Memory Lane | #Florida_Teachers #Slam #Ron_DeSantis on #School Coronavirus #Transparency |
“The Governor and the #Education_Commissioner have been #pressuring #school_districts and health departments to #keep_them_from_releasing_relevant and #important_information about #coronavirus in our schools,” said FEA President Andrew Spar.
“Like any parent, I have a #RIGHT_TO_KNOW what is happening in my #Child’s school.”
The state’s largest #teachers_union recently #sued the #administration over a #Corcoran_order #REQUIRING all schools to #REOPEN five days a week at the end of #August. Courts #RULED that order was #UNCONSTITUTIONAL, though the administration has #appealed, prompting a #stay. At this point, many districts that wanted to #delay_opening #have_gone_ahead and #opened_schools anyway amid #legal uncertainty.
The new commercial from the FEA slams DeSantis in the ad, which imposes his image alongside that of U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos.
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