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Years ago, I jumped onto Netflix when STOCK was was $69 USD per share –approx two decades ago. Blockbuster Video was Booming. REMEMBER?

At the same time watching streaming content from YouTube..

Hello? Just a matter of time until the DVD's got NUKED..

TO PRESENT DAY ..months ago listening to all the Snake Oil Salesmen on CNBC (Karen) manipulation the crap out of everyone—pushing Paramount and Disney??

Basically (Newscasters/Talking Heads) are Bird-dogs on bird-dog allowances pushing everything into CRAPPY AMERICAN PRODUCTS AND SERVICES -- like BIG TECH???

News flash don’t be fooled it’s DUMB tech LIKE APPLES DUMB PHONES. One hit wonders at best! They are of ZERO VALUE in terms of INNOVATION.
You all have been taking to the cleaners. You just don’t know it yet. You will lose every penny you have invested..


Shall we go on.. ? and were soon promoted ahead of Netflix by AMERICAN Main Stream Media.

Why? Because those million dollar seats they sit in every day ARE ON THE LINE!!
HELLO anyone home??

I told those idiots at the time that Netflix has INTERNATIONAL PRESENCE when Netflix dropped –a Paramount/Disney-- behind the scenes --stock manipulation.

They still pushed their losing agenda..


We have determined>>that the United States of America is/are:

* --only to Steal, Rape and Pillage Third World Countries. (EG Afghanistan | Stolen heroin makes USA the largest drug dealers in the world and stolen Uranium for more Nuclear Melt Downs in our country (eg: Santa Susanna Valley, California Nuclear Lab Meltdown | BOYCOTT & GUILTY)

* . (ONLY CENTRALIZED BLOCKCHAINS and Cryptocurrencies??)

* . USA has stolen 3 major software inventions from our Companies over last 25 years.

* Anti Health Care. The Big Obama Lie.. it will cost the exact same as being on red cross blue shield that no-one can afford. Boycott -- one of the worst presidents behind the scenes DRUNK ON BIG TECH Kool-aide in the history of Mankind.

GPS SATELLITES AND 5G TOWERS that cause major Migratory issues with all living and Marine creatures on earth. Not to mention via 5g towers --FRYING everyone brains with the utilization of unconstrained microwave technology.

* Last 5 president NEED TO be removed from history and our history books!! imho.

* are all and need to be removed and replaced. (passing the Abortion Buck to all states individually).

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