The #Sherman #Anti_Trust #Act Explained: USA #History Review | #Illegal Monopolies | #Subsidies | See: #Section 2: It is a #Felony to engage in this type of Practice | #Price_Discrimination, Market #Interference & #Manipulation, #Artificially Effecting Marketplace to #Destroy Competition. | 1890 The #Sherman #Anti_Trust Act is Passed: "EVERY CONTRACT, COMBINATION IN THE FORM OF TRUST OR OTHERWISE, OR CONSPIRACY, IN RESTRAINT OF TRADE OR COMMERCE AMONG THE SEVERAL STATES, OR WITH FOREIGN NATIONS, IS #DECLARED TO BE #ILLEGAL."
Here is #TRUTH! According to DavidV: The #Sherman #ANTI_TRUST ACT was never intended to #PROTECT WE THE #PEOPLE from CROOKED #MOBSTERS AKA #POLITICIANS in #Government. Only to be USED #AGAINST WE THE PEOPLE because the USA is #ANTI_COMPETITIVE AGAINST ITS #OWN #CITIZENS W/ Massive Proof?
WHO #DREW #FIRST_BLOOD! DEAR MR. #BIDEN (proxy war violating Russian sovereignty and BLOWING UP #NORD_STREAM #pipe_line = #USA_TERRORIST Attack)
IN combination with . MR. #TRUMP (signing the #Abrahams_Accord SPEARHEADING #GENOCIDE IN #GAZA) YOU #BOTH DREW #FIRST_BLOOD in symphony and NOW #WE_THE_PEOPLE WILL #FINISH IT;) Not #TWO_LOSERS #MOBSTERS like you!
#HIJACKING_TRUST? A Walk Down Memory Lane begins with Hijacking TRUST in the Marketplace to #Squash_Competition?
* Rapid Industrial Age: 1870's to 1880"s - Huge #Monopolies Hyjack Marketplace to Squash #Competition Called #TRUSTS.
* Government #Tariffs, #Regulations in order for the Public Good.
* 1904 #Supreme_Court: Northern Security Co. vs. USA reversed precedent and allowed #ShermanAntiTrustAct to be used to break up Monopolies and Trusts..
The Sherman Anti-Trust Act Explained: US History Review
1. VIDEO: https://youtu.be/_DSN0uUNLOw
2. VIDEO: https://youtu.be/831LvHXLXx8
#Vladimir_Putin blames #West for starting war in Ukraine as he #suspends participation in key #nuclear treaty.. Vladimir Putin says the #West "#Released the #Genie from the #Bottle" in the 10 years #prior to the #war by #starting_others - and adds #Moscow will "continue to #resolve the #objectives" of its "Special #Military Operation".
'#They_started_the_war' - Putin's annual address to the #nation
3. Video: https://www.youtube.com/live/uKf0ZxQCLu0
4. Static page: https://news.sky.com/story/vladimir-putin-they-started-the-war-and-we-used-force-in-order-to-stop-it-12816219
*****Also See: #Monopolies and #AntiCompetitive Markets: Crash Course #Economics: (Google #Android & #Apple #iOS) https://youtu.be/Sb_-wfmJnHA
Why you need to stop using Google – because Google can’t be trusted as a search engine any more.
I made this channel because I believe standing up against power and illegitimate authority is a moral duty.
I believe all humans are fundamentally free. But this freedom won’t take care of itself.
Why #STOP using #Google? Because #relevant_advertisement #DONT make up for #relevant_search_results.
5. VIDEO: https://youtu.be/vZBa5-wFAfQ
7. VIDEO HERE: video queued up here:
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