
ALL aka ! | 25 YEAR BODY BUILDER SPILLS THE BEANS! POWERED 100% FAKE AND A LIE! a Temporary Energy at Best! |

Guess what the TOP Internet KEYWORD was back 25 years ago?? = ??

Promotion BY , and Companies = = !.

POWDERED SUPPLEMENTS >> DEPLETED of all Natural Oxygen combined with a TOXIC POLLUTION is a prescription to !

BTW Cancer is a --its a . Its a MAJOR of MASSIVE TOXINS that have been collected in the BODY IS ABOUT TO !

ALL 'S IN THE ! OF WATCHING 1.1. MILLION DEATHS w/o a !!? aka !!

You are to be a in the ! imho

Lorraine Day | | The for Cancer Has been ! Look , Feel , ! Finally the !

* I developed in 1993..

* I all and I refused all . Why? Because they . Every Doctor knows this, but the patient??


* We are ourselves by the way we are , and handling . * for 20 years and I am 80 Years old. But feel like I am 25:)

* I still play , I still , My Joints are fine. I have NO , I take NO , NO , I never get , I never get the , I am totally WELL.

* Be for the of your !

1. :


is NOT a its a | What do I need to do to NOT get Cancer Again? Every Cancer Can Be | Cancer is a complex Mechanism. Cancer Develops when there is a requirement to dispose of Mass amounts of accumulated over time within the body.

(The we eat, , , Intense , , and list goes on..) No one talks about a Cancer Cure. ONLY ?? I have personally a cancer cure () | Get into the SUN (Vitamin D) -not out of it.

Like Nature the will ! But you will need to change everything.

Research: & Clean your .


* Cancer is NOT a Disease | It's a Healing Mechanism -Andreas Moritz

* Heal Yourself with Sunlight - Andreas Moritz

* The Only Answer to Cancer -Dr. Leonard Coldwell

2. :

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