
In full: President speaks at a


* I love how he said: "If the west wants to have nonstop pride parades and talk about their unlimited genders, they are allowed to do that. But other countries should have the right to govern themselves as they want too"

* Reminds me a lot of the speech he held in the German Parliament in 2001, about the developed countries working together to solve the world's problems. They slammed the door in his face.

* So strange for us in the West to listen to a politician who articulates clearly what he really thinks - and is decisive and clear.

* Thanks SkyNews for airing this!

* Russia has constantly kept its debt to GDP ratio to below 20%.

* If every country does that and takes care of its citizens, there will be no need for conflict.
Think, people, think.

* To speak and converse so coherently taking and answering questions across wide and varied topics cannot but be admired. Where are our western leaders who can do the same? They seem to have been reduced to using press officers, spin doctors and forever in search of the ultimate soundbite.

* Putin speaks cogently for three hours, covering a huge breadth of issues; geo-politics, international relations, history, culture, philosophy.

* Not bad for someone that Christopher Steele and Richard Dearlove alleged was at death's door.

* There is not a single politician in the West with the capacity to address an audience in this manner.
Truss 3 mins of soundbite maybe? Biden 30 secs maybe?

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