@theorytoe They seriously don't care if they give people HIV/AIDS. The trans and gay community fought hard to remove restrictions against gay men donating blood. They were told they must abstain from having sex with other men for three months before they could donate blood. But that rule was removed in May of 2023, because it "hurt their feelings" to be excluded. Because it takes time for the infection to become detectable, it's possible for screening to MISS the disease when the donated blood is being tested. People who receive blood donations have occasionally contracted HIV through donated blood. The concern is legitimate. The protection of the public has been subverted to appease the butthurt of gay men and trannies.

@Jennifer_Lee @theorytoe And as we found out when the whole Monkeypox thing blew up, a significant number of gay men are still engaging in unsafe sex and giving each other STDs including HIV, because hey, it's not an automatic death sentence any more 🙄 You'd like to think that it's not them wanting to give blood but personally I wouldn't want to bet my life on it.

@firebird2110 @theorytoe @Jennifer_Lee

HAS ...

They all think that deep down inside we are all HOMOSEXUALS.

That is what I was told by a JESUIT HOMOSEXUAL PRIEST

They are so Mentally ILL there is no turning back short of a Miracle from God Himself.

from and there is GOD in the midst-- ARMS WIDE OPEN;)

and know the church will NEVER ACCEPT as a .!



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