#LAKEWOOD_RANCH #Anesthesiologist #Steven_Chun Raked in $270,000 while on the Payroll of #Insys_Therapeutics, a #Disgraced #Fentanyl_Spray maker with #Controversial #Marketing_Practices that included a #Rap_Video
#Pharmaceutical #Companies Promoting #Opioids Pay #BIG_BUCKS to Tampa Bay Area #Doctors | #Major Pharmaceutical Companies #Promoting Opioids #Pumped Tens of Thousands of Dollars into the #Pockets of Tampa Bay Area #Doctors in just the #Last_Year_Alone, an I-Team review found.
I-Team investigator Kylie McGivern analyzed #New_Federal_Data from the Centers for #Medicare and #Medicaid_Services and found the $payments for #speaking_fees, #consulting_work and #meals_to_doctors in the #Tampa_Bay area in 2018.
Dr. Chun was one of the #top_five_paid_doctors on the Payroll for the pharmaceutical company from 2013 to 2016. Those are the same years he also ran a #pain_clinic in #LakewoodRanch. #Federal records show Dr. Chun was paid..
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