
David v spills the bean AGAIN! Opps



IN A ?? –just like the late AOL.. Remember??

But app stores were much more advanced..


Little did they know THAT APP STORES we not providing traffic but infact stealing all customer data-- all along and then CHARGING YOU 30% FOR THEIR THEFT?

Whatta deal HUH?

What Americans did not know WAS that in fact we already had this tech called long before cell phones WERE even BROUGHT to market.

The code was called ‘’ where all text and images would layout perfectly to ANY SCREEN SIZE.. grin and ugh!


YES this tech was here long before a cell phone even hit the market. App stores where never needed to begin with..

HELLO? Again.

Think about.. now you have kindergarten age kids carrying around Dumb phones 24/7 and teaching them to become ..

..and that’s what happened.

Now your children have been using a dumb phones for last 2 decades and are missing out on the MAINSTREAM power that a laptop or a desktop provides because they are to a DUMB PHONE??

Question if we were all walking around with laptops in our hands would their be ??

Answer NEVER! Not needed.



ON YOUR LAPTOP LIKE AND WHY LIKE AND WILL PUSH YOU INTO cheap subscriptions TO BE TRACKED BY AND (free flowing microwave tech is a danger to all living creatures | aka ) ALL MARINE CREATURES AND FOR BIRDS BEES, WHALES, SEA TURTLES ETC. ETC. ETC..

ON ????

Just recently, we were able to drive all to to the tune of 70.000 users.

WE RE-DIRECTED all those user right back to OUR INSTANCE.. grin

Yes we took 70,000 TWITTER ORPHANS from Twitter based on minor SEO efforts --over a period of one year.

Equates to Million$ in $ to our company. (We know the numbers).

And we have no apps in any app store btw.. In fact our new site that we are getting ready to launch works straight out of the box on any device or any screen size. Just load up your favorite browser and type in our domain name and you will have full access to all sites benefits, functions and features (currently at the end of development)

Launching Soon-- Stay Tuned! Your invited:)

Many uninformed Users were sold and told to list their sites/application/scripts with a APP STORES for TRAFFIC; when in fact if they spent some time and money Learning SEO; WEBMASTERS could drive MASSIVE amounts of traffic --MORE than any --ever will FOR 30%??


Think about IT? The App store is only concerned with driving traffic to THEIR APP STORE NOT YOUR SITE-- all the while stealing your DATA, your customers DATA and TRAFFIC DATA all because you think you need to be in APP STORE??

You have been . App Store are just high powered data collection Hubs stealing and profiting from your hard work.

Throw the phone away and get yourself a new high powered Laptop GPU with a CPU. And learn SEO from the founder of SEO. Learning Lab Coming Soon.


Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading)

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