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| How to ? DO NOT Make a TODO List | MAKE a List! Here is why AND OTHERS CANNOT WORK FROM HOME.

First of all they are (aka ). I mean think about it? His Father owns/owned an . HELLO?

Think where is used to mine --and you 'may' understand ELON MUSK’s , IF ANY..

Your of explanation is well.. 100% !

NO ONE will GIVE UP of (as a Smoke Screen) to be SURVEILLED 24/7!! (eg: the intended purpose of all your , Cheap Cube _Satellites and DEVICES utilizing &T, and FOR T#RACKING.. that is currently under investigation and due to PILOT instrument panel tampering and why ..) YOU CALL A ! eg: LIKE THE IN YOUR (also a tracking device) !! Hello anyone home?


AND SO IS A (and why the internet is called the .. hello?

Think with the feeding herself) and then you will understand the true meaning of !

aka !

AND ALL WILL BECOME as well.! So ZERO Benefit at the cost of others personal security..

NO ONE will GIVE UP of (as a Smoke Screen) to be SURVEILLED 24/7!! ..YOU CALL A !

Basically NOW PAYING the Government to ON !..

Then MUSK gets caught using children to mine FOR HIS .

Then he calls people who .. ??

Meanwhile bribing Stewarde$$e$ for FAVORS on ??
Remember Elon? We do.

Now that’s !!

Got proof too..

How many SO FAR on your watch?

Didn't here a peep from you last night about those LOST SOULS who DIED BECAUSE OF YOUR !

Tesla cars AND INTO . Rockets ? All the while saying that your “battery powered” (time bombs) are ??

..btw what is the resale value of ??

And when it comes to think !

“THEY” ARE ADDICTED TO CONTROL AND MUST HAVE -AT ALL TIMES. Addicted to others bc they walk around with SUCH PUSHING others DOWN in order to BUILD THEMSELVES .

Its no different than a sticking a in their --every morning..

My Guess WHILE GROWING UP! Now infecting the rest of us.

However, that is the most obvious.

It takes IMMENSE to STAY -working at home and to be productive 24/7.

Again, very few can focus at home bc very few have the to do so.

I have been self-employed my entire life. I have worked on the road, out of car, out of burger kings; signed multi million dollar (Jumbo Loans) contracts on the TRUNK of vehicles and negotiated 100’s of thousand$ of Dollars via email --without ever meeting anyone –ever..

How = .


As a child I realized that I am INTELLIGENT THAN MY BOSSES.

Why do I need a Boss?

Never Got Promoted bc my Bosses are too afraid that I would take their jobs. Or Out-Shine them.
Both are Correct! IS REALLY CALLED to them.

So just like the Superior workers are held back -not only by their peers but by management as well:(

Playing the corporate game was never my forte’.

That said, THERE IS NO OTHER CHOICE BUT TO BE and work out of the home.


$180 NET per month?? at a click of a mouse.. Initial investment $0.08 cents!
?? I would be way more concerned about that little red mouse if I were you.. grin.

Ok so lets jump ahead from coming from the likes and failures of Elon Musk.

1. ONE PROJECT AT A TIME-FIRST. Then the NEXT; Then the NEXT --IN that order.

The Project is not important. The task of “Completing something to its entirety” is what needs to be here.

Most have never completed high school and many will go on through life never completing anything..
doesn't matter how big of a success but any success will go a long way to ..

Do Not allow anyone to hold you back >>Move Forward!>>


I use the ABC’s of Time management

DO Make a TODO List | But MAKE a List! | With over 43,000 project management hours under my belt I can HONESTLY say its all about Time Management & setting and meeting for yourself -to begin with.

and MEET them. Plain and simple. I use the a,b,c,d, & e's of time management.

Everyday I make a list (if you are not using a PMS (project management software))

List goes something like this.

A= Top priority tasks
B= 2nd top priority tasks
C= 3rd Priority tasks
D= Delegate to others
E= Eliminate

Every day go through list and simply change the letters next to the tasks. You will find that B's & C's will turn into D's or E's in the following days freeing you up to do the high priorities (A's). Do this each day and you will know exactly what to do to meet deadlines.

But here is MY BEST SECRET:) AUTOMATE your Day;) Turn your 12 hours of daily work into 24 hours.


You see folks when I go to sleep the machine DOES NOT STOP (aka PRODUCTION).
I have overseas programmers (aka language interpreters), assistants etc. that start work the minute I go to sleep.

..? See last part in attachments. ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith ...

| How to ? DO NOT Make a TODO List | MAKE a List! Here is why AND OTHERS CANNOT WORK FROM HOME.

First of all they are (aka ). I mean think about it? His Father owns/owned an . HELLO?

Think where is used to mine --and you 'may' understand ELON MUSK’s , IF ANY..

Your of explanation is well.. 100% !

NO ONE will GIVE UP of (as a Smoke Screen) to be SURVEILLED 24/7!! (eg: the intended purpose of all your , Cheap Cube _Satellites and DEVICES utilizing &T, and FOR T#RACKING.. that is currently under investigation and due to PILOT instrument panel tampering and why ..) YOU CALL A ! eg: LIKE THE IN YOUR (also a tracking device) !! Hello anyone home?


AND SO IS A (and why the internet is called the .. hello?

Think with the feeding herself) and then you will understand the true meaning of !

aka !

AND ALL WILL BECOME as well.! So ZERO Benefit at the cost of others personal security..

NO ONE will GIVE UP of (as a Smoke Screen) to be SURVEILLED 24/7!! ..YOU CALL A !

Basically NOW PAYING the Government to ON !..

Then MUSK gets caught using children to mine FOR HIS .

Then he calls people who .. ??

Meanwhile bribing Stewarde$$e$ for FAVORS on ??
Remember Elon? We do.

Now that’s !!

Got proof too..

How many SO FAR on your watch?

Didn't here a peep from you last night about those LOST SOULS who DIED BECAUSE OF YOUR !

Tesla cars AND INTO . Rockets ? All the while saying that your “battery powered” (time bombs) are ??

..btw what is the resale value of ??

And when it comes to think !

“THEY” ARE ADDICTED TO CONTROL AND MUST HAVE -AT ALL TIMES. Addicted to others bc they walk around with SUCH PUSHING others DOWN in order to BUILD THEMSELVES .

Its no different than a sticking a in their --every morning..

My Guess WHILE GROWING UP! Now infecting the rest of us.

However, that is the most obvious.

It takes IMMENSE to STAY -working at home and to be productive 24/7.

Again, very few can focus at home bc very few have the to do so.

I have been self-employed my entire life. I have worked on the road, out of car, out of burger kings; signed multi million dollar (Jumbo Loans) contracts on the TRUNK of vehicles and negotiated 100’s of thousand$ of Dollars via email --without ever meeting anyone –ever..

How = .


As a child I realized that I am INTELLIGENT THAN MY BOSSES.

Why do I need a Boss?

Never Got Promoted bc my Bosses are too afraid that I would take their jobs. Or Out-Shine them.
Both are Correct! IS REALLY CALLED to them.

So just like the Superior workers are held back -not only by their peers but by management as well:(

Playing the corporate game was never my forte’.

That said, THERE IS NO OTHER CHOICE BUT TO BE and work out of the home.


$180 NET per month?? at a click of a mouse.. Initial investment $0.08 cents!
?? I would be way more concerned about that little red mouse if I were you.. grin.

Ok so lets jump ahead from coming from the likes and failures of Elon Musk.

1. ONE PROJECT AT A TIME-FIRST. Then the NEXT; Then the NEXT --IN that order.

The Project is not important. The task of “Completing something to its entirety” is what needs to be here.

Most have never completed high school and many will go on through life never completing anything..
doesn't matter how big of a success but any success will go a long way to ..

Do Not allow anyone to hold you back >>Move Forward!>>


I use the ABC’s of Time management

DO Make a TODO List | But MAKE a List! | With over 43,000 project management hours under my belt I can HONESTLY say its all about Time Management & setting and meeting for yourself -to begin with.

and MEET them. Plain and simple. I use the a,b,c,d, & e's of time management.

Everyday I make a list (if you are not using a PMS (project management software))

List goes something like this.

A= Top priority tasks
B= 2nd top priority tasks
C= 3rd Priority tasks
D= Delegate to others
E= Eliminate

Every day go through list and simply change the letters next to the tasks. You will find that B's & C's will turn into D's or E's in the following days freeing you up to do the high priorities (A's). Do this each day and you will know exactly what to do to meet deadlines.

But here is MY BEST SECRET:) AUTOMATE your Day;) Turn your 12 hours of daily work into 24 hours.


You see folks when I go to sleep the machine DOES NOT STOP (aka PRODUCTION).
I have overseas programmers (aka language interpreters), assistants etc. that start work the minute I go to sleep.

..? See last part in attachments. ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith ...

| How to ? DO NOT Make a TODO List | MAKE a List! Here is why AND OTHERS CANNOT WORK FROM HOME.

First of all they are (aka ). I mean think about it? His Father owns/owned an . HELLO?

Think where is used to mine --and you 'may' understand ELON MUSK’s , IF ANY..

Your of explanation is well.. 100% !

NO ONE will GIVE UP of (as a Smoke Screen) to be SURVEILLED 24/7!! (eg: the intended purpose of all your , Cheap Cube _Satellites and DEVICES utilizing &T, and FOR T#RACKING.. that is currently under investigation and due to PILOT instrument panel tampering and why ..) YOU CALL A ! eg: LIKE THE IN YOUR (also a tracking device) !! Hello anyone home?


AND SO IS A (and why the internet is called the .. hello?

Think with the feeding herself) and then you will understand the true meaning of !

aka !

AND ALL WILL BECOME as well.! So ZERO Benefit at the cost of others personal security..

NO ONE will GIVE UP of (as a Smoke Screen) to be SURVEILLED 24/7!! ..YOU CALL A !

Basically NOW PAYING the Government to ON !..

Then MUSK gets caught using children to mine FOR HIS .

Then he calls people who .. ??

Meanwhile bribing Stewarde$$e$ for FAVORS on ??
Remember Elon? We do.

Now that’s !!

Got proof too..

How many SO FAR on your watch?

Didn't here a peep from you last night about those LOST SOULS who DIED BECAUSE OF YOUR !

Tesla cars AND INTO . Rockets ? All the while saying that your “battery powered” (time bombs) are ??

..btw what is the resale value of ??

And when it comes to think !

“THEY” ARE ADDICTED TO CONTROL AND MUST HAVE -AT ALL TIMES. Addicted to others bc they walk around with SUCH PUSHING others DOWN in order to BUILD THEMSELVES .

Its no different than a sticking a in their --every morning..

My Guess WHILE GROWING UP! Now infecting the rest of us.

However, that is the most obvious.

It takes IMMENSE to STAY -working at home and to be productive 24/7.

Again, very few can focus at home bc very few have the to do so.

I have been self-employed my entire life. I have worked on the road, out of car, out of burger kings; signed multi million dollar (Jumbo Loans) contracts on the TRUNK of vehicles and negotiated 100’s of thousand$ of Dollars via email --without ever meeting anyone –ever..

How = .


As a child I realized that I am INTELLIGENT THAN MY BOSSES.

Why do I need a Boss?

Never Got Promoted bc my Bosses are too afraid that I would take their jobs. Or Out-Shine them.
Both are Correct! IS REALLY CALLED to them.

So just like the Superior workers are held back -not only by their peers but by management as well:(

Playing the corporate game was never my forte’.

That said, THERE IS NO OTHER CHOICE BUT TO BE and work out of the home.


$180 NET per month?? at a click of a mouse.. Initial investment $0.08 cents!
?? I would be way more concerned about that little red mouse if I were you.. grin.

Ok so lets jump ahead from coming from the likes and failures of Elon Musk.

1. ONE PROJECT AT A TIME-FIRST. Then the NEXT; Then the NEXT --IN that order.

The Project is not important. The task of “Completing something to its entirety” is what needs to be here.

Most have never completed high school and many will go on through life never completing anything..
doesn't matter how big of a success but any success will go a long way to ..

Do Not allow anyone to hold you back >>Move Forward!>>


I use the ABC’s of Time management

DO Make a TODO List | But MAKE a List! | With over 43,000 project management hours under my belt I can HONESTLY say its all about Time Management & setting and meeting for yourself -to begin with.

and MEET them. Plain and simple. I use the a,b,c,d, & e's of time management.

Everyday I make a list (if you are not using a PMS (project management software))

List goes something like this.

A= Top priority tasks
B= 2nd top priority tasks
C= 3rd Priority tasks
D= Delegate to others
E= Eliminate

Every day go through list and simply change the letters next to the tasks. You will find that B's & C's will turn into D's or E's in the following days freeing you up to do the high priorities (A's). Do this each day and you will know exactly what to do to meet deadlines.

But here is MY BEST SECRET:) AUTOMATE your Day;) Turn your 12 hours of daily work into 24 hours.


You see folks when I go to sleep the machine DOES NOT STOP (aka PRODUCTION).
I have overseas programmers (aka language interpreters), assistants etc. that start work the minute I go to sleep.

..? See last part in attachments. ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith ...

| How to ? DO NOT Make a TODO List | MAKE a List! Here is why AND OTHERS CANNOT WORK FROM HOME.

First of all they are (aka ). I mean think about it? His Father owns/owned an . HELLO?

Think where is used to mine --and you 'may' understand ELON MUSK’s , IF ANY..

Your of explanation is well.. 100% !

NO ONE will GIVE UP of (as a Smoke Screen) to be SURVEILLED 24/7!! (eg: the intended purpose of all your , Cheap Cube _Satellites and DEVICES utilizing &T, and FOR T#RACKING.. that is currently under investigation and due to PILOT instrument panel tampering and why ..) YOU CALL A ! eg: LIKE THE IN YOUR (also a tracking device) !! Hello anyone home?


AND SO IS A (and why the internet is called the .. hello?

Think with the feeding herself) and then you will understand the true meaning of !

aka !

AND ALL WILL BECOME as well.! So ZERO Benefit at the cost of others personal security..

NO ONE will GIVE UP of (as a Smoke Screen) to be SURVEILLED 24/7!! ..YOU CALL A !

Basically NOW PAYING the Government to ON !..

Then MUSK gets caught using children to mine FOR HIS .

Then he calls people who .. ??

Meanwhile bribing Stewarde$$e$ for FAVORS on ??
Remember Elon? We do.

Now that’s !!

Got proof too..

How many SO FAR on your watch?

Didn't here a peep from you last night about those LOST SOULS who DIED BECAUSE OF YOUR !

Tesla cars AND INTO . Rockets ? All the while saying that your “battery powered” (time bombs) are ??

..btw what is the resale value of ??

And when it comes to think !

“THEY” ARE ADDICTED TO CONTROL AND MUST HAVE -AT ALL TIMES. Addicted to others bc they walk around with SUCH PUSHING others DOWN in order to BUILD THEMSELVES .

Its no different than a sticking a in their --every morning..

My Guess WHILE GROWING UP! Now infecting the rest of us.

However, that is the most obvious.

It takes IMMENSE to STAY -working at home and to be productive 24/7.

Again, very few can focus at home bc very few have the to do so.

I have been self-employed my entire life. I have worked on the road, out of car, out of burger kings; signed multi million dollar (Jumbo Loans) contracts on the TRUNK of vehicles and negotiated 100’s of thousand$ of Dollars via email --without ever meeting anyone –ever..

How = .


As a child I realized that I am INTELLIGENT THAN MY BOSSES.

Why do I need a Boss?

Never Got Promoted bc my Bosses are too afraid that I would take their jobs. Or Out-Shine them.
Both are Correct! IS REALLY CALLED to them.

So just like the Superior workers are held back -not only by their peers but by management as well:(

Playing the corporate game was never my forte’.

That said, THERE IS NO OTHER CHOICE BUT TO BE and work out of the home.


$180 NET per month?? at a click of a mouse.. Initial investment $0.08 cents!
?? I would be way more concerned about that little red mouse if I were you.. grin.

Ok so lets jump ahead from coming from the likes and failures of Elon Musk.

1. ONE PROJECT AT A TIME-FIRST. Then the NEXT; Then the NEXT --IN that order.

The Project is not important. The task of “Completing something to its entirety” is what needs to be here.

Most have never completed high school and many will go on through life never completing anything..
doesn't matter how big of a success but any success will go a long way to ..

Do Not allow anyone to hold you back >>Move Forward!>>


I use the ABC’s of Time management

DO Make a TODO List | But MAKE a List! | With over 43,000 project management hours under my belt I can HONESTLY say its all about Time Management & setting and meeting for yourself -to begin with.

and MEET them. Plain and simple. I use the a,b,c,d, & e's of time management.

Everyday I make a list (if you are not using a PMS (project management software))

List goes something like this.

A= Top priority tasks
B= 2nd top priority tasks
C= 3rd Priority tasks
D= Delegate to others
E= Eliminate

Every day go through list and simply change the letters next to the tasks. You will find that B's & C's will turn into D's or E's in the following days freeing you up to do the high priorities (A's). Do this each day and you will know exactly what to do to meet deadlines.

But here is MY BEST SECRET:) AUTOMATE your Day;) Turn your 12 hours of daily work into 24 hours.


You see folks when I go to sleep the machine DOES NOT STOP (aka PRODUCTION).
I have overseas programmers (aka language interpreters), assistants etc. that start work the minute I go to sleep.

..? See last part in attachments. ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith ...

| How to ? DO NOT Make a TODO List | MAKE a List! Here is why AND OTHERS CANNOT WORK FROM HOME.

First of all they are (aka ). I mean think about it? His Father owns/owned an . HELLO?

Think where is used to mine --and you 'may' understand ELON MUSK’s , IF ANY..

Your of explanation is well.. 100% !

NO ONE will GIVE UP of (as a Smoke Screen) to be SURVEILLED 24/7!! (eg: the intended purpose of all your , Cheap Cube _Satellites and DEVICES utilizing &T, and FOR T#RACKING.. that is currently under investigation and due to PILOT instrument panel tampering and why ..) YOU CALL A ! eg: LIKE THE IN YOUR (also a tracking device) !! Hello anyone home?


AND SO IS A (and why the internet is called the .. hello?

Think with the feeding herself) and then you will understand the true meaning of !

aka !

AND ALL WILL BECOME as well.! So ZERO Benefit at the cost of others personal security..

NO ONE will GIVE UP of (as a Smoke Screen) to be SURVEILLED 24/7!! ..YOU CALL A !

Basically NOW PAYING the Government to ON !..

Then MUSK gets caught using children to mine FOR HIS .

Then he calls people who .. ??

Meanwhile bribing Stewarde$$e$ for FAVORS on ??
Remember Elon? We do.

Now that’s !!

Got proof too..

How many SO FAR on your watch?

Didn't here a peep from you last night about those LOST SOULS who DIED BECAUSE OF YOUR !

Tesla cars AND INTO . Rockets ? All the while saying that your “battery powered” (time bombs) are ??

..btw what is the resale value of ??

And when it comes to think !

“THEY” ARE ADDICTED TO CONTROL AND MUST HAVE -AT ALL TIMES. Addicted to others bc they walk around with SUCH PUSHING others DOWN in order to BUILD THEMSELVES .

Its no different than a sticking a in their --every morning..

My Guess WHILE GROWING UP! Now infecting the rest of us.

However, that is the most obvious.

It takes IMMENSE to STAY -working at home and to be productive 24/7.

Again, very few can focus at home bc very few have the to do so.

I have been self-employed my entire life. I have worked on the road, out of car, out of burger kings; signed multi million dollar (Jumbo Loans) contracts on the TRUNK of vehicles and negotiated 100’s of thousand$ of Dollars via email --without ever meeting anyone –ever..

How = .


As a child I realized that I am INTELLIGENT THAN MY BOSSES.

Why do I need a Boss?

Never Got Promoted bc my Bosses are too afraid that I would take their jobs. Or Out-Shine them.
Both are Correct! IS REALLY CALLED to them.

So just like the Superior workers are held back -not only by their peers but by management as well:(

Playing the corporate game was never my forte’.

That said, THERE IS NO OTHER CHOICE BUT TO BE and work out of the home.


$180 NET per month?? at a click of a mouse.. Initial investment $0.08 cents!
?? I would be way more concerned about that little red mouse if I were you.. grin.

Ok so lets jump ahead from coming from the likes and failures of Elon Musk.

1. ONE PROJECT AT A TIME-FIRST. Then the NEXT; Then the NEXT --IN that order.

The Project is not important. The task of “Completing something to its entirety” is what needs to be here.

Most have never completed high school and many will go on through life never completing anything..
doesn't matter how big of a success but any success will go a long way to ..

Do Not allow anyone to hold you back >>Move Forward!>>


I use the ABC’s of Time management

DO Make a TODO List | But MAKE a List! | With over 43,000 project management hours under my belt I can HONESTLY say its all about Time Management & setting and meeting for yourself -to begin with.

and MEET them. Plain and simple. I use the a,b,c,d, & e's of time management.

Everyday I make a list (if you are not using a PMS (project management software))

List goes something like this.

A= Top priority tasks
B= 2nd top priority tasks
C= 3rd Priority tasks
D= Delegate to others
E= Eliminate

Every day go through list and simply change the letters next to the tasks. You will find that B's & C's will turn into D's or E's in the following days freeing you up to do the high priorities (A's). Do this each day and you will know exactly what to do to meet deadlines.

But here is MY BEST SECRET:) AUTOMATE your Day;) Turn your 12 hours of daily work into 24 hours.


You see folks when I go to sleep the machine DOES NOT STOP (aka PRODUCTION).
I have overseas programmers (aka language interpreters), assistants etc. that start work the minute I go to sleep.

..? See last part in attachments. ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith ...

| How to ? DO NOT Make a TODO List | MAKE a List! Here is why AND OTHERS CANNOT WORK FROM HOME.

First of all they are (aka ). I mean think about it? His Father owns/owned an . HELLO?

Think where is used to mine --and you 'may' understand ELON MUSK’s , IF ANY..

Your of explanation is well.. 100% !

NO ONE will GIVE UP of (as a Smoke Screen) to be SURVEILLED 24/7!! (eg: the intended purpose of all your , Cheap Cube _Satellites and DEVICES utilizing &T, and FOR T#RACKING.. that is currently under investigation and due to PILOT instrument panel tampering and why ..) YOU CALL A ! eg: LIKE THE IN YOUR (also a tracking device) !! Hello anyone home?


AND SO IS A (and why the internet is called the .. hello?

Think with the feeding herself) and then you will understand the true meaning of !

aka !

AND ALL WILL BECOME as well.! So ZERO Benefit at the cost of others personal security..

NO ONE will GIVE UP of (as a Smoke Screen) to be SURVEILLED 24/7!! ..YOU CALL A !

Basically NOW PAYING the Government to ON !..

Then MUSK gets caught using children to mine FOR HIS .

Then he calls people who .. ??

Meanwhile bribing Stewarde$$e$ for FAVORS on ??
Remember Elon? We do.

Now that’s !!

Got proof too..

How many SO FAR on your watch?

Didn't here a peep from you last night about those LOST SOULS who DIED BECAUSE OF YOUR !

Tesla cars AND INTO . Rockets ? All the while saying that your “battery powered” (time bombs) are ??

..btw what is the resale value of ??

And when it comes to think !

“THEY” ARE ADDICTED TO CONTROL AND MUST HAVE -AT ALL TIMES. Addicted to others bc they walk around with SUCH PUSHING others DOWN in order to BUILD THEMSELVES .

Its no different than a sticking a in their --every morning..

My Guess WHILE GROWING UP! Now infecting the rest of us.

However, that is the most obvious.

It takes IMMENSE to STAY -working at home and to be productive 24/7.

Again, very few can focus at home bc very few have the to do so.

I have been self-employed my entire life. I have worked on the road, out of car, out of burger kings; signed multi million dollar (Jumbo Loans) contracts on the TRUNK of vehicles and negotiated 100’s of thousand$ of Dollars via email --without ever meeting anyone –ever..

How = .


As a child I realized that I am INTELLIGENT THAN MY BOSSES.

Why do I need a Boss?

Never Got Promoted bc my Bosses are too afraid that I would take their jobs. Or Out-Shine them.
Both are Correct! IS REALLY CALLED to them.

So just like the Superior workers are held back -not only by their peers but by management as well:(

Playing the corporate game was never my forte’.

That said, THERE IS NO OTHER CHOICE BUT TO BE and work out of the home.


$180 NET per month?? at a click of a mouse.. Initial investment $0.08 cents!
?? I would be way more concerned about that little red mouse if I were you.. grin.

Ok so lets jump ahead from coming from the likes and failures of Elon Musk.

1. ONE PROJECT AT A TIME-FIRST. Then the NEXT; Then the NEXT --IN that order.

The Project is not important. The task of “Completing something to its entirety” is what needs to be here.

Most have never completed high school and many will go on through life never completing anything..
doesn't matter how big of a success but any success will go a long way to ..

Do Not allow anyone to hold you back >>Move Forward!>>


I use the ABC’s of Time management

DO Make a TODO List | But MAKE a List! | With over 43,000 project management hours under my belt I can HONESTLY say its all about Time Management & setting and meeting for yourself -to begin with.

and MEET them. Plain and simple. I use the a,b,c,d, & e's of time management.

Everyday I make a list (if you are not using a PMS (project management software))

List goes something like this.

A= Top priority tasks
B= 2nd top priority tasks
C= 3rd Priority tasks
D= Delegate to others
E= Eliminate

Every day go through list and simply change the letters next to the tasks. You will find that B's & C's will turn into D's or E's in the following days freeing you up to do the high priorities (A's). Do this each day and you will know exactly what to do to meet deadlines.

But here is MY BEST SECRET:) AUTOMATE your Day;) Turn your 12 hours of daily work into 24 hours.


You see folks when I go to sleep the machine DOES NOT STOP (aka PRODUCTION).
I have overseas programmers (aka language interpreters), assistants etc. that start work the minute I go to sleep.

..? See last part in attachments. ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith ...

| How to ? DO NOT Make a TODO List | MAKE a List! Here is why AND OTHERS CANNOT WORK FROM HOME.

First of all they are (aka ). I mean think about it? His Father owns/owned an . HELLO?

Think where is used to mine --and you 'may' understand ELON MUSK’s , IF ANY..

Your of explanation is well.. 100% !

NO ONE will GIVE UP of (as a Smoke Screen) to be SURVEILLED 24/7!! (eg: the intended purpose of all your , Cheap Cube _Satellites and DEVICES utilizing &T, and FOR T#RACKING.. that is currently under investigation and due to PILOT instrument panel tampering and why ..) YOU CALL A ! eg: LIKE THE IN YOUR (also a tracking device) !! Hello anyone home?


AND SO IS A (and why the internet is called the .. hello?

Think with the feeding herself) and then you will understand the true meaning of !

aka !

AND ALL WILL BECOME as well.! So ZERO Benefit at the cost of others personal security..

NO ONE will GIVE UP of (as a Smoke Screen) to be SURVEILLED 24/7!! ..YOU CALL A !

Basically NOW PAYING the Government to ON !..

Then MUSK gets caught using children to mine FOR HIS .

Then he calls people who .. ??

Meanwhile bribing Stewarde$$e$ for FAVORS on ??
Remember Elon? We do.

Now that’s !!

Got proof too..

How many SO FAR on your watch?

Didn't here a peep from you last night about those LOST SOULS who DIED BECAUSE OF YOUR !

Tesla cars AND INTO . Rockets ? All the while saying that your “battery powered” (time bombs) are ??

..btw what is the resale value of ??

And when it comes to think !

“THEY” ARE ADDICTED TO CONTROL AND MUST HAVE -AT ALL TIMES. Addicted to others bc they walk around with SUCH PUSHING others DOWN in order to BUILD THEMSELVES .

Its no different than a sticking a in their --every morning..

My Guess WHILE GROWING UP! Now infecting the rest of us.

However, that is the most obvious.

It takes IMMENSE to STAY -working at home and to be productive 24/7.

Again, very few can focus at home bc very few have the to do so.

I have been self-employed my entire life. I have worked on the road, out of car, out of burger kings; signed multi million dollar (Jumbo Loans) contracts on the TRUNK of vehicles and negotiated 100’s of thousand$ of Dollars via email --without ever meeting anyone –ever..

How = .


As a child I realized that I am INTELLIGENT THAN MY BOSSES.

Why do I need a Boss?

Never Got Promoted bc my Bosses are too afraid that I would take their jobs. Or Out-Shine them.
Both are Correct! IS REALLY CALLED to them.

So just like the Superior workers are held back -not only by their peers but by management as well:(

Playing the corporate game was never my forte’.

That said, THERE IS NO OTHER CHOICE BUT TO BE and work out of the home.


$180 NET per month?? at a click of a mouse.. Initial investment $0.08 cents!
?? I would be way more concerned about that little red mouse if I were you.. grin.

Ok so lets jump ahead from coming from the likes and failures of Elon Musk.

1. ONE PROJECT AT A TIME-FIRST. Then the NEXT; Then the NEXT --IN that order.

The Project is not important. The task of “Completing something to its entirety” is what needs to be here.

Most have never completed high school and many will go on through life never completing anything..
doesn't matter how big of a success but any success will go a long way to ..

Do Not allow anyone to hold you back >>Move Forward!>>


I use the ABC’s of Time management

DO Make a TODO List | But MAKE a List! | With over 43,000 project management hours under my belt I can HONESTLY say its all about Time Management & setting and meeting for yourself -to begin with.

and MEET them. Plain and simple. I use the a,b,c,d, & e's of time management.

Everyday I make a list (if you are not using a PMS (project management software))

List goes something like this.

A= Top priority tasks
B= 2nd top priority tasks
C= 3rd Priority tasks
D= Delegate to others
E= Eliminate

Every day go through list and simply change the letters next to the tasks. You will find that B's & C's will turn into D's or E's in the following days freeing you up to do the high priorities (A's). Do this each day and you will know exactly what to do to meet deadlines.

But here is MY BEST SECRET:) AUTOMATE your Day;) Turn your 12 hours of daily work into 24 hours.


You see folks when I go to sleep the machine DOES NOT STOP (aka PRODUCTION).
I have overseas programmers (aka language interpreters), assistants etc. that start work the minute I go to sleep.

..? See last part in attachments. ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith ...

| How to ? DO NOT Make a TODO List | MAKE a List! Here is why AND OTHERS CANNOT WORK FROM HOME.

First of all they are (aka ). I mean think about it? His Father owns/owned an . HELLO?

Think where is used to mine --and you 'may' understand ELON MUSK’s , IF ANY..

Your of explanation is well.. 100% !

NO ONE will GIVE UP of (as a Smoke Screen) to be SURVEILLED 24/7!! (eg: the intended purpose of all your , Cheap Cube _Satellites and DEVICES utilizing &T, and FOR T#RACKING.. that is currently under investigation and due to PILOT instrument panel tampering and why ..) YOU CALL A ! eg: LIKE THE IN YOUR (also a tracking device) !! Hello anyone home?


AND SO IS A (and why the internet is called the .. hello?

Think with the feeding herself) and then you will understand the true meaning of !

aka !

AND ALL WILL BECOME as well.! So ZERO Benefit at the cost of others personal security..

NO ONE will GIVE UP of (as a Smoke Screen) to be SURVEILLED 24/7!! ..YOU CALL A !

Basically NOW PAYING the Government to ON !..

Then MUSK gets caught using children to mine FOR HIS .

Then he calls people who .. ??

Meanwhile bribing Stewarde$$e$ for FAVORS on ??
Remember Elon? We do.

Now that’s !!

Got proof too..

How many SO FAR on your watch?

Didn't here a peep from you last night about those LOST SOULS who DIED BECAUSE OF YOUR !

Tesla cars AND INTO . Rockets ? All the while saying that your “battery powered” (time bombs) are ??

..btw what is the resale value of ??

And when it comes to think !

“THEY” ARE ADDICTED TO CONTROL AND MUST HAVE -AT ALL TIMES. Addicted to others bc they walk around with SUCH PUSHING others DOWN in order to BUILD THEMSELVES .

Its no different than a sticking a in their --every morning..

My Guess WHILE GROWING UP! Now infecting the rest of us.

However, that is the most obvious.

It takes IMMENSE to STAY -working at home and to be productive 24/7.

Again, very few can focus at home bc very few have the to do so.

I have been self-employed my entire life. I have worked on the road, out of car, out of burger kings; signed multi million dollar (Jumbo Loans) contracts on the TRUNK of vehicles and negotiated 100’s of thousand$ of Dollars via email --without ever meeting anyone –ever..

How = .


As a child I realized that I am INTELLIGENT THAN MY BOSSES.

Why do I need a Boss?

Never Got Promoted bc my Bosses are too afraid that I would take their jobs. Or Out-Shine them.
Both are Correct! IS REALLY CALLED to them.

So just like the Superior workers are held back -not only by their peers but by management as well:(

Playing the corporate game was never my forte’.

That said, THERE IS NO OTHER CHOICE BUT TO BE and work out of the home.


$180 NET per month?? at a click of a mouse.. Initial investment $0.08 cents!
?? I would be way more concerned about that little red mouse if I were you.. grin.

Ok so lets jump ahead from coming from the likes and failures of Elon Musk.

1. ONE PROJECT AT A TIME-FIRST. Then the NEXT; Then the NEXT --IN that order.

The Project is not important. The task of “Completing something to its entirety” is what needs to be here.

Most have never completed high school and many will go on through life never completing anything..
doesn't matter how big of a success but any success will go a long way to ..

Do Not allow anyone to hold you back >>Move Forward!>>


I use the ABC’s of Time management

DO Make a TODO List | But MAKE a List! | With over 43,000 project management hours under my belt I can HONESTLY say its all about Time Management & setting and meeting for yourself -to begin with.

and MEET them. Plain and simple. I use the a,b,c,d, & e's of time management.

Everyday I make a list (if you are not using a PMS (project management software))

List goes something like this.

A= Top priority tasks
B= 2nd top priority tasks
C= 3rd Priority tasks
D= Delegate to others
E= Eliminate

Every day go through list and simply change the letters next to the tasks. You will find that B's & C's will turn into D's or E's in the following days freeing you up to do the high priorities (A's). Do this each day and you will know exactly what to do to meet deadlines.

But here is MY BEST SECRET:) AUTOMATE your Day;) Turn your 12 hours of daily work into 24 hours.


You see folks when I go to sleep the machine DOES NOT STOP (aka PRODUCTION).
I have overseas programmers (aka language interpreters), assistants etc. that start work the minute I go to sleep.

..? See last part in attachments. ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith ...

| How to ? DO NOT Make a TODO List | MAKE a List! Here is why AND OTHERS CANNOT WORK FROM HOME.

First of all they are (aka ). I mean think about it? His Father owns/owned an . HELLO?

Think where is used to mine --and you 'may' understand ELON MUSK’s , IF ANY..

Your of explanation is well.. 100% !

NO ONE will GIVE UP of (as a Smoke Screen) to be SURVEILLED 24/7!! (eg: the intended purpose of all your , Cheap Cube _Satellites and DEVICES utilizing &T, and FOR T#RACKING.. that is currently under investigation and due to PILOT instrument panel tampering and why ..) YOU CALL A ! eg: LIKE THE IN YOUR (also a tracking device) !! Hello anyone home?


AND SO IS A (and why the internet is called the .. hello?

Think with the feeding herself) and then you will understand the true meaning of !

aka !

AND ALL WILL BECOME as well.! So ZERO Benefit at the cost of others personal security..

NO ONE will GIVE UP of (as a Smoke Screen) to be SURVEILLED 24/7!! ..YOU CALL A !

Basically NOW PAYING the Government to ON !..

Then MUSK gets caught using children to mine FOR HIS .

Then he calls people who .. ??

Meanwhile bribing Stewarde$$e$ for FAVORS on ??
Remember Elon? We do.

Now that’s !!

Got proof too..

How many SO FAR on your watch?

Didn't here a peep from you last night about those LOST SOULS who DIED BECAUSE OF YOUR !

Tesla cars AND INTO . Rockets ? All the while saying that your “battery powered” (time bombs) are ??

..btw what is the resale value of ??

And when it comes to think !

“THEY” ARE ADDICTED TO CONTROL AND MUST HAVE -AT ALL TIMES. Addicted to others bc they walk around with SUCH PUSHING others DOWN in order to BUILD THEMSELVES .

Its no different than a sticking a in their --every morning..

My Guess WHILE GROWING UP! Now infecting the rest of us.

However, that is the most obvious.

It takes IMMENSE to STAY -working at home and to be productive 24/7.

Again, very few can focus at home bc very few have the to do so.

I have been self-employed my entire life. I have worked on the road, out of car, out of burger kings; signed multi million dollar (Jumbo Loans) contracts on the TRUNK of vehicles and negotiated 100’s of thousand$ of Dollars via email --without ever meeting anyone –ever..

How = .


As a child I realized that I am INTELLIGENT THAN MY BOSSES.

Why do I need a Boss?

Never Got Promoted bc my Bosses are too afraid that I would take their jobs. Or Out-Shine them.
Both are Correct! IS REALLY CALLED to them.

So just like the Superior workers are held back -not only by their peers but by management as well:(

Playing the corporate game was never my forte’.

That said, THERE IS NO OTHER CHOICE BUT TO BE and work out of the home.


$180 NET per month?? at a click of a mouse.. Initial investment $0.08 cents!
?? I would be way more concerned about that little red mouse if I were you.. grin.

Ok so lets jump ahead from coming from the likes and failures of Elon Musk.

1. ONE PROJECT AT A TIME-FIRST. Then the NEXT; Then the NEXT --IN that order.

The Project is not important. The task of “Completing something to its entirety” is what needs to be here.

Most have never completed high school and many will go on through life never completing anything..
doesn't matter how big of a success but any success will go a long way to ..

Do Not allow anyone to hold you back >>Move Forward!>>


I use the ABC’s of Time management

DO Make a TODO List | But MAKE a List! | With over 43,000 project management hours under my belt I can HONESTLY say its all about Time Management & setting and meeting for yourself -to begin with.

and MEET them. Plain and simple. I use the a,b,c,d, & e's of time management.

Everyday I make a list (if you are not using a PMS (project management software))

List goes something like this.

A= Top priority tasks
B= 2nd top priority tasks
C= 3rd Priority tasks
D= Delegate to others
E= Eliminate

Every day go through list and simply change the letters next to the tasks. You will find that B's & C's will turn into D's or E's in the following days freeing you up to do the high priorities (A's). Do this each day and you will know exactly what to do to meet deadlines.

But here is MY BEST SECRET:) AUTOMATE your Day;) Turn your 12 hours of daily work into 24 hours.


You see folks when I go to sleep the machine DOES NOT STOP (aka PRODUCTION).
I have overseas programmers (aka language interpreters), assistants etc. that start work the minute I go to sleep.

..? See last part in attachments. ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith ...

| How to ? DO NOT Make a TODO List | MAKE a List! Here is why AND OTHERS CANNOT WORK FROM HOME.

First of all they are (aka ). I mean think about it? His Father owns/owned an . HELLO?

Think where is used to mine --and you 'may' understand ELON MUSK’s , IF ANY..

Your of explanation is well.. 100% !

NO ONE will GIVE UP of (as a Smoke Screen) to be SURVEILLED 24/7!! (eg: the intended purpose of all your , Cheap Cube _Satellites and DEVICES utilizing &T, and FOR T#RACKING.. that is currently under investigation and due to PILOT instrument panel tampering and why ..) YOU CALL A ! eg: LIKE THE IN YOUR (also a tracking device) !! Hello anyone home?


AND SO IS A (and why the internet is called the .. hello?

Think with the feeding herself) and then you will understand the true meaning of !

aka !

AND ALL WILL BECOME as well.! So ZERO Benefit at the cost of others personal security..

NO ONE will GIVE UP of (as a Smoke Screen) to be SURVEILLED 24/7!! ..YOU CALL A !

Basically NOW PAYING the Government to ON !..

Then MUSK gets caught using children to mine FOR HIS .

Then he calls people who .. ??

Meanwhile bribing Stewarde$$e$ for FAVORS on ??
Remember Elon? We do.

Now that’s !!

Got proof too..

How many SO FAR on your watch?

Didn't here a peep from you last night about those LOST SOULS who DIED BECAUSE OF YOUR !

Tesla cars AND INTO . Rockets ? All the while saying that your “battery powered” (time bombs) are ??

..btw what is the resale value of ??

And when it comes to think !

“THEY” ARE ADDICTED TO CONTROL AND MUST HAVE -AT ALL TIMES. Addicted to others bc they walk around with SUCH PUSHING others DOWN in order to BUILD THEMSELVES .

Its no different than a sticking a in their --every morning..

My Guess WHILE GROWING UP! Now infecting the rest of us.

However, that is the most obvious.

It takes IMMENSE to STAY -working at home and to be productive 24/7.

Again, very few can focus at home bc very few have the to do so.

I have been self-employed my entire life. I have worked on the road, out of car, out of burger kings; signed multi million dollar (Jumbo Loans) contracts on the TRUNK of vehicles and negotiated 100’s of thousand$ of Dollars via email --without ever meeting anyone –ever..

How = .


As a child I realized that I am INTELLIGENT THAN MY BOSSES.

Why do I need a Boss?

Never Got Promoted bc my Bosses are too afraid that I would take their jobs. Or Out-Shine them.
Both are Correct! IS REALLY CALLED to them.

So just like the Superior workers are held back -not only by their peers but by management as well:(

Playing the corporate game was never my forte’.

That said, THERE IS NO OTHER CHOICE BUT TO BE and work out of the home.


$180 NET per month?? at a click of a mouse.. Initial investment $0.08 cents!
?? I would be way more concerned about that little red mouse if I were you.. grin.

Ok so lets jump ahead from coming from the likes and failures of Elon Musk.

1. ONE PROJECT AT A TIME-FIRST. Then the NEXT; Then the NEXT --IN that order.

The Project is not important. The task of “Completing something to its entirety” is what needs to be here.

Most have never completed high school and many will go on through life never completing anything..
doesn't matter how big of a success but any success will go a long way to ..

Do Not allow anyone to hold you back >>Move Forward!>>


I use the ABC’s of Time management

DO Make a TODO List | But MAKE a List! | With over 43,000 project management hours under my belt I can HONESTLY say its all about Time Management & setting and meeting for yourself -to begin with.

and MEET them. Plain and simple. I use the a,b,c,d, & e's of time management.

Everyday I make a list (if you are not using a PMS (project management software))

List goes something like this.

A= Top priority tasks
B= 2nd top priority tasks
C= 3rd Priority tasks
D= Delegate to others
E= Eliminate

Every day go through list and simply change the letters next to the tasks. You will find that B's & C's will turn into D's or E's in the following days freeing you up to do the high priorities (A's). Do this each day and you will know exactly what to do to meet deadlines.

But here is MY BEST SECRET:) AUTOMATE your Day;) Turn your 12 hours of daily work into 24 hours.


You see folks when I go to sleep the machine DOES NOT STOP (aka PRODUCTION).
I have overseas programmers (aka language interpreters), assistants etc. that start work the minute I go to sleep.

..? See last part in attachments. ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith ...

Take a !

On December 9, 2019, filed the opening brief in Sosebee v. Franklin County School Board, asking the of Virginia to a local that places requirements on . The court’s decision could have repercussions for all Virginia homeschoolers—as well as homeschoolers across the country.


CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

Take a !

On December 9, 2019, filed the opening brief in Sosebee v. Franklin County School Board, asking the of Virginia to a local that places requirements on . The court’s decision could have repercussions for all Virginia homeschoolers—as well as homeschoolers across the country.


CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

WAAY-TV 31 NEWS | Dan Beasley, Association | ;) . July 16, 2020


CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

| Who is Behind the ?

under ?? SEE BELOW..

927,594 views Mar 21, 2023
Jennifer Bilek is an investigative journalist, a feminist and a leading voice really looking behind the curtain at who is pushing this TRANS AGENDA!

In this interview, we discuss one of the most controversial subjects of our time: the massive effort to promote transgenderism and to push "gender-affirming care" on children. Everyone has heard of the documentary "What is a Woman" but that film didn't dare ask: "Who is behind this?"

This interview was shot as apart of a documentary What Happened At School?

Sign up for news on more interviews like this:

We located the most hard-hitting professional journalist digging into who is imposing this bizarre agenda on us. Jennifer Bilek is a lifelong feminist, alarmed by men who don the mask of womanhood and then demand that all of society affirm this "identity."

People are free to do what they like with their own bodies and time, but asking—nay, forcing—everyone else to ignore biological reality is another matter.

Jennifer Bilek blows the whistle in her hard-hitting investigative pieces that can be found at:

We contacted her and got this in-depth interview that gets to the bottom of WHO IS BEHIND ALL THIS?



CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

vs : Which Student Does ? school vs homeschool. Which one is better? What to do? You don’t have the to send your to , where most seem to do very well in terms of performance, and benefit from the sometimes-lucrative relationships made there.

Then again, the in your neighborhood doesn't feel up to snuff; the class sizes are too , and it doesn’t have a great . So, who’s to say your child won’t benefit from , that you secretly consider to be superior to the average teacher’s.

But you worry: not giving your child the opportunity to with might take away an important part of growing up? Is homeschool ? That’s what we’ll find out, in this episode of the Infographics Show, Traditional School vs Homeschool.


CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

as expected!! are ?? You would have thought BUD LIGHT would have paid attention but heads in the SAND!| It takes a Young to , & 'S ABOUT IN THE OF ! bc YOU DONT HAVE A !! ugh!



CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

Jennifer Bilek | Who is Behind the TRANS AGENDA?

927,594 views Mar 21, 2023
Jennifer Bilek is an investigative journalist, a feminist and a leading voice really looking behind the curtain at who is pushing this TRANS AGENDA!

In this interview, we discuss one of the most controversial subjects of our time: the massive effort to promote transgenderism and to push "gender-affirming care" on children. Everyone has heard of the documentary "What is a Woman" but that film didn't dare ask: "Who is behind this?"

This interview was shot as apart of a documentary What Happened At School?

Sign up for news on more interviews like this:

We located the most hard-hitting professional journalist digging into who is imposing this bizarre agenda on us. Jennifer Bilek is a lifelong feminist, alarmed by men who don the mask of womanhood and then demand that all of society affirm this "identity."

People are free to do what they like with their own bodies and time, but asking—nay, forcing—everyone else to ignore biological reality is another matter.

Jennifer Bilek blows the whistle in her hard-hitting investigative pieces that can be found at:

We contacted her and got this in-depth interview that gets to the bottom of WHO IS BEHIND ALL THIS?


CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

! | Home Schooling | WORKING FROM HOME;)! Offers Advise and Encouragement for every step of the Homeschooling Experience | Early Years | High School | Or ? Personal consultation is always Free of Charge. Online Academy offers an extensive range of Live, Interactive courses including AP (Advanced Placement) Courses.

* Get free personalized advice and encouragement from our education consultants---for every stage of homeschooling. Call 540-338-5600

* Use your HSLDA membership card to qualify for teacher discounts at retail stores, museums, and more.

* Habla español? Asesoria en español. Llamada 540-338-5600


CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

Guide to | WORKING FROM HOME;) | 1. Determine how to Legally Homeschool in your area. |

2. How Homeschooling Moms and Dads themselves ?

Homeschooling is here in the , in all 50 States, but the and vary greatly from State to State...

2. vs Public School at Home | What's the difference between and at home? So many families have been "" at home because of . Is it the thing as homeschooling? Find out in this video!


HSLDA Homeschool Laws by State

HSLDA International Page

Homeschool Curriculum Page

3. HSLDA Homeschool Compassion Grants


CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.


A Friend of Mine was a Member of Association (8 years) | A report was filed with HRS -a Child Protection Agency in Florida.

According to my friend, when knocked on the door they identified themselves as HRS, investigating a child abuse report they recently received.

My friend immediately called the Home School Legal Defense Fund number below.. While talking to an On-Call Attorney (Available 24-7)..

She "" HRS to enter her home -at the same time passing the phone to the . Nothing was said or questioned from the HRS investigators during the convo with the attorney.. Called ENDED.

All children in diapers. NO Visable Abuse they did an about-turn and left -with tail between legs! ..while Friend Proclaiming:

"This is the Best $100 (per year) I have EVER Spent!"

Welcome to | Home School Legal Defense Association.

Every child is different and should have the to learn in a , at their .

* Get free personalized advice and encouragement from our education consultants---for every stage of homeschooling. Call 540-338-5600

* Use your HSLDA membership card to qualify for teacher discounts at retail stores, museums, and more.

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