
🇫🇷 , , 's !! In fact ! AFTERALL IT IS where all the live folks. All the damage is coming from ! We have tracked it to NAZI's in this country. 🇫🇷

France has a total of 84,308,992 IP address assigned. Below are all IPV4 address ranges in France.

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Bill to secure and regulate the digital space (ECOI2309270L)
Last modification: 01 August 2023

Mozilla Foundation Warns France's Proposed Web Blocking Law 'Could Threaten the Free Internet' (

Posted on Friday August 18, 2023 @07:20PM from the quick-before-it's-too-late dept.

The Mozilla Foundation has started a petition to stop the French government from forcing browsers like Mozilla's Firefox to censor websites. "It would set a dangerous precedent, providing a playbook for other governments to also turn browsers like Firefox into censorship tools," says the organization. "The government introduced the bill to parliament shortly before the summer break and is hoping to pass this as quickly and smoothly as possible; the bill has even been put on an accelerated procedure, with a vote to take place this fall." You can add your name to their petition here.

The bill in question is France's , which sets a precarious standard for digital freedoms by empowering the government to compile a list of websites to be blocked at the browser level. The Mozilla Foundation warns that this approach "is uncharted territory" and could give oppressive regimes an operational model that could undermine the effectiveness of censorship circumvention tools.

"Rather than mandate browser based blocking, we think the legislation should focus on improving the existing mechanisms already utilized by browsers -- services such as Safe Browsing and Smart Screen," says Mozilla. "The law should instead focus on establishing clear yet reasonable timelines under which major phishing protection systems should handle legitimate website inclusion requests from authorized government agencies. All such requests for inclusion should be based on a robust set of public criteria limited to phishing/scam websites, subject to independent review from experts, and contain judicial appellate mechanisms in case an inclusion request is rejected by a provider."


Impact study: (PDF, 2.9 MB).
Opinion of the Council of State: (PDF, 530 Ko).

Press release from the Council of Ministers of 10 May 2023The Minister for the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty and the Minister Delegate to the Minister for the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty, in charge of the Digital Transition and Telecommunications presented the bill aimed at securing and regulating the digital space (SREN) to restore the confidence necessary for the success of the digital transition. With this bill, France is adopting a range of unprecedented and bold concrete measures aimed at strengthening public order in the digital space. Resulting from inter-ministerial work led by Mr. Jean-Noël BARROT, this bill contains some twenty proposals aimed in particular at: - allowing the implementation of an anti-scam cybersecurity filter aimed at protecting French people against attempts to fraudulently access their personal or bank details for malicious purposes, which have multiplied in recent years; - allow a strengthening of penalties for people convicted of cyberbullying, a phenomenon that is spreading on social networks; - strengthen the system aimed at enforcing online age limits for access to pornographic sites and thus better protect our children; - penalize the sites in the event of non-removal of online child pornography content; - restore commercial fairness in the cloud market, currently concentrated in the hands of a handful of players; - provide new protections against disinformation and foreign interference caused by the dissemination of media hit by international sanctions; - adapt national law so that two major European regulations that France had adopted during its presidency of the Council of the European Union in 2022 can be applied: the regulation on digital services (DSA) and the regulation on markets digital (DMA). Qualified by the President of the Republic as the "second challenge of the century", the digital revolution must be approached with the appropriate tools to secure and regulate digital spaces and to counter the sometimes unfair competition from major players. That is the purpose of this bill. By ensuring the safety of citizens in a constantly changing environment where risks and innovation are multiplying rapidly, France is reaffirming its ambition to make digital a space of trust for citizens and businesses.

google translate here:


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