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The largest in the US just in

, one of the largest in the , has deployed the single largest electric school bus fleet in the country.

Last school year, the school district saw the delivery of its first 25 and installed electric at one of its transportation depots.

It’s now added 61 more electric to its fleet, for a total of 86.

Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) will 326 school buses with electric school buses by 2025, and it will have an entirely electric school bus fleet in 10 years.

Superintendent Dr. Monifa B. McKnight said at yesterday’s launch that, when procurement of the 326 electric buses is complete, “we are going to be upwards of 6,500 of diesel per day, and immediately, this is going to cut costs by 50%.”

The Maryland school district held a yesterday at High School in Bethesda with Highland Electric Fleets, which provides school bus fleet electrification-as-a-service.

Highland designs and organizes electric school bus projects for school districts; creates a subscription plan that includes buses, chargers, and depot improvements; and procures the electric school buses and manages the construction of depot upgrades within school districts.

Each school district gets to choose which make and model of electric school buses they want; Montgomery County has chosen all Thomas Built electric school buses. Some are Type C, with a 226 kWh standard battery capacity and a range of up to 138 miles, and some are Type A, which is a smaller bus.

Electric infrastructure will be installed at three more transportation depots.

Maryland House Delegate David Fraser-Hidalgo said:

Toxic pollutants can be as much as 2.5 times more prevalent inside a typical diesel school bus than inside an electric school bus.

Considering this, along with the carbon emissions caused by the 17,000 gallons of fuel that MCPS diesel buses use daily, electrifying our school bus fleets is an imperative public health, climate change, and environmental priority.

The state of Maryland’s Climate Solutions Now Act of 2022 requires all new school bus purchases and contracts to be electric by 2025.

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Keyword of the Day?


Fashion comes in all !


BONUS? all REAL girls! GRIN

Lots of choices at the EYE-candy store;)

EVAMELE HAWAII SWIM SHOW 2022 - Swimwear & Underwear

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Memory_Lane | |

The has confirmed that and video of "Unidentified?? Aerial Phenomena" taken in 2019 are indeed legitimate images of unexplained objects | Photos and videos of objects and moving through the were taken by Navy personnel, Pentagon spokeswoman Sue Gough said in a statement to CNN.

She also confirmed that photos of three unidentified flying objects -- one "" shaped, another "" shaped and one characterized as a "" (aka -- Yes we already have them..)

Military missiles and the warheads they can carry have become more and more dangerous as technology has advanced rapidly. The destructive power of today’s weapons is beyond imagination with weapons being 3000 times more powerful than the dropped on Japan in World II... and now the world has a new weapon to fear… _blimp -- yes we have them..) -- were also taken by Navy personnel.

"As we have said before, to maintain operations security and to avoid disclosing information that may be useful to potential adversaries, DOD does not discuss publicly the details of either the observations or the examinations of reported incursions into our training ranges or designated airspace, including those incursions initially designated as UAP," Gough said.

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SEASON as officials investigate of an estimated 1

In a major to , the Alaska Department of Fish and Game has, for the first time in state history, canceled the winter snow crab season in the due to their . While restaurant menus will suffer, scientists worry what the sudden population plunge means for the health of the Arctic ecosystem.

An estimated one billion crabs have mysteriously disappeared in two years, state officials said. It marks a 90% drop in their population.

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Season Around the corner?

Nearly of 3COVID-SURVIVORS haven't 6 , study finds

Study based on 96% .


"Our study is important because it adds to our understanding of long-COVID in the general population, not just in those people who need to be to with COVID-19," lead author Jill Pell, a professor of public health at the University of Glasgow, said in a statement.

"By with those , we were able to distinguish between that are due to COVID-19 and health problems that would have ," the statement continued.

Long COVID occurs when patients who have cleared the active infection still have symptoms lasting more than four weeks after recovering. In some cases, these symptoms can persist for months or even years.

Patients can experience a variety of lingering including , , , , joint and , and continued of and , according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

MORE: 'No man's land': Long COVID knocks young workers out of the job market

The authors mentioned some limitations including that most of the were because the study was conducted in , which has a 96% .

"Therefore, it is important that ethnic-specific outcomes are reported by other long-COVID studies with more ethnically diverse populations," the authors wrote.

Additionally, some of the common symptoms were also reported among a control group who had never tested positive for COVID. The symptoms that were most strongly associated with COVID infection were breathlessness, chest pain, palpitations and loss of taste and smell.

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: Prior to quarterly releases of earnings in stock markets, many would call to buy digital traffic, fraudulent or not.

Brokers (intermediaries) didn't care as long as they could show investor increased membership activity to site for investors approval ($) in order to release the next funding round.

Most brokers did not want real human traffic.

Too expensive to bloat numbers.

We only had 100% REAL IPv4 traffic to sell, to their disappointment

Remember in 2000?

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RECAP. From !

if Trump where not in the wings we wouldn't HAVE 1 million dead people from HIS MISHANDLING
of the Covid PANDEMIC!

My summary on is fairly simple. take a look at the fact that they live in a desolate ..

SO BRAINDEAD IN THIS MOMENT? "Who in their right mind would want to live in a desolate desert with the dinosaurs drowning in oil.. ugh!"

You see some of us are actual , and . OF & Creativity.

WE would have cut OPEC lose long ago-- but you all are still negotiating with a country that still BEHEADS ITS CITIZENS??



Americans have not invented or created anything since steel, oil OR rail.

Riding on the coattails of innovation --long ago forgotten..


In terms of tech all Americans have done NOTHING in last two decades AND sat on hands OR others TECHNOLOGY or WORSE.. Causing ..

Is that a strategy?
YES! -- for !

Trump America in that 4 Years.

BTW i WAS A DIE HARD ALL MY LIFE until he turned his back on the American People when he put in charge of Covid ??

"" RIGHT DR. ??

DR. FUCI = yes!

BTW HOW MANY CHECKS DID YOU write TO THE FOR 100k.. or more? ..year after year while others are OR through strategies the USA for Profits??



Americans are ARE INCAPABLE of any Vision or foresight.

* Obesity
* Sexual immorality
* kinks
* lgbtq NONSENSE
* poor diet and lifestyles
and the list goes on...

MANY are stubborn and they only have tunnel vision and why Americans have failed in --last two decades..


However there are some of us that CAN (100%) a in than 2 MAKE PERIOD!

but you all just keep beating your heads against the concrete to see what happens??

..NOT a good plan.

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: The of & Government

We are witnessing the of the “WESTERN” version of

by Ron Paul of Ron Paul

One would have hoped that after the of the , the idea of a economy would have been FOREVER.

But alas, it was not. And now we are the FAILURE of the "" version of central economic planning.

It doesn’t matter how the believe they are.

The “advanced” technologies that they may have make no difference .

Even “” (an if there ever was one) can’t make central economic planning .

is to , and is the .

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Memory_Lane | REPOST! for 2021

2021 Will be as !!

As much as we appreciate Mrs. Yellen concerns regarding imo she is missing the " IN THE "

--like most do...

Majority of Money Laundering Originates of the .

WASH money through .

is a MAGNET to Money Launderers..

See below for detailed information regarding how to .

A Public Accessible /#Register of the .

of the .

At the Twilight of the , and from the set up a of that Captured from Across the GLOBE and it to ??

" We need to be quite sure that the Possible Proliferation of Companies, BANKS etc., which in most Cases would be NO MORE than Brass Plates the does get ?? "

The , a convenient term for a COLLECTION of FINANCIAL INTERESTS is able to Assert the of the Country??

Here are 5 to Put an .

1. Public from Public Contracts to Companies out of Tax Havens.

2. CREATE of of , and

3. Introduce of and between and

4. Introduce Country by Country by Companies.

5. Introduce between all Countries

| and !
SOLUTION: Global Standards to . A Public Accessible /#Register of the .

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AND WHO IS PAYING for the like for LAST 2 DECADES??..




300,000 residential home
6.0% Interest Rate

+ 25 basis points INCREASE March 17, 2022

Monthly Pay: $1,847.15 @ 6.0%
Monthly Pay: $1,798.65 @ 6.25%


$49.05 Monthly payment increase @ 6.25%


300,000 residential home
6.25% Interest Rate

+ 50 basis points INCREASE May 5, 2022

Monthly Pay: $1,945.79 @ 6.75%
Monthly Pay: $1,847.15 @ 6.25%

$98.64 Monthly payment increase @ 6.75%


300,000 residential home
6.75% Interest Rate

+ 75 basis points INCREASE June 16, 2022

Monthly Pay: $2,097.64 @ 7.50%
Monthly Pay: $1,945.79 @ 6.75%


$151.85 Monthly payment increase @ 7.50%


300,000 residential home
7.50 Interest Rate

+ 75 basis points INCREASE July 27, 2022

Monthly Pay: $2,253.80 @ 8.25%
Monthly Pay: $2,097.64 @ 7.50%


$156.18 Monthly payment increase @ 8.25%


300,000 residential home
7.50 Interest Rate

+ 75 basis pionts INCREASE SEPT 21, 2022

Monthly Pay: $2,413.87 @ 9.00%
Monthly Pay: $2,253.80 @ 8.25%

$160.07 Monthly payment increase @ 9.00


AVERAGE accumulative monthly mortgage payment increases??

* $49.05 Monthly payment increase March 17, 2022

* $98.64 Monthly payment increase May 5, 2022

*$151.85 Monthly payment increase June 16, 2022

* $156.18 Monthly payment increase @ 8.25 JuLY 27, 2022

* $160.07 Monthly payment increase @ 9.00 SEPT 21, 2022



Monthly payment increase @ 9.00% SINCE MARCH 17, 2022

On a 300K Residential home you monthly mortgage payment has increased from $1,847.15 @ 6.0% TO Monthly Pay:$2,413.87 @ 9.00% WHICH EQUALS $160.07

IF YOU OWN A HOME THATS COST 600k ($160.07 X 2) = $320.14 per month INCREASE??

OR ?? considering the RISE in Food, Gas PRICES, Medical Expenses, Day Care PRICES and the list goes on...


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! The _DREAM is . has created and founded the NEW DREAM that 'actually exists' TODAY:) from any country.

!! $$$$$

Named after our Ghost Mascot !

No matter how much MONEY YOU HAVE MADE IN THE PAST we can show you how to make 100 to 1000 TIME$$ that SAME amount:)

..out of the comforts of their own living room..

in your pajamas if you wear the them;)

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over the idea of some of ’s ahead of everyone else??

OF !

Gov. to send future sites elsewhere.

Speaking at a Wednesday morning press conference at the temporary Premier Sports Campus drive-thru site, DeSantis argued that any additional shots for seniors are a benefit, noting that the 3,000 are in addition to the county’s regular weekly allotment.

“If Manatee County doesn’t like us doing this, then we are totally fine putting this in counties that want it. We’re totally happy to do that,” DeSantis said. “Anyone that’s saying that, let us know if you want us to send it to Sarasota or Charlotte or Pasco or wherever, let us know — we’re happy to do it.”

“But I think most people — we have an opportunity to bring vaccine and do it efficiently — I think they’re going to want it,” he continued. “There’s folks that are going to complain about getting vaccines, I’ll tell you what, I’d be thankful because you know what? We didn’t need to do this at all. We saw a need and wanted to get the numbers up for seniors.”

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to from . county that him of favoring |

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis threatened to coronavirus vaccine from a county whose officials criticized him for opening a pop-up vaccination site limited to residents of an affluent, .

from the after the state's clinics in the were to that are two of the and in the , according to the .

Both zip codes are more than 90% with median incomes $100,000, according to .

Manatee County told the Herald that the clinics were set up in and after DeSantis $spoke with Lakewood Ranch , a .

"You're taking the and in County and putting them ," County Commissioner Misty Servia, a Republican, said during a meeting this week.

"This is for of , regardless of what district or population we represent because it makes our ," said , a Democrat.

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| This Republican Governor Just to to |

The First of has long been to , Ever to .

The of 6 million defies comparison. The second rule of politics -- or maybe just an to the first -- should be:

Never compare anything to the that to the of Osama_Bin_Laden. Updated 4:55 PM ET, Thu August 13, 2020

. (yes, him again) seemed to have that in .

But none of this is in any way to a group of killing bin Laden. Like, at all.

I guess what DeSantis was going for was the idea that even after one of the helicopters crash-landed during the raid on bin Laden's compound, the SEAL team still kept going to finish their mission.

And so, even as there are all of to , is going to overcome those to make sure have the between and ? I think?

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FLORIDA | , Former , over on her Home | Former of data manager Rebekah Jones has filed a against the of , saying the Dec. 7 morning raid on her house was a "" to against her for COVID-19 data.

Jones was in and soon her own . Gov. said her firing was because she ; she said it was because she to Florida in a more to the 's plans to the 's_Economy.

In the lawsuit filed Sunday night against FDLE , the department and several agents in Circuit , Jones claims her were , including against Search and Seizure (4th Admendment). She is in excess of $100,000, according to the lawsuit's cover sheet.

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Demand an RE-Investigation of the Drug Crimes, Desantis Involvement and Lakewood Ranch, Florida

Memory Lane | & :

Doctor, charged in and |

Prescribed of including | Bribing Doctors to Perscibe the FENTANYL SPRAY | |

says Chun was paid more than $275,000 in and from in connection with the Speaker Programs

TAMPA, Florida. | According to the U.S. Department of Justice (), 57-year-old doctor Owned a Pain Management in Sarasota. He prescribed a large volumes of , including Fentanyl.

Daniel Tondre, 50, worked as a sales representative for Insys Therapeutics, Inc., that manufactured and sold Subsys, an expensive form of | ' were paid with sales commissions based on paid prescriptions of Subsys. Tondre's sales territory included Chun's practice.

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DAVIDV Comment:

: I remember back in the 90's when Lakewood Ranch broke off from to become their own City.

Now as the of .

Legal in .

Sound Familiar?

Locals here in have have lost Loved ones & FAMILY due to this illegal activity.

of - for due to ! |

-Will never be forgotten.

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Putin: The Nobel Peace Prize has been politicized and devalued. What was Obama’s contribution to peace?

~This does not ADD CREDIBILITY to those behind such DECISIONS. Nevertheless, we are happy for out citizens who received this award~

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Delays in Releases??


No one ever considered all the theft originated from scripting/scraping --not from your devices.

, Tracking and Tracing Code, AT&T , 's, , Timed Executable , (S) Spawning Trojan horses.. ugh!

..and the list goes on.

We told the masses where to look to find thieves and now thieves running scared

All will be ARRESTED SOON.

That's why the delays.


Keyword of the Day?


Fashion comes in all !


BONUS? all REAL girls! GRIN

Lots of choices at the EYE-candy store;)

EVAMELE HAWAII SWIM SHOW 2022 - Swimwear & Underwear

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SELLS to your . seems to if the cares.
When my work inbox got flooded with reminders of my most twee shopping habits, I found out the Block-owned service throws up obstacles to getting out of its marketing business.

When COVID-19 forced Compass Coffee to close down its Washington, D.C.–area shops, the roastery’s owners turned to email to stay in touch with customers. They knew just the tool: The company was already all in on Square. Compass co-founder Michael Haft had even taken a glass-blowing class from Jim McKelvey, who co-founded the service.

“It’s always just been a great point-of-sale system — very intuitive for our baristas, very easy for customers,” Haft said. To his delight, Haft discovered that Square also gave Compass the potential to reach out to both a small number of its most loyal customers as well as many, many would-be local coffee sippers. Now, he pays $200 per month for access to a list of at least 15,000 email addresses of his more casual customers in Square’s directory, he said, which is “absolutely” a huge multiple of the ones Compass collected itself.

I was speaking with Haft because I’ve been receiving Compass marketing messages at my work email address — as I have been from fruit stands, an artisanal butcher, and a cheesemonger, plus a Korean bowl spot I run to for dinner too often and the boutique where I bought a set of cloth napkins the color of autumn leaves last year. It’s a record of my bougiest shopping habits, and as marketing goes, most of the messages are more appealing than what I get from major mainstream retailers that don’t use Square.

Here’s the thing though: I can’t remember ever having checked out at any of these merchants using my work email address, much less using it to sign up for marketing. A search of my account didn’t turn up any records. Annoyed with the most insistent emailers, I reached out to the sellers who reached out to me — except, as a reporter rather than as a customer — to figure out what was going on.

I wanted to know how all these merchants had gotten my professional contact info. What I discovered was both unsurprising in today’s world of relentless online marketing and aggressive consumer data sharing, and also a bit disquieting. It also had less to do with these small shops than I might have expected: Square’s parent company, Block, was selling access to customers’ inboxes, even if all we do is elect to receive a receipt from a single transaction (more on that below).

Privacy experts said selling marketing information in this way clearly falls short of best privacy practices. And while it doesn’t appear to violate data protection laws, the practice is walking a fine line.

“They’re trying to solve for a lot of different nuances whilst trying to serve their objective and their merchant objective, which is keeping as many people opted in as possible,” said Sucharita Kodali, a vice president and retail analyst at Forrester.

Experts also told Protocol the situation seems to highlight how Block, as well as other payment processors and fintech platforms, operate in a bit of a privacy gray zone. Sometimes that gray zone leaves no one in charge of consumers’ data rights, and sometimes it means the companies, deep within their terms of service, have legal loopholes that give them room to use our information in ways we might not expect.

‘Surprising is never good’
My work inbox’s collision with Square-powered marketing seemingly began in June, when I had a receipt for a small processing fee related to obtaining a press pass sent to it. I paid with a personal card, and that transaction added my work address to my existing Square profile, which was in turn already linked with that card. That was all it took. Even though I’ve never used that particular card at most of the businesses now emailing me, and I don’t get any other receipts sent to my work email, the address was circulated to marketing lists far and wide.

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