
WHO IS California's #1 IN ?? ! Why Is : The Big Tech | DavidV exp. Real_Estate_Broker in Florida 12 years. Licensed Residential Mortgage broker in Florida 16 years (aka Correspondent Lender Status Nationwide)

#1 : is GUILTY of ! The worst of all .

Stanford University, Apple, Google, Cisco, Intel and several real estate companies are among Silicon Valley’s top property owners according to an analysis of Santa Clara County assessor records for 2018.

In all, the top ten entities own nearly $59.2 billion ($59,153,247,282) worth of taxable property, both secured and unsecured, between them.

NEWS FLASH! We know its hard to believe BUT Silicon Valley is a . The Silicon Valley has always been right here in .

Why do you thing 50% of USA population has migrated here:)?? Hello.. anyone home?

Afterall we are the founders (WEBTRAFFICBROKERS.COM) and inventors of all BIG TECHNOLGY today.

We invented all underlining Technology that Powers the internet

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All stolen tech in 2007 w/ massive !

You have been lied to!


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