#Google is #Poisoning their OWN DATA Rendering #AD_WORDS #ADVERTISING #Targeting #OBSOLETE!
And they don’t even know it… see below.
What happened to #DEEP_MIND? and/or #LaMDA? Etc. etc.
#TastingTraffic LLC #SHUT_DOWN BOTH!;) Overnight!
#TastingTraffic LLC debunked #Google Long ago--many times. btw.. Google still under #ANTI_TRUST investigation by the #CROOKED #Biden_Administration--that will Never Be Finalized??
PROOF of more #Israeli_Terrorists Meddling #behind_the_scenes.
We have 100% #Proof and #Evidence that the #State of #ISRAEL has Stolen your #Personal_Data as well as your #Intellectual_Property Worldwide. (by #Oracle a #Jewish_Owned #Fortune 500 Company)
But know one asks us for the evidence or Proof.. NO ONE?? Confirmation of an #Illegal Major #Concealment & COVER-UP #CRIME(s) over the last 7,300 days / 2 decades / 20 years??
Since we are the only Qualified eyes on the Planet to see.
~ I was Blind But Now We can See~
Do not use #USPTO #Patent_office for anything. #Trade_Secret_Everything (SECURE CODE BEHIND PRYING EYES IN-HOUSE SERVER SIDE) or lose everything--your choice?
..and these are Blatant LIES and more HYPE by #Israeli Controlled Mainstream News Outlets in our USA #Homeland NO LESS? Called #CNBC..
GET OUT of OUR Country NOW! You are Terrorist and Murders of 26,000 innocent civilians in Gaza >>> and are not welcomed in the USA anymore!
Don’t be Fooled folks you are listening to #ISRAELI #Propaganda via #Proxy Propaganda Machine out of CNBC (#WAR_PROXY) = aka #Israeli_ZIONISTS.
There is #NO #AI; its all #FAKE! Google’s #BARD >> Renamed to #Gemini #DEMO was also #FAKED! They don’t know what to call themselves since all are #failures. Like Elon Musk everything the #JEWS #touch will #FAIL!
All they know how to do IS CHANGE THE NAME and RE-BRAND the same TECH through HYPE under a different name; over and over again (LIKE #PARROTS ) to cover up their #UNENDING_FAILURES! And that my friends is the REAL TRUTH behind Israeli #AI_TECH.
They sacrificed 1200 human beings (WALL BREACHED bc SECURITY WAS % #ALGORITHMIC_POWERED w/o Human assistance Is Proof of Israeli MAJOR #IN_COMPETENCIES)
#ANYONE could have #BREACHED that #WALL--NOT just #HAMAS!
After-all #Colonial_Pipeline was Using a Compromised (WEAK) #Password. Any #UNETHICAL_HACKER could get in.
Why? Because there is no code on the planet that can operate and/or function as intended #UNSUPERVISED!! >> WITHOUT 24/7 #HUMAN_SUPERVISION.
Proof Israeli's Engineers #GRANDIOSE_CLAIMS Murdered their own Citizens!
(DavidV exp. 200K Project management hours under belt since 1999)
They #MURDERED their own people--if the #TRUTH BE #TOLD! And the Jewish Citizens TRUSTED them and many unfortunately were Killed >> then tried to place the #FLACCID_INCOMPETENCY ON #HAMAS AND PUNISHMENT w/ Vengeance against the #palestinian people—like as if they had something to do with it... UGH!
At the cost of 26,500 murdered innocent Victims (Civilians NO LESS)?? How much does the Israeli's Zionist Value an American Life?? I will answer it for you..
$0.00 USD!
But they need our #Tax_Dollars to Survive?? Who wants to pay taxes now to #FUND_GENOCIDE of #Children!??
After #NETAN_YAHOO! #Incited the #Murder (THE CHUMP GAMEPLAN) of his last running mate; calling him and #NAZI WHO HAS SINCE BEEN #ASSASSINNATED ..when in-fact #NETAN_YAHOO! is the murdering #Nazi_Hitler! Responsible.
AND In charge of the United States of America Biden cabinet?????
You are all #LUNATICS! #Sexual_immorality >> Murder >> #Mental_Illness. The path you have chosen.
~Reverse Software Engineer 27 Years~
This could be #Fake_Propaganda--as well, for all we know??..
You See folks how can you #TRUST anything or anyone when #Israel and #USA has just committed #Genocide while the #WORLD TURNS A #BLIND EYE??
When Instead, our Military should of went into #ISRAEL and #ARRESTED THEM ALL. Instead of FUNDING Military Support! Starting with Biden’s Cabinet!
Google’s new #Gemini_AI_model (aka #FAKED!) is getting a mixed reception after its big debut last month, but users may have #less_confidence in the company’s #tech or #integrity after #finding_out that the most impressive #demo of #Gemini WAS PRETTY MUCH #FAKED!
Static Page: Google’s best Gemini demo was faked
ACTUAL #FAKED_VIDEO HERE: Hands-on with #Gemini: #Interacting?? ( #BULLSH*T! ) with #FAKE_COPYCAT AI..??
Just 2 #BIG problems:
1. The #video isn’t #real. “We created the demo by capturing footage in order to test #Gemini’s capabilities on a wide range of challenges. Then we prompted Gemini using still image frames from the footage, and prompting via text.” (#Parmy_Olson was the first to #report the #discrepancy.)
2. #Google is #Poisoning their #OWN_DATA Rendering #AD_WORDS #ADVERTISING Targeting #OBSOLETE! Aka USELESS ..And they don’t even know it...
DISCLAIMER: We Don't Cover the News | We Cover the 'Way' the #News is #COVERED_UP!
* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)
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