DISCLAIMER: We Don't Cover the News | We Cover the 'Way' the #News is #COVERED_UP!
Every #Hospital Israel Has Bombed in the Last Decade | 55,372 views Oct 20, 2023
Here’s every #hospital #Israel has #bombed in the last #decade.
* As a Palestinian , I commend you. I’ll be forever grateful to you, and all others who are finally giving us a voice. You’ve restored my faith in humanity. Thank you
* Dude, I don't know your name, but you're doing an amazing job exposing the crimes (understatement) of the state of Israel.
* I can't even count the amount of times I have been called a bigot or a anti Semite for pointing out the crimes of Israel. Here's the best part, I'm Jewish....
* Nice to see people are finally looking at facts and history rather than going off what an administration told them to believe.
* Give this kid an award. I love this channel and I love this kid. His truths are beyond vindicating. Truth is a powerful weapon against the kind of horrific and outrageous inhumanity Israel and the West are displaying. Truth is our most powerful weapon. Thank you for this video. Thank you for your courage and incisiveness.
* As muslim from Indonesia when I thought westerners would turn a blind eye to the war crimes committed by Israel, but it turns out not all westerners are like that
* Pure evil! Peace and love to the Palestinians, and hopes that the Israelis will wake up from their evil.
* The video is only 1 min and 45 sec long, but u pretty much sums up what those ignorants need to know about Israhell, thank you
* Excellent presentation. Devastation on Palestinian infrastructure, culture, life on a daily regular basis by an occupier. Keep on educating the ignorant western public. Thank you.
* Thank you so much. You summed up their false hospital claims with less talking and alot of facts.
DISCLAIMER: We Don't Cover the News | We Cover the 'Way' the #News is #COVERED_UP!
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