#International_Tech_News | #First_Republic_Explained | The Banks that are #bailing_out First Republic is not because of #Unsecured_Deposits WHATSOEVER imho.
These banks Messed up BIGTIME. Here is what happened. Notice they NEVER refer to the word #HFT (#High_Frequency_Trading) when all of the banking problems you are now seeing is because of #FLAWED_CODE #GONE_WILD and they do NOT KKNOW how to fix it.
Bank of America,
J.P. Morgan Chase,
Wells Fargo
Goldman Sachs
Morgan Stanley
= 30 Billion
HFT has been scraping all obscured profits of the Top #like_gravy for years--Compounded with the reckless money printing to do one thing very well.
#Obscure the #THIEVERY and funnel profits to the 1% of the 1%
Wherever there are #WINNERS there are always LOSERS..
HFT is not #Prejudice. It does not care about Winners or Losers --so the software program cannot differentiate between who is who and what is what.
Our #BEST_GUESS!;) In layman terms; the above banks are simply GIVING BACK SCRAPED HFT FUNDS (VIA HFT TECHNOLOGY) because they ended up #hurting #one of their #own; that could start a #domino effect --#crashing other #Financial_Institutions WORLDWIDE. imho
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