
This is how we take care of 🥊 BULLIES. we show them ABSOLUTELY NO !

🚔 One Day my son came home crying that Raphael had pushed him down the hallway first day of elementary school at the age of 7. This was a Public school since we home-schooled prior for 8 years.

I enrolled my entire family into an Ancient 2000 year old Martial Art(s). It had similarities to my fighting style called SELF DEFENSE.


..UNLIKE and --where you are to into a ?
A GRAVE mistake indeed;) w/ a .

Tip: Call the ambulance b4 you get into a brawl with a Street Fighter.

I have been a since 8 years old. Love the smell of concrete in the morning.. Street Kid/GHETTO but RAISED Country.. ;) (WELL TRAVELED in ALL WORLDS;)

At 16-18 I attended a house party. There happened to be a at this party.

My lucky night I guess.. more ugh!

He accused me of HITTING UP on his girl whom I could not even remember talking to..

Next thing I Know I’m in the streets with this guy-- in a fight.

After about 10 minutes he was exhausted. Just him and I and after 20 minutes He lost and I beat him fair and square.

We even shook hands afterwards..

After the fight he ask me, What type of fighting is that. "I call it ," I SAID.

I have 4 kids 3 of them 2nd degree . All 4 kids and x wife are black belts
My 5 year old was one of the youngest to receive a black black in this 2000 years old martial art.

Soon thereafter I took my family to a demonstration at a martial art school that we were thinking of joining.

As we all sat in a circle with my family and other participants; the Martial Art Instructor (2ND DEGREE BLACK BELT), ask for a volunteer.

I said to myself NO WAY I’M GONNA VOLUNTEER.. In front of my family --no less??

Not bc i was scared but only bc I didn't want my kids to see me potentially hurt anyone-- in front of them. My family had no idea about my skills even though I told them about my rough past.

They didn't believe me..

Of course this instructor zeroed in on me --out of the pack. I was the biggest guy in the room. and ask me if I could volunteer for the demonstration--directly.

...ugh I reluctantly accepted.

So I got up onto the mat. I looked at him waiting for directions. He said, " ".

I said, "You mean like in a ?"

He Said, “Yes Like in a real fight”.

I asked, “Are you sure?”

He Responded, “Yes”.

So I came at him and with one block; we both ended up in the air where I had him in a head lock coming down with all my weight centered on his chest (solar plexus) while we both bounced off the mat.

Martial Art Instructor almost passed out--he was so winded..

My family GLARED at me in SHOCK! ~Never judge a book by its cover;)~

Oh forgot to mention my 3 girls specialize in WEAPONS. THEY CAN SLICE AND DICE WITH JUST IN THEIR --They are Deadly.

And my son. No More Problems with ----------ever ..again:)

I love happy endings--don’t you?

Mark Zuckerberg faces severe injury during MMA training | There will be no leg Kicks for a while as Mark tore his ACL sparring. The CEO Of Facebook took to his Instagram page and dropped his photo from a hospital bed which saw his left leg bandaged in a leg brace. He just got out of surgery and is on the road to healing..

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