
CAVEAT ORACLE: An ELEPHANT NEVER FORGETS | MEMORY LANE | Oracles Origins?? (No, I'm not joking).

Facebook Advertising = 190 Elite Marketing Partners which Created the Biggest DATABASE of Consumer IN THE WORLD! (, , , , , ETC.,)?? 2018

How State and Everyone, Everything, and Everywhere | Delivers People-based marketing BEYOND Facebook? (Gambling, Smoking, Alchohol, etc.) ,

" Else besides has the Depth of about Individuals." -Debra Williamson eMarketer

* Third Party Activities.
* Permanent Trackers
* Massive Privacy Violations
* Activity and Collection.
* Ads Following Users
* Biggest Data Brokers. - 7 OUT OF 9 DATABrokers sell/buy to each other..? Why? ?
* Local Location Tracking
* Profiles
* Low level Targets called ""
* Zero level of to consumer ..
* Countless
* 360 Degree Consumer Assigned Classes.
* High Frequency Trading - Self Updating Trackers on your online activities..
* Consumer and your identifiable Information..

TastingTraffic LLC

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading)

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📛 DISCLAIMER: We Cover the 'Way' the #News is #COVERED_UP! 👿 JOBS FOR ALL WORLDWIDE COMING SOON! * Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours * EXPERT BLACK BOX TESTER * Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) * Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding) * Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading) Book a Chat w/ TastingTraffic