
👏 ! signs *requiring for under 16 to HOLD accounts.

🏆 It comes after an earlier bill that would have placed on social media accounts for kids under 16.

🌻 Florida Governor (R) just signed into law 3, a bill that will give of teens under 16 more over their kids’ access to social media and *require for many .

The bill requires social media platforms to kids 14 from , and existing ones. It also requires parent or guardian for 14- and 15-year-olds to create or maintain social media accounts and that platforms social media accounts and for this age group at the teen’s or parent’s request.

that fail to accounts belonging to 14- and 15-year-olds can be on behalf of those kids and may owe them up to $10,000 in each. A “ could also be considered an unfair or deceptive trade practice, subject to up to $50,000 in civil penalties per violation.

The bill also requires many and websites to verify their users’ ages — something that introduces a host of privacy concerns. But it does require websites to give users the option of “anonymous age verification,” which is defined as verification by a third party that cannot retain identifying information after the task is complete. The requirement kicks in when a commercial site contains a “substantial portion of material harmful to minors,” defined as more than a third of content on the site, which would clearly target in particular. Such sites must ensure users are 18 or older — though are from the :requirement. Violations are also subject to an up to $50,000 each.

again bravo Gov . Let me know if you wanna WIN THE NEXT ELECTION. WE THE .

You would have WON this time but you just had to raise your hand for . didn't ya. Yes It showed that you are a team player -- don't do that again..

He Murderers.. and you are a . You should have known better!?

BUT Seriously you can ! Just let know?


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