
📛 DISCLAIMER: We Don't Cover the News | We Cover the 'Way' the is ! 👿

the ... but is the ? How did Jesus,’ turn into the , that we’ve grown accustomed to ?

* I absolutely loved this video. Thank you for challenging the status quo with regard to race relations and the bible. That's why its important to study the bible for your self (even the bible says "study to show yourself approved"). In the bible, Jesus was born in the Middle East (Bethlehem). His family fled to Egypt in an effort to run away from King Herod. While in Egypt the family assimilated, therefore, that means they must have looked like one of the locals. With that said, logistically, there is NO WAY a blond haired blue eyed Jesus would have assimilated in Egypt with out being ostracized. The white Jesus image only works for those living the in Western part of the world IN REALITY, THE WHITE JESUS DEPICTION IS A WHITE LIE

* I had a near death experience once and vivid dreams that I remember years ago. When, the person I believed to be JESUS appeared to me he was on a white horse, a very golden crown and a robe it seemed that looked like it was dipped in blood, the redness of it looked as if it was blood dripping from the garment. His skin was a color I've never personally seen in my life it was like a polished brass very brown but like a olive brown. And his eyes was piercing my soul, they appeared to be as flames or what it looks like from the sparks when you strike a match. This was at the age of 21 and 29. I had never really read revelations in the Bible and when I described it to my late grandmother an mother they said go read it. It was similar to what I read. Changed my life at 30 and never really looked back. To me i know he was a man of color without a video telling me such. But I know this you can believe he just as real as the person you stare at in the mirror when you wake up in the morning. GOD BLESS

* I know I'm late to the party, but I just stumbled upon this video, which I LOVE! A short story... I'm 62. Back in the EARLY 60's we lived on the Air Base where I embraced by Army Brat days. Of course, surrounded by Europeans. And of course I had to go to the base church and SUNDAY SCHOOL! I was always nervous in Sunday school because I was always scolded (sometimes put out in the hallway) for asking to many questions. Well. The day I argued that Jesus couldn't possibly be white, blond and blue eyed because I learned at home (I had to study the globe) that Jesus was living in a part of the world where people were dark skinned. Then I had the nerve to bring up the walking on water thing. Long story, short. They called my parents and told them to come get me. The church removed me from Sunday School, PERMANENTLY! LOL! At my current age, I'm still told I ask to many questions and to "just have faith". I call this "church speak" when people have no thought of their own to discuss. Question. What is faith according to the Bible?
"Now faith (pi'stis) is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. — Hebrews 11:1. This passage concerning the function of faith in relation to the covenant of God is often used as a definition of faith". Okay. Like, I'm still not going to put myself in a "situation" and have faith I will be spared. There are consequences. This sounds ridiculous to me. So my question is why is there such a thing as too many questions? Because "uncolored" people want to be in charge. I really believe it's that simple. GOOD VIDEO!! I hope I didn't just open up a can of whup-ass! LOL!!! :)

1: How Became Widely as Being | Unpack That

2: How Became Widely Accepted as Being White - ADAPTED by ex professionnal colorist Pierre Girard

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