
??? ( 🇮🇱 ) in ✝️ (No Less??) Are to KICK OUT 🇵🇸 ILLEGALLY VIA POLICIES on Properties in the 🇮🇱 West Bank?

Btw 🇺🇸 will NOT TOLERATE such nonsense. The rest of you who calling yourselves ? You are a to AND a ! 1,683,198 views May 1, 2022

HOW TO ⛔ (aka 👹 ) w/ IN OF THE 🐍 IN Brooklyn, NY USA! ( AKA the !;) 🐝 !

DavidV EXP. >> Licensed Real Estate Broker and Mortgage Broker over 17 years IN FLORIDA.

I am sure 🇵🇸 Palestinians know a Few Real Estate Agents?? Not only do they have access to BROOKLYN, NEW YORK (Multiple Listing Services) but also you have access to 's ;)


Track and Trace ANY SETTLER BY who has any of Palestinian HOMES and them to the and WORLDWIDE VIA THE INTERNET to create Public Records which is LEGALLY considered `as a !!`. ;)

If they own USA businesses the as well!

Lets start with :) Open air Zoo's in ?? Inspired by Open AIR Prisons in GAZA?? (another by )

Conduct (On Public Roads) IN FRONT OF THE Settler's HOME in Brooklyn NY demanding A in for the Palestinian HOMES -- a previously HOME BY .

= ;)! Glad we Could Help.

Will the please stand up!!;)

Americans in Jerusalem Are Helping Kick Out Palestinians. 1,683,198 views May 1, 2022

What’s a guy from Virginia doing building a fence outside a Palestinian family’s house?? In exclusive footage obtained by AJ+, a group of Americans were filmed installing wiring and a fence around the land just outside the Salem family home in occupied East Jerusalem.

The incident happened just days after the family was served an eviction notice by settlers who are linked to U.S. charities.

In this report, we how the to the has been in the ??

THE 7th is in fact a !

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