
🚔 ILLEGAL 🇮🇱 CROOKED STOCK 🗽 and now CONVICTED BIGTECH FELONS (Section 2 of the Sherman Antitrust Act) and the 🇱🇷 USA Treasury Dept>>

Moving Bank () into CONTROLLED and owned FORTUNE 500 via 💩 SHITCOIN BITCOIN.

BIGTECH STOCK Jump in Earnings is a 🏝️

Unfortunately 100% Big Fat Lie! = availed us Nothing!

📢 We Invented (High Frequency Trading that was STOLEN in 2000) that this 🇱🇷 USA government or main stream news has the IP THEFT?? --bc it’s from our btw 1999-2007. with MASSIVE PROOF!!

Just ask AT& ( .NET)!?

We bought their domain back in 1999 in LESS THAN a millisecond when they allowed their OWN to EXPIRE. They didn’t pay their RENT and then CRIED about it like WIMPS!(before the was implemented by ! This is called ;) but no one will call AT&T or the to confirm the IP theft of our SOFTWARE?

You see folk this software trades in milliseconds and now with will trade in . (that’s a billionth of a second) now being used For hypersonic missiles development that has been ongoing with china, usa and russia for the last two decades. without consent of the author!

2 decade old hypersonic tech using our stolen software. and you have never heard about it?

The USA (all bigtech) has stolen every dam piece of software it controls from our company called TastingTraffic LLC formally with Massive Proof.

the and MANIPULATING Markets at the same time. (Creating a Hope of Gain; Fear of Loss Scenario;) In fact, this software can go back in time..(like a tape recorder: Stop, Play, Rewind and Forward within 1 second intervals) like to the to predict (aka SURE BET) what they already know.. AKA FRONT RUNNING >> RIGHT !? See attached images..

AND WHY RETAILER STOCK HOLDERS WILL ALWAYS SEE PIE CRUMBS from their investments at the end of the day. That’s YOU btw. While shithead buffets steal your profits behind the scenes!

YOU CANNOT WIN. ! for the last 2 decades! YOU HAVE . The way the Elites like it btw..

Better off Doubling Down at a Table in Vegas! Ugh! (THESE DIRT BAG JEWS have turned all usa STOCK MARKETS INTO 'S with bank robber >> Leading the charge. That piece of work should be behind bars! Not promoting ILLEGAL Sports betting USING !?

All RIGGED! the OFF the TOP of all Stock Markets and Funneling it back to the 1% of the (EXCLUSION!).

And why in the past you see BIG SPIKES and BIG JUMPS OF CLIFFS in USA Stock Markets (aka Massive ). Stocks Blinking from red to green and green to red. That's the software making and decisions -that CAN be seen with a trained naked eye...

You see folks we were able to see this FRAUD bc you actually need to through the software to IN the to ALL TO THE NAKED EYE and Goal!

Exp: Tester 24 years.. (PhD)

Once ‘THEY’ DIAL in the ALGORITHMS and FULLY UPGRADE to NANOSECONDS WITH THE PROPER CHIPS (decades away .. btw) then you WILL NOT SEE the fraud () with the naked eye and that's where we are Headed..
After 25 years in Online Digital Advertising NO ONE ever mentions SPIKES (or plateaus) in Charts.

In the Advertising Business, if you see a --9 times out of 10 it will be as by our partners. Why is no one Flagging these in the Stock Markets OR SHITCOIN BITCOIN??? Spikes are irregular movements and are AS IN THE ADVERTISING WORLD.

IS . We demand a Investigation into Meta and the HEAD of SEC whom we feel is in liu of the recent DEBACLE --where Gary Gensler, daughter and 🔍 MANY MORE were involved..

Think About it? BIGTECH does not even have the Computing Processing CHIP Power yet; to EVEN MONITOR this type of Fraudulent () activity IN ANYTHING like REAL TIME (RT)?? These are FAKE (Fabricated) stock SPIKES!

The Treasury Dept. are currently the biggest money launderers on the planet.

WHAT YOU ARE SEEING EVERY DAY IS THE USA GOVERNMENT AND TREASURY DEPT utilizing Bitcoin exchanges-- MOVING THIS STOLEN LAUNDERED MONEY (assets) to and FROM crypto exchanges to and from STOCKs THEY OWN TO PROP THEM UP TO CREATE OF PROGRESS (Growth and Profits that does not exist.

The Stock brokers did the same in 2000 -- calling us to buy only fraudulent traffic (to pump charts) and DECIEVE investors for the next funding round that that they did not deserve..

Unfortunately WE were the only company on the 🌐 w/ VALID IPV4 TRAFFIC TO SELL TO THIER DISAPPOINTMENT.


This of course is a complete manipulation of the American People Trust involving A Crooked USA stock markets

The USA Government is ANTI COMPETITIVE against its own citizens.

The Treasury Dept. has become a ! 🎲 Just ask --Bidens new found friend and his first announcement?? Its not about nuclear submarines its about a WORLD WIDE CASINO involving CHINA!

And what are 's EXPERTs AT??

THE ! Btw I LIVED as a local (Street Kid) in Vegas..

Do not invest in these losing companies. If you do you will lose everything and we don't .

Supporting Video here:


2: EXCLUSIVE: Crown Casino exposed. Sex trafficking, drugs, money laundering | 60 Minutes Australia

3: from "It's A " (1946)

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📛 DISCLAIMER: We Cover the 'Way' the #News is #COVERED_UP! 👿 JOBS FOR ALL WORLDWIDE COMING SOON! * Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours * EXPERT BLACK BOX TESTER * Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) * Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding) * Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading) Book a Chat w/ TastingTraffic