
✝️ 🇺🇸 🇨🇦 🇵🇸 1: of 50 Years in | the . Dec 9, 2012

🌎 🌍 🌏 There that those who have come to
since his ministry on earth who
constitute his because we will be
raptured the rapture event is clearly a
singular event described in the New
Testament 1st Thessalonians 4 first
15 John 14 it is a singular
event it describes the snatching away of the
church the catching away of the church
all of us who are in Christ will be
caught away it is the moment when the
phrase in 11 is fulfilled the
fullness of the Gentiles when the church
is full when the last elect person
believes the is triggered we
won't know who that person is but all
the redeemed will be removed now when
does this happen clearly it happens John
14 first Corinthians 15 first Thessalonians 4 describes the
event with specific details when does it
happen some people think it happens at
the end of the or near the
end of the tribulation I think it
happens at the beginning it has to
happen because it's an event it's an
event that has no judgment connected to
it very important there is no word of
in any of those things that's
why our hope is called a hope so
why do I think it happens at the
beginning of the tribulation I'm going
to give you a few answers quickly number
one in the book of Revelation which is
laid out chronologically the things
which were the things which are the
things which will be in the book of
Revelation the church appears in chapter
1 on earth the church appears
chapter two on earth are
described in Chapter two in Chapter
three local churches in Asia Minor the
church is there starting in Chapter four
the church never appears again the word
never appears again in the book of
right through to the return
of Christ..

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