

🚨 The Securities & Exchange Commission & the Commodities Future Trading Commissions, (SEC) 🇮🇱 which are supposed to regulate this activity;


🥕 WHY does have a long history of Crashing Just like the ?? What does the of and have in common?? They in ? aka !! The DESPERATE would like you to believe that this is NORMAL?? IT'S NOT!

~Its called . Allow us to explain..~

ITS a 🥕 called Using WebTrafficBrokers that was in 2000 but stolen in 2007; w/ MASSIVE !
See VIDEO 1: Explains all below..

🥊 THE >> ! It's a ; headed up by jEWISH 🇮🇱 ( ) aka and !


Here is a USA stock market example>> | 100% | Treasury Dept. Moving Bank () into CONTROLLED AND OWNED (aka ). 🇮🇱

Meta STOCK Jump in Earnings is a | Unfortunately a 100% Big Lie! Market manipulation behind the scenes..

What you are seeing with all the crashes not only with the USA stock markets but NOW implemented same THEFT tactics with 💩 CRASH as well??
Bitcoin is . , and !??

Many are living in to THEIR .. after the fact:(

? To scrape the of profits of the . 🚔 the in PLAIN SIGHT! We should know we the that was only supposed to be used to buy ( ACTUAL )

But not only being used in financial sectors but also our technology is being used to build war weapons without our (Authors) consent!?

Think of it this way. TRUE STORY: A lil paperboy delivering newspapers. You have the biggest route of all deliveries that noone else wanted;; unbeknownst to you DUH!.. infact 2 huge bags of newspapers. So heavy you literally had to crawl over the snow banks to deliver the papers to the houses in -20F degree weather. Then the little boy goes to collect the money from the deliveries to find out no one wants to pay:(

After making no money for 6 months of COLLECTIONS the little boy decides to cut his loses and collect his money UPFRONT >> what is owed to him OFF THE TOP. GET IT NOW?


We Invented (High Frequency Trading) that this government or main stream news has not even mentioned the term?? --bc it’s from our btw 1999-2007. with MASSIVE PROOF.

Just ask ‘AT&’ ( We bought their domain back in 1999 in a millisecond when they allowed their own domain NAME to EXPIRE. (before the was policy ;)

You see folk this software trades in milliseconds and now with will trade in . (that’s a billionth of a second).


the and MANIPULATING STOCK Markets (NOW MARKETS TOO?) at the same time. (Creating a Hope of Gain; Fear of Loss Scenario;) In fact, this software can go back in time..(like a tape recorder: Stop, Play, Rewind and Forward within 1 second intervals) like to the to (aka aka .. SEE NOW??) what they already know.. ALL PERFORMED BEHIND the SCENES SERVER SIDE in a NANOSECOND??

AND WHY RETAILER STOCK HOLDERS WILL ALWAYS SEE PIE CRUMBS from their investments at the end of the day. That’s YOU btw.

YOU CANNOT WIN. ! YOU HAVE . The way the Elites like it btw..
Better off Doubling Down at a Black Jack Table in Vegas! Ugh! (aka which is a in Eyes btw)

All is RIGGED for ! 🇮🇱 the OFF the TOP of all Stock Markets and now SURVEILLANCE SHITCOIN BITCOIN Funneling it back to the 1% of the (AKA ELITE BANK RUNS)..

And why in the past you see BIG SPIKES and BIG JUMPS OF CLIFFS in USA Stock Markets (aka Massive ). Stocks Blinking from red to green and green to red. That's the software making and decisions -that could be seen with a trained naked eye... As soon as we posted that years ago the war criminals switched to A STATIC TICKER (cannot see the blinking red to green etc with the naked eye)

You see folks we were able to see this fraud bc you need to actually through the software to IN the in ORDER CONCEAL (Pre mediated) ALL TRADES TO THE NAKED EYE and Goal!

Once ‘THEY’ DIALed in the ALGORITHMS and FULLY UPGRADED to NANOSECONDS WITH THE PROPER cpu/gpu CHIPS?? then you WILL NOT SEE the MASSIVE fraud & THEFT () with the naked eye and that's where we are at today with the sudden CRASHES.. | .


VIDEO 2: from "It's A " (1946)

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)

SEE Part 2:

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📛 DISCLAIMER: We Cover the 'Way' the #News is #COVERED_UP! 👿 JOBS FOR ALL WORLDWIDE COMING SOON! * Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours * EXPERT BLACK BOX TESTER * Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) * Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding) * Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading) Book a Chat w/ TastingTraffic