they are not just the 🇮🇱 JEWS. Last time we check all blood is still RED! 🩸

All we see is . for or Business! in Business OR as a human Being!!

💩 All disgusting people not fit for humanity! Your 💉 HAS LEAD THIS COUNTRY TO ITS !

DavidV: Democracy has been BY since THE 'S! REMOVE all from our history books. Especially WHO HAS EVERY ELECTION HE HAS : #1 . We have been recording all activities of the CROOK SINCE 2016!

~AN ~

or ? Worked For Won’t Go Away | by AND OTHER SEX OFFENDERS OF A MINOR | Not So Virgin Anymore. The Vile Nastiness, the JEWISH Deceit, the Lies, The , the JEWISH , | , Underage of including and and in the Virgin Islands SINCE??

1 day ago
, (DAVID V >> REVOLVING DOOR A >> ALL SHOULD BE ), Policy Exchange, and . What hope is there for ?

2 days ago: !
Side note : The last person in contact with right his was a man named , a for and the of , the of

59 previously sealed court documents
relating to Jeffrey Epstein
have been the documents have
been highly anticipated after a
ordered them to be in December
and they a number of Epstein's
Associates mostly the hundreds of
pages released relate to a 2015
defamation case bought by

YouTube Comments:

“When exposing a is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by .” — Edward Snowden

2 days ago
The look on 's face when asked about being an intelligence asset said it all 🤣

2 days ago
is a terrible , it would be comical if it weren’t so . No one is more self-righteously defensive and offended than a who’s been accused of something they definitely did. He’s owned by Kim Iversen did an excellent job here.

1 day ago
Israel is blackmailing most western politicians

2 days ago
Just by that attempt to attention to HAMAS, seems like is as .

2 days ago
is a truly individual.

2 days ago
Leave it to the to somehow for what "Hamas is doing."

As as he's ever been. The fact that someone like him is a prominent lawyer says everything you need to know about the US legal system and in general.

2 days ago
You don't see this on mainstream media. Thank you for showing the truth!

1 day ago
It is frightening to even surmise that a tiny country like Israel may own all the power in the US that matters. It certainly helps to understand why Biden and Trump are turning a blind eye to what Israel is doing in Gaza.

Dershowitz is using the card 😂.

2 days ago (edited)
If you ever feel inferior that you didn't go to Ivy League schools, remember that Alan Dershowitz was a professor at Harvard, Trump went to Penn University, and George W. Bush went to Yale University.

All need to be HUNG by their NECKS until Pronounced DEAD!

BELOW IS Election was >> STARTED in 2016 and WE (TASTINGTRAFFIC LLC) ENDED IT through LEGAL MEANS (SEO) IN 2021! WE HAVE MASSIVE OF . Starting with the below!

The Behind | >> >> >> >> >> >> >>ILLEGAL TRUMP ELECTION | ? | MASS DATABASE Of ??

A Company that sparks controversy wherever it appears | Between the massive DATA LEAKS at and the impact the company has had on the and 's ; Today you would be hard pressed not to have NOT heard of Cambridge Analytica.

And yet despite all the recent Media Coverage of the Company has remained Surprisingly from the .

The Man who is at the of the infamous organization barely gets at all: (ENGLAND)

You see the (City of London) The heart of ! Will all be FOR !

Promise! Not on Purpose but by design!!;)..

📽️ VIDEO 1: Rumors' Jeffrey Epstein Worked For Israel Won’t Go Away

📽️ VIDEO 2: The Behind

📛 DISCLAIMER: We Don't Cover the News | We Cover the 'Way' the is ! 👿


* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101)

📛 DISCLAIMER: We Don't Cover the News | We Cover the 'Way' the is ! 👿

🥊 "Here is a " >> “IF I said I about 🇺🇸 , they'd have to THE . 'That’s what TOLD ME in 2016!??? aka EVIDENCE btw!”

👨‍⚖️ There is in the USA. The USA is NOW controlled by murderers and sexually immoral PERVERTS. (RUNNING OUR COUNTRY NO LESS) It would appear that Everyone thinks they are not just the 🇮🇱 JEWS. Last time we check all blood is still RED! 🩸

All we see is . for or Business! in Business OR as a human Being!!

💩 All disgusting people not fit for humanity! Your 💉 HAS LEAD THIS COUNTRY TO ITS !

DavidV: Democracy has been BY since THE 'S! REMOVE all from our history books. Especially WHO HAS EVERY ELECTION HE HAS : #1 . We have been recording all activities of the CROOK SINCE 2016!

~AN ~

or ? Worked For Won’t Go Away | by AND OTHER SEX OFFENDERS OF A MINOR | Not So Virgin Anymore. The Vile Nastiness, the JEWISH Deceit, the Lies, The , the JEWISH , | , Underage of including and and in the Virgin Islands SINCE??

1 day ago
, (DAVID V >> REVOLVING DOOR A >> ALL SHOULD BE ), Policy Exchange, and . What hope is there for ?

2 days ago: !
Side note : The last person in contact with right his was a man named , a for and the of , the of

59 previously sealed court documents
relating to Jeffrey Epstein
have been the documents have
been highly anticipated after a
ordered them to be in December
and they a number of Epstein's
Associates mostly the hundreds of
pages released relate to a 2015
defamation case bought by

YouTube Comments:

“When exposing a is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by .” — Edward Snowden

2 days ago
The look on 's face when asked about being an intelligence asset said it all 🤣

2 days ago
is a terrible , it would be comical if it weren’t so . No one is more self-righteously defensive and offended than a who’s been accused of something they definitely did. He’s owned by Kim Iversen did an excellent job here.

1 day ago
Israel is blackmailing most western politicians

2 days ago
Just by that attempt to attention to HAMAS, seems like is as .

2 days ago
is a truly individual.

2 days ago
Leave it to the to somehow for what "Hamas is doing."

As as he's ever been. The fact that someone like him is a prominent lawyer says everything you need to know about the US legal system and in general.

2 days ago
You don't see this on mainstream media. Thank you for showing the truth!

1 day ago
It is frightening to even surmise that a tiny country like Israel may own all the power in the US that matters. It certainly helps to understand why Biden and Trump are turning a blind eye to what Israel is doing in Gaza.

Dershowitz is using the card 😂.

2 days ago (edited)
If you ever feel inferior that you didn't go to Ivy League schools, remember that Alan Dershowitz was a professor at Harvard, Trump went to Penn University, and George W. Bush went to Yale University.

All need to be HUNG by their NECKS until Pronounced DEAD!

BELOW IS Election was >> STARTED in 2016 and WE (TASTINGTRAFFIC LLC) ENDED IT through LEGAL MEANS (SEO) IN 2021! WE HAVE MASSIVE OF . Starting with the below!

The Behind | >> >> >> >> >> >> >>ILLEGAL TRUMP ELECTION | ? | MASS DATABASE Of ??

A Company that sparks controversy wherever it appears | Between the massive DATA LEAKS at and the impact the company has had on the and 's ; Today you would be hard pressed not to have NOT heard of Cambridge Analytica.

And yet despite all the recent Media Coverage of the Company has remained Surprisingly from the .

The Man who is at the of the infamous organization barely gets at all: (ENGLAND)

You see the (City of London) The heart of ! Will all be FOR !

Promise! Not on Purpose but by design!!;)..

📽️ VIDEO 1: Rumors' Jeffrey Epstein Worked For Israel Won’t Go Away

📽️ VIDEO 2: The Behind

📛 DISCLAIMER: We Don't Cover the News | We Cover the 'Way' the is ! 👿


* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101)

📛 DISCLAIMER: We Don't Cover the News | We Cover the 'Way' the is ! 👿

🥊 "Here is a " >> “IF I said I about 🇺🇸 , they'd have to THE . 'That’s what TOLD ME in 2016!??? aka EVIDENCE btw!”

👨‍⚖️ There is in the USA. The USA is NOW controlled by murderers and sexually immoral PERVERTS. (RUNNING OUR COUNTRY NO LESS) It would appear that Everyone thinks they are not just the 🇮🇱 JEWS. Last time we check all blood is still RED! 🩸

All we see is . for or Business! in Business OR as a human Being!!

💩 All disgusting people not fit for humanity! Your 💉 HAS LEAD THIS COUNTRY TO ITS !

DavidV: Democracy has been BY since THE 'S! REMOVE all from our history books. Especially WHO HAS EVERY ELECTION HE HAS : #1 . We have been recording all activities of the CROOK SINCE 2016!

~AN ~

or ? Worked For Won’t Go Away | by AND OTHER SEX OFFENDERS OF A MINOR | Not So Virgin Anymore. The Vile Nastiness, the JEWISH Deceit, the Lies, The , the JEWISH , | , Underage of including and and in the Virgin Islands SINCE??

1 day ago
, (DAVID V >> REVOLVING DOOR A >> ALL SHOULD BE ), Policy Exchange, and . What hope is there for ?

2 days ago: !
Side note : The last person in contact with right his was a man named , a for and the of , the of

59 previously sealed court documents
relating to Jeffrey Epstein
have been the documents have
been highly anticipated after a
ordered them to be in December
and they a number of Epstein's
Associates mostly the hundreds of
pages released relate to a 2015
defamation case bought by

YouTube Comments:

“When exposing a is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by .” — Edward Snowden

2 days ago
The look on 's face when asked about being an intelligence asset said it all 🤣

2 days ago
is a terrible , it would be comical if it weren’t so . No one is more self-righteously defensive and offended than a who’s been accused of something they definitely did. He’s owned by Kim Iversen did an excellent job here.

1 day ago
Israel is blackmailing most western politicians

2 days ago
Just by that attempt to attention to HAMAS, seems like is as .

2 days ago
is a truly individual.

2 days ago
Leave it to the to somehow for what "Hamas is doing."

As as he's ever been. The fact that someone like him is a prominent lawyer says everything you need to know about the US legal system and in general.

2 days ago
You don't see this on mainstream media. Thank you for showing the truth!

1 day ago
It is frightening to even surmise that a tiny country like Israel may own all the power in the US that matters. It certainly helps to understand why Biden and Trump are turning a blind eye to what Israel is doing in Gaza.

Dershowitz is using the card 😂.

2 days ago (edited)
If you ever feel inferior that you didn't go to Ivy League schools, remember that Alan Dershowitz was a professor at Harvard, Trump went to Penn University, and George W. Bush went to Yale University.

All need to be HUNG by their NECKS until Pronounced DEAD!

BELOW IS Election was >> STARTED in 2016 and WE (TASTINGTRAFFIC LLC) ENDED IT through LEGAL MEANS (SEO) IN 2021! WE HAVE MASSIVE OF . Starting with the below!

The Behind | >> >> >> >> >> >> >>ILLEGAL TRUMP ELECTION | ? | MASS DATABASE Of ??

A Company that sparks controversy wherever it appears | Between the massive DATA LEAKS at and the impact the company has had on the and 's ; Today you would be hard pressed not to have NOT heard of Cambridge Analytica.

And yet despite all the recent Media Coverage of the Company has remained Surprisingly from the .

The Man who is at the of the infamous organization barely gets at all: (ENGLAND)

You see the (City of London) The heart of ! Will all be FOR !

Promise! Not on Purpose but by design!!;)..

📽️ VIDEO 1: Rumors' Jeffrey Epstein Worked For Israel Won’t Go Away

📽️ VIDEO 2: The Behind

📛 DISCLAIMER: We Don't Cover the News | We Cover the 'Way' the is ! 👿


* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101)

📛 DISCLAIMER: We Don't Cover the News | We Cover the 'Way' the is ! 👿

🥊 "Here is a " >> “IF I said I about 🇺🇸 , they'd have to THE . 'That’s what TOLD ME in 2016!??? aka EVIDENCE btw!”

👨‍⚖️ There is in the USA. The USA is NOW controlled by murderers and sexually immoral PERVERTS. (RUNNING OUR COUNTRY NO LESS) It would appear that Everyone thinks they are not just the 🇮🇱 JEWS. Last time we check all blood is still RED! 🩸

All we see is . for or Business! in Business OR as a human Being!!

💩 All disgusting people not fit for humanity! Your 💉 HAS LEAD THIS COUNTRY TO ITS !

DavidV: Democracy has been BY since THE 'S! REMOVE all from our history books. Especially WHO HAS EVERY ELECTION HE HAS : #1 . We have been recording all activities of the CROOK SINCE 2016!

~AN ~

or ? Worked For Won’t Go Away | by AND OTHER SEX OFFENDERS OF A MINOR | Not So Virgin Anymore. The Vile Nastiness, the JEWISH Deceit, the Lies, The , the JEWISH , | , Underage of including and and in the Virgin Islands SINCE??

1 day ago
, (DAVID V >> REVOLVING DOOR A >> ALL SHOULD BE ), Policy Exchange, and . What hope is there for ?

2 days ago: !
Side note : The last person in contact with right his was a man named , a for and the of , the of

59 previously sealed court documents
relating to Jeffrey Epstein
have been the documents have
been highly anticipated after a
ordered them to be in December
and they a number of Epstein's
Associates mostly the hundreds of
pages released relate to a 2015
defamation case bought by

YouTube Comments:

“When exposing a is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by .” — Edward Snowden

2 days ago
The look on 's face when asked about being an intelligence asset said it all 🤣

2 days ago
is a terrible , it would be comical if it weren’t so . No one is more self-righteously defensive and offended than a who’s been accused of something they definitely did. He’s owned by Kim Iversen did an excellent job here.

1 day ago
Israel is blackmailing most western politicians

2 days ago
Just by that attempt to attention to HAMAS, seems like is as .

2 days ago
is a truly individual.

2 days ago
Leave it to the to somehow for what "Hamas is doing."

As as he's ever been. The fact that someone like him is a prominent lawyer says everything you need to know about the US legal system and in general.

2 days ago
You don't see this on mainstream media. Thank you for showing the truth!

1 day ago
It is frightening to even surmise that a tiny country like Israel may own all the power in the US that matters. It certainly helps to understand why Biden and Trump are turning a blind eye to what Israel is doing in Gaza.

Dershowitz is using the card 😂.

2 days ago (edited)
If you ever feel inferior that you didn't go to Ivy League schools, remember that Alan Dershowitz was a professor at Harvard, Trump went to Penn University, and George W. Bush went to Yale University.

All need to be HUNG by their NECKS until Pronounced DEAD!

BELOW IS Election was >> STARTED in 2016 and WE (TASTINGTRAFFIC LLC) ENDED IT through LEGAL MEANS (SEO) IN 2021! WE HAVE MASSIVE OF . Starting with the below!

The Behind | >> >> >> >> >> >> >>ILLEGAL TRUMP ELECTION | ? | MASS DATABASE Of ??

A Company that sparks controversy wherever it appears | Between the massive DATA LEAKS at and the impact the company has had on the and 's ; Today you would be hard pressed not to have NOT heard of Cambridge Analytica.

And yet despite all the recent Media Coverage of the Company has remained Surprisingly from the .

The Man who is at the of the infamous organization barely gets at all: (ENGLAND)

You see the (City of London) The heart of ! Will all be FOR !

Promise! Not on Purpose but by design!!;)..

📽️ VIDEO 1: Rumors' Jeffrey Epstein Worked For Israel Won’t Go Away

📽️ VIDEO 2: The Behind

📛 DISCLAIMER: We Don't Cover the News | We Cover the 'Way' the is ! 👿


* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101)

📛 DISCLAIMER: We Don't Cover the News | We Cover the 'Way' the is ! 👿

🥊 "Here is a " >> “IF I said I about 🇺🇸 , they'd have to THE . 'That’s what TOLD ME in 2016!??? aka EVIDENCE btw!”

👨‍⚖️ There is in the USA. The USA is NOW controlled by murderers and sexually immoral PERVERTS. (RUNNING OUR COUNTRY NO LESS) It would appear that Everyone thinks they are not just the 🇮🇱 JEWS. Last time we check all blood is still RED! 🩸

All we see is . for or Business! in Business OR as a human Being!!

💩 All disgusting people not fit for humanity! Your 💉 HAS LEAD THIS COUNTRY TO ITS !

DavidV: Democracy has been BY since THE 'S! REMOVE all from our history books. Especially WHO HAS EVERY ELECTION HE HAS : #1 . We have been recording all activities of the CROOK SINCE 2016!

~AN ~

or ? Worked For Won’t Go Away | by AND OTHER SEX OFFENDERS OF A MINOR | Not So Virgin Anymore. The Vile Nastiness, the JEWISH Deceit, the Lies, The , the JEWISH , | , Underage of including and and in the Virgin Islands SINCE??

1 day ago
, (DAVID V >> REVOLVING DOOR A >> ALL SHOULD BE ), Policy Exchange, and . What hope is there for ?

2 days ago: !
Side note : The last person in contact with right his was a man named , a for and the of , the of

59 previously sealed court documents
relating to Jeffrey Epstein
have been the documents have
been highly anticipated after a
ordered them to be in December
and they a number of Epstein's
Associates mostly the hundreds of
pages released relate to a 2015
defamation case bought by

YouTube Comments:

“When exposing a is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by .” — Edward Snowden

2 days ago
The look on 's face when asked about being an intelligence asset said it all 🤣

2 days ago
is a terrible , it would be comical if it weren’t so . No one is more self-righteously defensive and offended than a who’s been accused of something they definitely did. He’s owned by Kim Iversen did an excellent job here.

1 day ago
Israel is blackmailing most western politicians

2 days ago
Just by that attempt to attention to HAMAS, seems like is as .

2 days ago
is a truly individual.

2 days ago
Leave it to the to somehow for what "Hamas is doing."

As as he's ever been. The fact that someone like him is a prominent lawyer says everything you need to know about the US legal system and in general.

2 days ago
You don't see this on mainstream media. Thank you for showing the truth!

1 day ago
It is frightening to even surmise that a tiny country like Israel may own all the power in the US that matters. It certainly helps to understand why Biden and Trump are turning a blind eye to what Israel is doing in Gaza.

Dershowitz is using the card 😂.

2 days ago (edited)
If you ever feel inferior that you didn't go to Ivy League schools, remember that Alan Dershowitz was a professor at Harvard, Trump went to Penn University, and George W. Bush went to Yale University.

All need to be HUNG by their NECKS until Pronounced DEAD!

BELOW IS Election was >> STARTED in 2016 and WE (TASTINGTRAFFIC LLC) ENDED IT through LEGAL MEANS (SEO) IN 2021! WE HAVE MASSIVE OF . Starting with the below!

The Behind | >> >> >> >> >> >> >>ILLEGAL TRUMP ELECTION | ? | MASS DATABASE Of ??

A Company that sparks controversy wherever it appears | Between the massive DATA LEAKS at and the impact the company has had on the and 's ; Today you would be hard pressed not to have NOT heard of Cambridge Analytica.

And yet despite all the recent Media Coverage of the Company has remained Surprisingly from the .

The Man who is at the of the infamous organization barely gets at all: (ENGLAND)

You see the (City of London) The heart of ! Will all be FOR !

Promise! Not on Purpose but by design!!;)..

📽️ VIDEO 1: Rumors' Jeffrey Epstein Worked For Israel Won’t Go Away

📽️ VIDEO 2: The Behind

📛 DISCLAIMER: We Don't Cover the News | We Cover the 'Way' the is ! 👿


* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101)

📛 DISCLAIMER: We Don't Cover the News | We Cover the 'Way' the is ! 👿

🥊 "Here is a " >> “IF I said I about 🇺🇸 , they'd have to THE . 'That’s what TOLD ME in 2016!??? aka EVIDENCE btw!”

👨‍⚖️ There is in the USA. The USA is NOW controlled by murderers and sexually immoral PERVERTS. (RUNNING OUR COUNTRY NO LESS) It would appear that Everyone thinks they are not just the 🇮🇱 JEWS. Last time we check all blood is still RED! 🩸

All we see is . for or Business! in Business OR as a human Being!!

💩 All disgusting people not fit for humanity! Your 💉 HAS LEAD THIS COUNTRY TO ITS !

DavidV: Democracy has been BY since THE 'S! REMOVE all from our history books. Especially WHO HAS EVERY ELECTION HE HAS : #1 . We have been recording all activities of the CROOK SINCE 2016!

~AN ~

or ? Worked For Won’t Go Away | by AND OTHER SEX OFFENDERS OF A MINOR | Not So Virgin Anymore. The Vile Nastiness, the JEWISH Deceit, the Lies, The , the JEWISH , | , Underage of including and and in the Virgin Islands SINCE??

1 day ago
, (DAVID V >> REVOLVING DOOR A >> ALL SHOULD BE ), Policy Exchange, and . What hope is there for ?

2 days ago: !
Side note : The last person in contact with right his was a man named , a for and the of , the of

59 previously sealed court documents
relating to Jeffrey Epstein
have been the documents have
been highly anticipated after a
ordered them to be in December
and they a number of Epstein's
Associates mostly the hundreds of
pages released relate to a 2015
defamation case bought by

YouTube Comments:

“When exposing a is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by .” — Edward Snowden

2 days ago
The look on 's face when asked about being an intelligence asset said it all 🤣

2 days ago
is a terrible , it would be comical if it weren’t so . No one is more self-righteously defensive and offended than a who’s been accused of something they definitely did. He’s owned by Kim Iversen did an excellent job here.

1 day ago
Israel is blackmailing most western politicians

2 days ago
Just by that attempt to attention to HAMAS, seems like is as .

2 days ago
is a truly individual.

2 days ago
Leave it to the to somehow for what "Hamas is doing."

As as he's ever been. The fact that someone like him is a prominent lawyer says everything you need to know about the US legal system and in general.

2 days ago
You don't see this on mainstream media. Thank you for showing the truth!

1 day ago
It is frightening to even surmise that a tiny country like Israel may own all the power in the US that matters. It certainly helps to understand why Biden and Trump are turning a blind eye to what Israel is doing in Gaza.

Dershowitz is using the card 😂.

2 days ago (edited)
If you ever feel inferior that you didn't go to Ivy League schools, remember that Alan Dershowitz was a professor at Harvard, Trump went to Penn University, and George W. Bush went to Yale University.

All need to be HUNG by their NECKS until Pronounced DEAD!

BELOW IS Election was >> STARTED in 2016 and WE (TASTINGTRAFFIC LLC) ENDED IT through LEGAL MEANS (SEO) IN 2021! WE HAVE MASSIVE OF . Starting with the below!

The Behind | >> >> >> >> >> >> >>ILLEGAL TRUMP ELECTION | ? | MASS DATABASE Of ??

A Company that sparks controversy wherever it appears | Between the massive DATA LEAKS at and the impact the company has had on the and 's ; Today you would be hard pressed not to have NOT heard of Cambridge Analytica.

And yet despite all the recent Media Coverage of the Company has remained Surprisingly from the .

The Man who is at the of the infamous organization barely gets at all: (ENGLAND)

You see the (City of London) The heart of ! Will all be FOR !

Promise! Not on Purpose but by design!!;)..

📽️ VIDEO 1: Rumors' Jeffrey Epstein Worked For Israel Won’t Go Away

📽️ VIDEO 2: The Behind

📛 DISCLAIMER: We Don't Cover the News | We Cover the 'Way' the is ! 👿


* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101)

📛 DISCLAIMER: We Don't Cover the News | We Cover the 'Way' the is ! 👿

🥊 "Here is a " >> “IF I said I about 🇺🇸 , they'd have to THE . 'That’s what TOLD ME in 2016!??? aka EVIDENCE btw!”

👨‍⚖️ There is in the USA. The USA is NOW controlled by murderers and sexually immoral PERVERTS. (RUNNING OUR COUNTRY NO LESS) It would appear that Everyone thinks they are not just the 🇮🇱 JEWS. Last time we check all blood is still RED! 🩸

All we see is . for or Business! in Business OR as a human Being!!

💩 All disgusting people not fit for humanity! Your 💉 HAS LEAD THIS COUNTRY TO ITS !

DavidV: Democracy has been BY since THE 'S! REMOVE all from our history books. Especially WHO HAS EVERY ELECTION HE HAS : #1 . We have been recording all activities of the CROOK SINCE 2016!

~AN ~

or ? Worked For Won’t Go Away | by AND OTHER SEX OFFENDERS OF A MINOR | Not So Virgin Anymore. The Vile Nastiness, the JEWISH Deceit, the Lies, The , the JEWISH , | , Underage of including and and in the Virgin Islands SINCE??

1 day ago
, (DAVID V >> REVOLVING DOOR A >> ALL SHOULD BE ), Policy Exchange, and . What hope is there for ?

2 days ago: !
Side note : The last person in contact with right his was a man named , a for and the of , the of

59 previously sealed court documents
relating to Jeffrey Epstein
have been the documents have
been highly anticipated after a
ordered them to be in December
and they a number of Epstein's
Associates mostly the hundreds of
pages released relate to a 2015
defamation case bought by

YouTube Comments:

“When exposing a is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by .” — Edward Snowden

2 days ago
The look on 's face when asked about being an intelligence asset said it all 🤣

2 days ago
is a terrible , it would be comical if it weren’t so . No one is more self-righteously defensive and offended than a who’s been accused of something they definitely did. He’s owned by Kim Iversen did an excellent job here.

1 day ago
Israel is blackmailing most western politicians

2 days ago
Just by that attempt to attention to HAMAS, seems like is as .

2 days ago
is a truly individual.

2 days ago
Leave it to the to somehow for what "Hamas is doing."

As as he's ever been. The fact that someone like him is a prominent lawyer says everything you need to know about the US legal system and in general.

2 days ago
You don't see this on mainstream media. Thank you for showing the truth!

1 day ago
It is frightening to even surmise that a tiny country like Israel may own all the power in the US that matters. It certainly helps to understand why Biden and Trump are turning a blind eye to what Israel is doing in Gaza.

Dershowitz is using the card 😂.

2 days ago (edited)
If you ever feel inferior that you didn't go to Ivy League schools, remember that Alan Dershowitz was a professor at Harvard, Trump went to Penn University, and George W. Bush went to Yale University.

All need to be HUNG by their NECKS until Pronounced DEAD!

BELOW IS Election was >> STARTED in 2016 and WE (TASTINGTRAFFIC LLC) ENDED IT through LEGAL MEANS (SEO) IN 2021! WE HAVE MASSIVE OF . Starting with the below!

The Behind | >> >> >> >> >> >> >>ILLEGAL TRUMP ELECTION | ? | MASS DATABASE Of ??

A Company that sparks controversy wherever it appears | Between the massive DATA LEAKS at and the impact the company has had on the and 's ; Today you would be hard pressed not to have NOT heard of Cambridge Analytica.

And yet despite all the recent Media Coverage of the Company has remained Surprisingly from the .

The Man who is at the of the infamous organization barely gets at all: (ENGLAND)

You see the (City of London) The heart of ! Will all be FOR !

Promise! Not on Purpose but by design!!;)..

📽️ VIDEO 1: Rumors' Jeffrey Epstein Worked For Israel Won’t Go Away

📽️ VIDEO 2: The Behind

📛 DISCLAIMER: We Don't Cover the News | We Cover the 'Way' the is ! 👿


* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101)

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📛 DISCLAIMER: We Cover the 'Way' the #News is #COVERED_UP! 👿 JOBS FOR ALL WORLDWIDE COMING SOON! * Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours * EXPERT BLACK BOX TESTER * Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) * Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding) * Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading) Book a Chat w/ TastingTraffic