✝️ #Finding the #Narrow_Way to #Heaven | #John_MacArthur’s | Pastor of 55 years California | 🇺🇸 #Grace_to_You.
Open your Bible to Matthew 7 Matthew 7
..THE 🇮🇱 #JEWS OF #JESUS #DAY WERE PART OF #religion of #human_achievement 🏆 🤑 and the #Lord began his #ministery by
going into their #temple the most #sacred_place and
calling #it a #den_of_thieves and throwing people out did the same thing at the end
of his ministry #three years later he went into the temple and started #throwing_out the #money_changers and the
#buyers and #sellers and he said you've turned this which is supposed to be a
#house_of_prayer into a #den_of_thieves your religion is so #bad [THE #JEWS] #Jesus said that
not one stone is going to be left on another of this great temple that #Herod had built it's all gonna come #crashing_down
#judgment will come and it came in 70 #AD when the #Romans came #sacked_Jerusalem and #leveled that #temple as
Jesus said would happen Jesus basically in the #Sermon on the #Mount earlier
#attacked the #prayers of the #Jews he attacked the #arms or the #giving of the Jews
he attacked their #ceremonies he attacked their #forms of #worship all of which were
#designed to earn God's #favor by some #work that they were doing #Romans 10:3
says as Paul looks at #Judaism as a former #Pharisee that they had so #TWISTED_THE_TRUTH
that not knowing about God's righteousness they went about to
establish their own righteousness #they (jews) thought #God was #less_righteous than he is #they were #more_righteous than they
were and so God would accept their righteousness that is the #lie of all #false_religions and that is what our
#Lord is #addressing in this #Sermon_on_the_Mount that's why in #chapter 5 as he
begins the sermon he #redefines their #complete_understanding of how to get
into the #kingdom of #heaven how to come to God he says blessed are the poor in
spirit theirs is the #kingdom_of_heaven that was #absolutely the #opposite #Judaism the #Jews thought they were the #rich that
they were spirit the mature that they knew God represented God were moral were
fastidious and keeping the law but Jesus says you've got to begin if you want to
enter my kingdom by realizing your #spiritual_bankruptcy the word tour is the #lowest possible #level of #poverty
where you have to beg you are spiritually bankrupt as religious as you
are you are spiritually bankrupt you want to enter the kingdom you need to
mourn not rejoice over your supposed to achievement s-- but mourn you need to
weep and mourn in the next verse if you want to inherit the earth be a part of the kingdom you must be meek not proud
and if you want to be satisfied with
#true_righteousness you have to #hunger and #thirst for that #righteousness a righteousness you do not possess this
was devastating #truth #striking at the #Jews you are #spiritually_bankrupt you
are #helpless and #hopeless you have #nothing_to_offer by way of commending
yourself to God you have to hunger and thirst for a righteousness that you #do_not_possess and cannot #gain on your own
this is a new kind of teaching for the #Jews this is #salvation_by_grace through
#faith as we read in #Ephesians 2 now as
narrow way says verse 14 the leads to life it is the broad way that leads verse 13
says to destruction let me break this down very simply here's our Lord's invitation and it's in the form of a
command in turn verse 13 enter you must enter at the end of this sermon in which
he has basically dismantled false religion and affirmed the truth he says
you must enter this is a call to immediate response it's make up your
mind time on the mountain this is a command without an alternative not enough to look and admire the narrow
gate not not enough to be happy that other people are going in not enough to
listen not enough even to study the truths regarding the narrow gate and the true gospel hell is full of people who
admired the Bible admired Jesus went to
church were baptized but they were never
in the narrow gate on the narrow way you
must enter this way and it is narrow because it is only through Christ no man
comes to the Father but by me I am the door there's no salvation in
any other than me he is the Saviour of the world because he's the only Savior in the world he's the only mediator
between God and man so you must enter
through Christ there is no other way to heaven no other religion will get you
there it'll say heaven it'll take you to hell so you must enter this is a command
you must enter this gate #Christ alone #Christ alone no other than #Christ he is
the #ONLY_SAVIOR as many as believe in him #John 1:12 ..
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