They are not working in the BEST interests of American Citizens.
SANTA SUZANNA Nucluer LAB MELTDOWN 20 years ago that still has not been cleaned up and children under five suffering with eye CANCER. (#BOEING IS JUST AS #GUILTY!)
We gave them Millions for telescope when the big problem is SPACE JUCK THAT THEY REFUST TO CLEAN UP.
The rather push bogus UFO sighting.. (Bogus alien claims) in order to monitor hypersonic Missle testing on our DIME.
When I say our Dime I am speaking a two fold of stolen funds.
1. the American citizens taxes that go towards NASA bogus existance
2. Using our STOLEN tech to monitor Hypersonic Missles testing and them blame it on other countries to stoke War.
NASA is a Evil Empire. Needs to be DEFUNDED and Retired TO A MUSEUM if you are a Alien history buff with zero history of aliens... NASA? JUST A another American "#DUH!"