

across to offer $3 tickets for '

Sept. 2 (UPI) -- Major across the will be offering for $3 this (TODAY!:) in of the first-ever .

Participating theaters will be offering all tickets that day for $3, even for typically high-priced formats like IMAX, 3D or Dolby, according to the National Cinema Day website.

The event is being put on by the Cinema Foundation, the charitable arm of the National Association of Theater Owners, a trade organization that includes most major theater chains in the United States.

Jackie Brenneman, the president of the Cinema Foundation, told CNBC that the idea for a National Cinema Day had been planned for a long time, but was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic effectively slamming the brakes on the film industry.

"It's an opportunity [for the public] to see a movie again, or see a movie that they were maybe on the fence about," Brenneman said. "For people who haven't come [since the pandemic], this gives them an opportunity to see how great movie theaters are."

"It's an opportunity to get people to try out the new technologies and see how they like it," she added.

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