
📛 DISCLAIMER: We Don't Cover the News | We Cover the 'Way' the is ! 👿

MORE 🇺🇸 , AND HOPE! FOR 🇺🇦 ! Will Not Well.. ☠️

💣 Anyone who thinks the have prevailed on this battle field don't KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ! 🔥

🐮 The Ukrainians have been SLAUGHTERED on the battle field.

☠️ has lead us to believe that the RUSSIANs HAVE MADE ??

Everything BLINKEN (AKA ) has said-- is a BALTANT LIE ACCORDING TO 🇺🇸 ! 🌐 HAS BEEN !


Youtube Comments:

* 1 day ago
As a Russian I can confirm that we don't need one inch of Ukrainian territory, provided Ukraine stays out of NATO. And if NATO continues pushing towards our borders we have to take as much Ukrainian territory as we need for our security.

* 1 day ago
Bravo, Danny - excellent interview w/ Scott and Larry at the top of their games - two great patriots who care more for our Country than the entirety of the ruling elites combined. Simply based on common sense, i along with numerous others could see that Biden's Mother of All Sanctions - especially cutting Russia out of Swift - would not end well for the US. Now, we green light the horrific massacre of civilians. In my opinion - Both Israel and the US have gone rogue and should be expelled from the UN for blatant and unjustifiable decades of violation of International laws. Hubris inevitably begets nemesis but it is Americans of good will who will suffer the consequences and I actually am beginning to wonder whether America will accomplish a peaceful transition of power in 2024 - 25.

* 1 day ago
Only two countries in the World refused to condemn nazism and fascism. That is US and Ukraine.

* 1 day ago
While calling itself human right defender, US has always oppose basic human right such as freedom and self determination of Palestinians in UN since 1948 because of the lobby.

* 1 day ago
Great show Larry Johnson and Scott Ritter are both informative and entertaining. Merry Xmas everyone.

* 1 day ago
Larry and Scott complement each other well. This was a great show and entertaining in a tragic-comic sort of way!

*1 day ago
Great discussion gentlemen, sadly I’m seeing much trouble ahead for my country also. What a disaster our grossly incompetent government has caused.

* 1 day ago
Last year, G7 countries imposed a price cap on Russian oil, banning companies from insuring Russian tankers. Now the events on the Red Sea has prompted insurance companies to stop insuring cargo passing through the Red Sea, except Russian ships whom are allowed to pass by the Houthis. Karma has a strange way of working.

1 day ago
Thanks, guys. Fabulous program. Your somewhat subtle humor made the heartbreak and pain of world conditions bearable.

1 day ago
Corporate media in US : You can enjoy your freedom of speech on our show as long as you don't talk about israeli war crimes & ethnic cleansing 😀

1 day ago
Scott Ritter and Larry Johnson are really good at their analytical skills and intelligent reporters. Both have ast experience on the ground and they report the real news to the public bereft of nonsense and fake news from the establishments of EU, UK and US.

1 day ago
Literally my two favorite men, Scott and Larry! Amazingly knowledgeable and wise.

1 day ago
Absolutely fantastic show ...thank you so much gents

It is always a pleasure to listen to the wisdom, experience and the inside information of these honourable gentlemen. Wishing you all a peaceful holiday season!

1 day ago
This is a pretty cool podcast, two of my favorites on here I could listen to them all day long and not be disappointed, but educated.

15 hours ago
I don’t know how I’d handle what’s going on today if it weren’t for the updates I get from you guys.
Thanks & pray for Palestine.

1 day ago
For those that don’t get it this is pure intelligence warfare from one of the most qualified analysts in the world. Respect to you Sir for always showing precedence in what you tell us and the why it’s going to turn a certain way as opposed to the narrative 😁🙏😇❤️🦁

19 hours ago
Wow, what a great show! Loved every minute of it. Ray would have made it even bigger! But Scott and Larry were just awesome, just as you are, Danny. Thank you and a Merry Christmas to one and all!!

1 day ago
Scott Ritter and Larry Johnson are brilliant, and have different deep knowledge of their own. Thanks everyone. ❤❤❤

1 day ago
Very informative & full of facts! Great show!

1 day ago
God bless these gentlemen who report what is really going on in the world!!!

1 day ago (edited)
Great discussion to cap off the year before the Christmas closedown. Well done Danny. Great guests. Intelligent analysis.

1 day ago
So much truths, so much common sense, so much sense of decency.
But the best line is Larry's saying that the Israel is lying about their true objective in Gaza, it's not to get rid of Hamas, it's to get rid of Palestinians ... by any means.

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