N-SAM (non-strait and mental) is easier to pronounce and more accurate than LGBTQIA+. I mean, it's not like this inclusive community includes regular gays... Why don't we use it? It even has a nice ring to it lol



its all Bullshit. went mainstream in 2000-2015.
(eg: 50 Shades of Grey)

-z (alphabet soup) is a lie.

its all that has gone .


See the Site that spearheaded all this poison --called

We went to 5O shades of Grey to FETLIFE. (eg )

If you need a leg amputated while having sex or branded like a steer not queer.. --whatever you fetish is --someone can provide the ..

Should be Immediately.

ITs were lives.
It their home. the the Hornets Nest, they worst of the worst ---all in the name of a lie called love aka lifestyle..

you all think you are wiser than the next person but most or dummer than a bag hammers without nails! imho


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