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A short film story by Steve Cutts


Stay Tuned for Launching Soon!

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
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Founder of (High Frequency Trading)

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A short film story by Steve Cutts


Stay Tuned for Launching Soon!

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading)

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Rat Race A short film story by Steve Cutts


Stay Tuned for Launching Soon!

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading)

Disclaimer: and/or (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

David Vincent .. Again! Opps.. :)

We joined Mastodon in Nov 1, 2021. Basically after 12 years as a Top Influencer on we realized we were being behind the scenes:( ugh!

We also discovered huge corporate click Farms and Fake Posting Groups (farms) on that platform from “paid CORPORATE spammers” DIRECTLY suppressing our Posts?? (AKA the TRUTH) after being a loyal member for 12 years. 30,000 connection 50m REACH Globally and a lot of hard work and 1000’s of hours GONE!??

Why? . Do not make the same mistake folks.

BTW Microsoft is not interested in the TRUTH.
Why? bc the TRUTH them..


When we got here (Mastodon); you could literally hear the crickets. Just pics and Community.

After 13,000 TRUTH postings we saw a HUGE influx (via in-house tracking) of new members coming into Mastodon and hitting our account. Basically posting the TRUTH for 12 years. Therefore we already had all the Valuable Content needed from LinkedIn in chronological order SAVED;) So all content already a/b tested:) for CTR (high click through Rates;).

Since we pioneered Blockchain (2010) we knew that the future was and eventually would need to leave LinkedIn -- but waiting for the right time.

Again.. .after 13,000K postings we soon saw a huge influx a traffic stampeding to Mastodon from our efforts.

The 70,000 rushed over not bc of Mastodon and an Elephant?? -- but because of our SEO efforts.

Let us explain. See below.

* Have you heard of / LINKS which is an SEO term.

* LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook (Big Tech) are all CENTRALIZED NETWORKS.

* When you drop a link on their platforms they are assigned a NO FOLLOW HTML Tag (by default) so that spiders (search engine bots) will NOT INDEX (NO FOLLOW) that link OR copy it into their database.

* BACK LINKING which in SEO term (aka link juice). Without high PA/DA BACK LINKS (= trust authority) you do not exist online. Which is the GOAL OF A CENTRALIZED PLATFORM..

(aka created addictions)

* We discovered after setting up our own instance and after posing 13k postings on that all of our links were ;):)

* SO what does that mean? It means that we now have 1000's of backlinks pointing to our domains not a dead-end that GREEDY centralized systems want you to have for NO TRAFFIC to your sites..

* WHY because they are 100% .

Get off of a Centralized system asap and enjoy massive traffic volume that has been indexed with all the major search engines ..

..DRIVING TRAFFIC TO YOUR DOMAIN not a Centralized BIG TECH domain; making them money HAND OVER FIST??

ANYTHING wrong with YOU making all the money hand over fist?? NOT FORM WERE IM STANDING ..chuckles

Again you can thank us for this INFORMATION Later ( btw valuable information is NOT FREE)

..All we ask though is that you check us out at launch?

You will not be disappointed.


Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading)

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Story here..

Mastodon gained 70,000 users after Musk’s Twitter takeover.

The platform is home to a devoted base of left-leaning communities – AND NO ONE BILLIONAIRE CAN CONGROL IT!!;)

Since Elon Musk completed his purchase of Twitter last week, some of the social media app’s users have been looking for a new home – only to find there aren’t many great options. Twitter’s co-founder Jack Dorsey is beta testing a new app called Bluesky, but there’s no launch date yet.

However, tech-savvy users are rallying around Mastodon, a six-year-old social media platform popular among a devoted base of left-leaning niche communities.

Mastodon, named after the extinct tusked animal, is , which means it can’t be by a or . That’s clearly appealing to the flood of users who have signed up since Musk’s Twitter takeover, with more than 70,000 users joining Mastodon on the day after his announcement alone.

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading)

Disclaimer: and/or (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

first ride: A budget 80 MPH

The CSC RX1E is a commuter electric motorcycle that can hit highway speeds and comes with a pile of interesting features.

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading)

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Why became one of the biggest chokepoints for Internet cables

The Asia-Africa-Europe-1 travels 15,500 miles along the seafloor, connecting Hong Kong to Marseille, France. As it snakes through the South China Sea and toward Europe, the cable helps provide Internet connections to more than a dozen countries, from India to Greece. When the cable was cut on June 7, millions of people were plunged offline and faced temporary Internet blackouts.

The cable, also known as AAE-1, was severed where it briefly passes across land through Egypt. One other cable was also damaged in the incident, with the cause of the damage unknown. However, the impact was immediate. “It affected about seven countries and a number of over-the-top services,” says Rosalind Thomas, the managing director of SAEx International Management, which plans to create a new undersea cable connecting Africa, Asia, and the US. “The worst was Ethiopia, that lost 90 percent of its connectivity, and Somalia thereafter also 85 percent.” Cloud services belonging to Google, Amazon, and Microsoft were all also disrupted, subsequent analysis revealed.

While connectivity was restored in a few hours, the disruption highlights the fragility of the world’s 550-plus subsea Internet cables, plus the outsize role Egypt and the nearby Red Sea have in the Internet’s infrastructure. The global network of underwater cables forms a large part of the Internet’s backbone, carrying the majority of data around the world and eventually linking up to the networks that power cell towers and Wi-Fi connections. Subsea cables connect New York to London and Australia to Los Angeles.
Sixteen of these submarine cables—which are often no thicker than a hosepipe and are vulnerable to damage from ships’ anchors and earthquakes—pass 1,200 miles through the Red Sea before they hop over land in Egypt and get to the Mediterranean Sea, connecting Europe to Asia. The last two decades have seen the route emerge as one of the world’s largest Internet chokepoints and, arguably, the Internet’s most vulnerable place on Earth. (The region, which also includes the Suez Canal, is also a global choke point for shipping and the movement of goods. Chaos ensued when the container ship Ever Given got wedged in the canal in 2021.)

“Where there are chokepoints, there are single points of failure,” Nicole Starosielski, an associate professor of media, culture, and communication at New York University and an author on submarine cables, said. “Because it's a site of intense concentration of global movement, that does make it more vulnerable than many places around the world.”

The area has also recently gained attention from the European Parliament, which in a June report highlighted it as a risk for widespread Internet disruption. “The most vital bottleneck for the EU concerns the passage between the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean via the Red Sea because the core connectivity to Asia runs via this route,” the report says, flagging extremism and maritime terrorism as risks in the area.

Look at Egypt on a map of the world’s subsea Internet cables and it immediately becomes clear why Internet experts have been concerned about the area for years. The 16 cables in the area are concentrated through the Red Sea and touch land in Egypt, where they make a 100-mile journey across the country to reach the Mediterranean Sea. (Cable maps don’t show the exact locations of cables.)

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading)

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The world’s first offshore floating wind-solar pilot just came online in China

China’s government-owned utility State Power Investment Corporation (SPIC) has launched the world’s first commercial offshore floating solar that’s paired with an offshore wind turbine.

SPIC is one of five major electrical utility companies in China, and the world’s largest photovoltaic power generation enterprise. The pilot is located off the coast of Haiyang, a city in Shandong, eastern China.

The project uses Norway-based Ocean Sun‘s patented floating solar power technology.

The two solar floaters (see the photo above) have an installed capacity of 0.5 megawatts peak. They’re connected to a transformer on a SPIC-owned wind turbine and then a subsea cable runs from the wind turbine to the power grid.

If the pilot is successful, the plan is to build a 20 MW floating wind-solar farm in 2023 using Ocean Sun’s technology.

Ocean Sun signed an agreement to license its proprietary floating solar technology for the project in July. This project is fully funded by SPIC, and Ocean Sun’s first “truly offshore installation.”

In July, Børge Bjørneklett, CEO and founder of Ocean Sun, said [translation edited for clarity]:

Shandong Province is projecting 42GW of floating solar installations in the next few years, and Ocean Sun will now be a contender for some of this volume. These waters see challenging annual typhoons, and all involved parties are aware of the risks. Ocean Sun will improve our product with learnings from this exposed site.

A wind-solar hybrid system potentially offers the advantage of improving power output reliability. Solar peaks during the day, and whereas offshore wind turbines typically generate most of their power in the afternoon and evening.

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading)

Disclaimer: and/or (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

New people! Time to tell you more about the Fediverse :fediverse:

Mastodon is just one kind of server on a much bigger network called the Fediverse. Many of the people you follow on Mastodon aren't on Mastodon servers.

Servers on the Fediverse use a common open technical standard called ActivityPub. This means people on different kinds of ActivityPub-compatible servers can follow each other.

For example the photo account at can be followed at @Iancylkowski

Try it!


Ty Ladies for working so hard for your families!

Good Morning World!

Donna Summer - For The - HQ Video Official

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading)

Disclaimer: and/or Davidv.TV (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners []

- MeNtal Health ( YOUR !) - HQ Audio

So what did the ACCOMPLISH IN ?? YOU ASK?

created the breeding grounds for a World Wide MENTAL ILLNESS CRISIS ??


OF MANY who basically DESTROYED the USA in less than 4 years??

OH! Lets not forget ONE MILLION DEATHS -- ON HIS ??

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to the of .. ! is all we can say..


NUMBERS | Platform Numbers? Numbers AND NOW TWITTER ?

From the drawing board of the Genius --Who Cant Dance.

* Tesla fire kills Two Men. They CLAIMED Car paint related; which is a another BIG LIE by elon the genius??


.. WAS THE CAR | 2 after in Spring, Officials say | HOUSTON – Two men are dead

* | U.S. asks Tesla to Recall 158,000 Vehicles for

* From via

* The of | and Markets | Its Survives on Government ??

* 's "" Beta Is Just and Potentially | In a 13-minute video posted to YouTube by user "AI Addict

* its in Test, Triggering an | Massive Rocket Crash with EXTREME EMISSIONS CRASH LANDS

* : Its net profit doesn't come from | "These guys are selling cars. They're .

* CBS News finds children Mining Cobalt in Democratic Republic of Congo
Cobalt mining fields in Africa using underage children to mine deadly cobalt for Batteries.

* Elon HIT PIECE Has SHOCKING Accusation

* All Elon MUSK PREDICTIONS-- all Fake and False Propaganda.


– Just ONE BIG UGLY BALL of ME, ME, ME, & ME..!? TRUMP AND ELON ARE 2 PEAS IN A POD. Do not be Fooled Again..

* Sold Paypal bc it was a ‘Money Transmitter’ NOT a BANK which is held under extreme financial regulations. In other words, no one want to invest in MONEY TRANSMITTERS –WAY TO RISKY.

* Telsa EV resale Value for a $20,000 USED battery?

DavidV: I vaguely remember doing a Residential Mortgage Loan for a man back in mid 90's. He wrote an article (late 80's) that was featured in a popular magazine called, ," that you may remember? Similar image below.

In any case, he brought me down to his basement. It was dark.. lol

He pointed to a two foot high pile of Popular Mechanic Magazines sitting in the corner.

As we went through the pile he pulled out his Featured article on the of Popular Mechanics. He built a Similar to the image below.

At this time all Major Auto Dealers pretty much -- this Man's Invention! (aka the ); I guess they wanted to keep the in the ?

in USA?? - Been going on for ..

* Twitter purchase that Elon Musk Tried to RENEGE ON-- a legally binding contract: When we are just now finding ancient dead bodies at the bottom of Lake Mead, Nevada for the same reasons -as we speak..


Our Guess is that this was a MEDIA PLAY from the TRUMP PLAY BOOK at the EXPENSE of the American Citizen. Tax payers Dollars??

Anyone with ½ a brain has always known TWITTER to be the BIGGEST 180 Character SPAMMING Portal/Platform on The NET since its Creation. Used by spammers, FAKES, Posers and now the latest Group spammers and Group influences FOLKS.

And worse yet?/ Actually calling itself a JOB portal like the FAILED LINKEDIN platform PURCHASED BY -ANOTHER PAST IN .

This is not NEW NEWS. This is OLD NEWS that we have been exposing since 2000. ELON MUSK.. 'THE GENIUS??' Bought TWITTER KNOWING about These Pre-existing AND .

In Fact, we warned him while he was in negotiations before the purchase as well; right here on Mastodon weeks before.


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Calls Bitcoin 'Worthless'


DavidV. Jamie Dimon needs to be and for .



Disclaimer: (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) []

In full: President speaks at a


* I love how he said: "If the west wants to have nonstop pride parades and talk about their unlimited genders, they are allowed to do that. But other countries should have the right to govern themselves as they want too"

* Reminds me a lot of the speech he held in the German Parliament in 2001, about the developed countries working together to solve the world's problems. They slammed the door in his face.

* So strange for us in the West to listen to a politician who articulates clearly what he really thinks - and is decisive and clear.

* Thanks SkyNews for airing this!

* Russia has constantly kept its debt to GDP ratio to below 20%.

* If every country does that and takes care of its citizens, there will be no need for conflict.
Think, people, think.

* To speak and converse so coherently taking and answering questions across wide and varied topics cannot but be admired. Where are our western leaders who can do the same? They seem to have been reduced to using press officers, spin doctors and forever in search of the ultimate soundbite.

* Putin speaks cogently for three hours, covering a huge breadth of issues; geo-politics, international relations, history, culture, philosophy.

* Not bad for someone that Christopher Steele and Richard Dearlove alleged was at death's door.

* There is not a single politician in the West with the capacity to address an audience in this manner.
Truss 3 mins of soundbite maybe? Biden 30 secs maybe?

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading)

Disclaimer: and/or (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

In full: President speaks at a


* I love how he said: "If the west wants to have nonstop pride parades and talk about their unlimited genders, they are allowed to do that. But other countries should have the right to govern themselves as they want too"

* Reminds me a lot of the speech he held in the German Parliament in 2001, about the developed countries working together to solve the world's problems. They slammed the door in his face.

* So strange for us in the West to listen to a politician who articulates clearly what he really thinks - and is decisive and clear.

* Thanks SkyNews for airing this!

* Russia has constantly kept its debt to GDP ratio to below 20%.

* If every country does that and takes care of its citizens, there will be no need for conflict.
Think, people, think.

* To speak and converse so coherently taking and answering questions across wide and varied topics cannot but be admired. Where are our western leaders who can do the same? They seem to have been reduced to using press officers, spin doctors and forever in search of the ultimate soundbite.

* Putin speaks cogently for three hours, covering a huge breadth of issues; geo-politics, international relations, history, culture, philosophy.

* Not bad for someone that Christopher Steele and Richard Dearlove alleged was at death's door.

* There is not a single politician in the West with the capacity to address an audience in this manner.
Truss 3 mins of soundbite maybe? Biden 30 secs maybe?

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading)

Disclaimer: and/or (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

In full: President speaks at a


* I love how he said: "If the west wants to have nonstop pride parades and talk about their unlimited genders, they are allowed to do that. But other countries should have the right to govern themselves as they want too"

* Reminds me a lot of the speech he held in the German Parliament in 2001, about the developed countries working together to solve the world's problems. They slammed the door in his face.

* So strange for us in the West to listen to a politician who articulates clearly what he really thinks - and is decisive and clear.

* Thanks SkyNews for airing this!

* Russia has constantly kept its debt to GDP ratio to below 20%.

* If every country does that and takes care of its citizens, there will be no need for conflict.
Think, people, think.

* To speak and converse so coherently taking and answering questions across wide and varied topics cannot but be admired. Where are our western leaders who can do the same? They seem to have been reduced to using press officers, spin doctors and forever in search of the ultimate soundbite.

* Putin speaks cogently for three hours, covering a huge breadth of issues; geo-politics, international relations, history, culture, philosophy.

* Not bad for someone that Christopher Steele and Richard Dearlove alleged was at death's door.

* There is not a single politician in the West with the capacity to address an audience in this manner.
Truss 3 mins of soundbite maybe? Biden 30 secs maybe?

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading)

Disclaimer: and/or (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

Categories of | | MCAT | Khan Academy |

Youtube Comments: I spent 4 years in university and not a single faculty member gave a lecture with even a fraction of the clarity that this lecture has. Thank you Khan Academy for being the best out there.

* i just don't like it when I'm with too many people to hang out. it's either, i feel left out or I fear of having the attention. i feel like i am slowly being separated from people. i don't know the reason why..

* I suffer from social anxiety it’s really bad i can’t do anything and if people want me to go with them somewhere I have to give it everything I got to go 😓..

* I don’t know what disorder I have I know I have one tho it’s killing me inside because I want to know so I can find treatment..

* As a person with ADD people often mistake my condition with ADHD. My ADD really took over my life and I couldn’t focus at all and I’ll be having maladaptive day dreams. I would fidget a lot. With ADD my whole life I have gotten really bad grades as well, when I got my medication it made my heart beat so fast and made me hyper. I don’t like it but it helps me focus at least

* Is there a disorder where the mind is constantly in a state of over active chaotic incoherency? Even when the body is at rest?


Disclaimer: (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

- MeNtal Health ( YOUR !) - HQ Audio

So what did the ACCOMPLISH IN ?? YOU ASK?

created the breeding grounds for a World Wide MENTAL ILLNESS CRISIS ??


OF MANY who basically DESTROYED the USA in less than 4 years??

OH! Lets not forget ONE MILLION DEATHS -- ON HIS ??




Make sure you tell those (all of them) and to start LOOKING for another J.O.B. bc ALL positions will become OBSOLETE. in the next 10 years.

absolutely no need for Snake Oil Salesmen or Ambulance Chasers (eg: Morgan and Morgan).


THEY have NO POWER THEY just think THEY do..

Send them all ! YEAH! and don't let that door hit ya in the ASS on the way OUT!

AND IS FUTURE! Coming Soon!;)

Disclaimer: (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. this is NOT an Endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.


..Will be under Financial FOREVER..


Because all the money, money, hidden money, even stolen from the USA is in Bitcoin.


Majority of Funds held in Bitcoin are

IRS/FBI monitoring all transfers in/out of exchanges AS WE SPEAK and now major credit cards being used to move money Illegally.

Bitcoin: Beyond The Bubble - Full Documentary



Keyword of the Day?


Swim Suit Fashion comes in all FLAVORS!


BONUS? all REAL girls! GRIN

Lots of choices at the EYE-candy store;)

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📛 DISCLAIMER: We Cover the 'Way' the #News is #COVERED_UP! 👿 JOBS FOR ALL WORLDWIDE COMING SOON! * Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours * EXPERT BLACK BOX TESTER * Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) * Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding) * Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading) Book a Chat w/ TastingTraffic