
You gonna come after the news media here in the USA
huh? You should be deported for the remark!

Soooo What are you waiting for?

When are you gonna get here?

We LOVE challenges!

I have gone through more Indians in IT than you can shake a stick at..

After 25 years online outsourcing overseas i can honestly say that the biggest liars on the planet came from India!

So its no surprise has fallen for your .

Allow me to Explain..

In fact, I recently spoke with an American Women who was married to a Indian guy from India and ask her this..

"Is it true that lying is considered a level of --in India?

In fact, The better the liar--the faster one climbs up social ladders.

She confirmed all was true; to my surprise.

You see folks these Indians are . Notice they are running BIG TECH???

!! ugh!

The culture they have brought with them has infected our Great Country with

Most of the Crap has been by .

They >> among the National community movement in our country; has also helped to infected our Public Schools and Innocent Youth--adding to more Mental Illness locally to the USA.

So what ever rock you crawled underneath from.. that are for ...;)

and Will leave the light on for ya!

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