
23-Year-Old '' Has Luxury Cars After $35 Million of Investor Money

bought ads as news articles on websites like the to promote himself.

luxury cars, including two , two , and a , have been from 23-year-old Aiden Pleterski, the self-described “crypto king” of Canada, during bankruptcy proceedings according to a new report from the CBC.

But those cars are only worth a of the $35 million that Pleterski allegedly took from investors who thought he’d make them ?? in the market, and it’s not clear whether they’ll ever see their money again.

Pleterski and his company AP Private Equity Limited are facing at least two after 140 people have come forward to say they invested a combined $35 million with Pleterski.

Those people believed they were investing in cryptocurrency, and Pleterski’s online presence—including photos of the 23-year-old on and next to luxury cars—helped create the image that he knew what he was doing.

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