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Youtube Comments: I spent 4 years in university and not a single faculty member gave a lecture with even a fraction of the clarity that this lecture has. Thank you Khan Academy for being the best out there.

* i just don't like it when I'm with too many people to hang out. it's either, i feel left out or I fear of having the attention. i feel like i am slowly being separated from people. i don't know the reason why..

* I suffer from social anxiety it’s really bad i can’t do anything and if people want me to go with them somewhere I have to give it everything I got to go 😓..

* I don’t know what disorder I have I know I have one tho it’s killing me inside because I want to know so I can find treatment..

* As a person with ADD people often mistake my condition with ADHD. My ADD really took over my life and I couldn’t focus at all and I’ll be having maladaptive day dreams. I would fidget a lot. With ADD my whole life I have gotten really bad grades as well, when I got my medication it made my heart beat so fast and made me hyper. I don’t like it but it helps me focus at least

* Is there a disorder where the mind is constantly in a state of over active chaotic incoherency? Even when the body is at rest?


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