

Cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase seeking to license its analytics to the and to identify crypto users worldwide

Those agencies are considering a use from for a cloud-based called Coinbase .

According to the prospective DEA contract, Coinbase’s software will provide “” for both and .


Disclaimer: tastingtraffic.net (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [tastingtraffic.com]


The is NOT coming after Middle Class. That's a bunch of nonsense!

It's no SECRET that has been used for illegal ..EXCLUSIVELY.

There is no living there.. AKA ??

The latest IRS funding? Needed to and DOWN THE THE .

They are currently and will be and -- ..and more is needed.. imho.

In terms of a Million Dollars going to IRS Agents??

REMEMBER these are ..

Mostly ACTIVE /Unethical Hackers and/or >> .

NEED to PROVIDE A WAY for our IRS Officers to protect themselves.

Disclaimer: tastingtraffic.net (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) [tastingtraffic.com]

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