
🥊 ! News ⚠️ Alert! 2 ZIONIST 🐍 Selling more ..AGAIN!?

Just when you convinced yourselves YOU KNOW EVERYTHING ⁉️

🃏 DO NOT be Fooled! You are listening to a A 🇮🇱 TERRORIST 🌐 NETWORK (aka Proxy Machine out of CNBC (DISINFORMATION PROXY_WAR_CHANNEL) = aka Israeli 👹 .

✝️ Allow us to EXPLAIN. WE have been outsourcing TALENT since 1999. There is no company with more experience in OUTSOURCING than LLC 🌐 for .

We were DEEP into at the same time when we could NOT help but notice a 🇱🇷 COUNTRY 🦅 AMERICAN CITIZEN ABILITY TO KEEP UP WITH TECHNOLOGIES WORLDWIDE! >> 25 years !? >>

>>We tested all countries. We were the first to HIRE INDIAN PROGRAMMERS LONG before ANY USA BIG TECH--until we caught them ..

WE LEARNED that Lying in INDIA IS CONSIDERED GOOD BUSINESS ?? It gets worse. It's PART OF THEIR and acceptable??


..will soon realize that all their code is CORRUPTED bc there HAS BEEN PROJECTED into their ??? rendering all OF IT IMHO;)

Now India has BACKED .. hMMM? Because they know all USA code is corrupted. LEFT A FOR FUTURE 🔮 USA .


We left 🇮🇳 India for this reason 15 years ago..

is Poisoning their OWN DATA Rendering ADVERTISING OBSOLETE! And they don’t even know it… see below.

What happened to ? and/or ? Etc. etc. LLC SHUT THEM BOTH DOWN!;) ! for the 3rd time;)

TastingTraffic LLC debunked Google Long ago >> .

In Fact, in 2007 they turned into a dedicated PAY PER CLICK ENGINE for the FORTUNE 500 COMPANIES (aka ILLEGAL | VIOLATIONS UP THE YING YANG)☯️ ..

Google still under investigation by the CROOKED --that will Never Be Finalized??

PROOF of more Meddling .

We have 100% Proof and Evidence that the of has Stolen your as well as your DATA Worldwide. ( by a Fortune 500 Company ?? no less.)

Confirmation of an Illegal Major Concealment & COVER-UP CRIME(s) over the last 7,300 days / 2 decades / 20 years??

Do not use for anything. They are stealing your IP through USPTO by (aka usa patent attorneys).


If it doesn't spew out of the ground or fall off a tree. YOU ARE ALL A BUNCH OF ! (Definition of Prior to the 80's b4 'they' (white people) changed it into a TERM!??

was Defined as a ! That perfectly describes these DISGUSTING 🇮🇱 JEWS & PAGEN 🇱🇷 ZIONISTS now running our country?? 🐍

..and these are Blatant LIES and more by Outlets in our Homeland NO LESS? Called ..

Don’t be Fooled folks you are listening to CNBC.. AN via a Disinformation Proxy War Machine out of (WAR_PROXY) = aka .

There is NO ; its all ! Google’s >> Renamed to DEMO was also !

🚀 Like everything the JEWS touch will FAIL OR blows up like a BOMB (so what are they really testing??) 💣 💥 💣 💥 💣

All they know how to do IS CHANGE THE NAME and RE-BRAND the same TECH through under a different name over and over again (LIKE 🦜 ) to cover their !

And that my friends is the REAL TRUTH behind .

🇮🇱 They 1200 JEWS ( WAS 100% due to corrupted ALGORITHMS w/o Human SUPERVISION?? Proof of )

ANYONE could have BREACHED that WALL-- NOT just HAMAS!

REMEMBER (MORE BRAINDEAD NAZI's BROS.??) WERE Using a Compromised (WEAK) Password??

Any could get in. Why? Because there is NO SOUND CODE!! ( is a ) >> AI CANNOT AND I REPEAT CANNOT operate and/or function as intended >> WITHOUT 24/7 .

Proof Israeli's GRANDIOSE_CLAIMS 🏴‍☠️ Murdered their own !

(DavidV exp. 200K Project management hours under belt since 1999)

They MURDERED their own people--if the TRUTH BE TOLD! And the Jewish Citizens TRUSTED them and many unfortunately were Killed >> then tried to place the BLAME on others??

At the cost of 40,000 INNOCENT murder Victims (Civilians NO LESS FOR THE LAST YEAR??)

How much do the Israeli Zionist Value an Life?? .. $0.00 USD!

But they need our to ?? Hmm.. Who wants to pay taxes now to 🩸 🇵🇸 of !?

~Reverse Software Engineer 27 Years~

Google’s new?? (aka FAKED!) is getting a mixed reception after its big debut last month, but users may have in the company’s tech or integrity after that the most impressive demo of Gemini WAS PRETTY MUCH FAKED!

Static Page: Google’s best Gemini demo was faked.

ACTUAL HERE: Hands-on with Gemini: Interacting?? ( BULLSH*T! ) with AI..??

Just 2 BIG problems:

1. The video isn’t real. “We created the demo by capturing footage in order to test Gemini’s capabilities..

2. Google is Poisoning their OWN_DATA Rendering OBSOLETE! Aka

..And 'THEY' don’t even know it...


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📛 DISCLAIMER: We Cover the 'Way' the #News is #COVERED_UP! 👿 JOBS FOR ALL WORLDWIDE COMING SOON! * Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours * EXPERT BLACK BOX TESTER * Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) * Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding) * Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading) Book a Chat w/ TastingTraffic