

- Another In The (HD-4K)


It was a nice visit:) However you have worn out your Welcome..

Now its time for you to GO!
There is the door. don't let it hit you in the ASS --on the way out!

Institutionalized is NOW 💯 % Totally !


You will NOT be disappointed;)

Come get the and !




* This song means as much now as it did to me when it was released. People don't understand one size does not fit all... each child is born with a unique gift the majority never have it recognized, nurtured or developed. So sad.

* When I first heard this, me and my friend were vibing to it because of the line “We don’t need no education” but then I realized the bigger meaning of the song, which is, we’re not just bricks in a wall, we’re our own individual person.

* I still have PTSD from my school time. Honestly, everything that happened in school about 50 years ago is 100% torture: Violence- physical, psychological, verbal, threats, humiliation, mobbing, sexuell and mental abuse, sexism, racism and so on. I have never recovered from it. When this song came out I used to scream the lyrics. The worst thing is: is hasn't changed so much ever since. Schools still are the nightmare No. 1 for many kids.

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