
won't commit to stopping to

TikTok repeatedly to to on Wednesday that the short-form will cut off flows of US user data to China, instead promising that the outcome of its negotiations with the "will satisfy all national security concerns."

Testifying before the Senate Homeland Security Committee, TikTok Chief Operating Officer Vanessa Pappas first sparred with Sen. Rob Portman over details of TikTok's corporate structure before being confronted — twice — with a specific request.

"Will TikTok commit to cutting off all data and data flows to China, China-based TikTok employees, ByteDance employees, or any other party in China that might have the capability to access information on US users?" Portman asked.

TikTok ties to China are once again under fire in Washington.

Here's why ..

The question reflects bipartisan concerns in Washington about the possibility that US user data could find its way to the government and be used to undermine US interests, thanks to a in that country that compels companies located there to cooperate with data requests.

US officials have expressed fears that China could use Americans' personal information to identify useful potential agents or intelligence targets, or to inform future mis- or campaigns.

TikTok does not operate in China, Pappas said, though it does have an office in China.

TikTok is owned by ByteDance,

employees had accessed US user data on multiple occasions. In a subsequent letter to lawmakers, TikTok acknowledged the ability for China-based individuals to access but highlighted cybersecurity controls that were "overseen by our US-based security team."

pledges more transparency for researchers amid renewed scrutiny
TikTok pledges more transparency for researchers amid renewed scrutiny
Pappas affirmed in Wednesday's hearing that the company has said, on record, that its Chinese employees do have access to US user data..

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