
✝️ 🇺🇸 🇨🇦 🇵🇸 5: Who’s to Blame for the Riots? of 50 Years in .

🌎 🌍 🌏 That's when you have a political party that builds its party platform
on 👶 killing infants in the womb destroying the family, elevating
🏳️‍🌈 homosexuality transgender 🌈 perversion and they're proud about it.

That's when you've become filled verse 29 with all unrighteousness; wickedness; greed; evil;
full of Envy murder; Strife; deceit; malice; gossip; slander; haters of God; insolent
arrogant; boastful; inventors of evil; disobedient to Parents; Without understanding; untrustworthy; unloving;
unmerciful and though they know the ordinance of God that those who practice such things are worthy of death they do
not only do the same but they give hearty approval to those who practice them they elect them
to office on top of the natural sinfulness????

Is the added reality of divine judgment on those people who have rejected God and those Nations who have rejected God
so the corruption is systemic?? It IS NOT SOCIAL. IT IS SYSTEMIC and IT IS PERSONAL and nobody escapes
it's NOT RELATED to a lack of opportunity it's NOT RELATED to a lack of money it's NOT RELATED to a lack of
privilege a lack of Education man naturally is a SINFUL BEAST WHO REJECTS GOD; rejects his law Rebels
does not fear God we were all born with that internal wretchedness that corrupts and defiles its scars Beauty it darkens wisdom it defiles love
it robs Purity and it steals peace 2002 James Waller wrote a book called becoming evil subtitled how Ordinary People commit genocide
and mass killing interesting book a reviewer said regarding the book what is fascinating about Waller's study is that he challenges the
common assumption that >>


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