
🎄 THE OF 🎅

Lets Face it... ONLY 💩 IS IN THE 🇱🇷 !??

IT'S A 👹 nor >> BUT OF . 👺

USA Elites will throw their own Mothers 🤶 under bus 🚌 on (no less) for a $$$!

📈 Wall Street USA Stocks Markets? Nothing more than (aka Cowards) IN 🐺 WOLFS CLOTHING.. MANIPULATING SILVER PLATTERS WITH STOLEN SOFTWARE.

You have been Manipulated by Main Stream Media (AKA CONTROLLED ) since you were born.. 🍼 unfortunately.


I was raised in the of . I was told IF I WAS A then I would receive the I wanted. ! So brought me what my . But the I was raised with made me almost a saint.

That's a mighty large task for a child. My was always on ! We had a grandmother that always purchased what we children absolutely . , and . She made sure we had pajamas and a robe. Underwear, socks, hats, gloves, winter coats. Now I really her .

I don't know why my parents lied to me but they did. I too lied to my children. What I remember is the utter of when they found out there was . If I could I would not ever do that to my children.

OUR KEPT SAYING IN , you lied.... ..... CAN'T YOU WOULD TO .


DAVIDv COMMENT: Every COPYCAT Religion has a Messiah. But there was only 1 Messiah who was crucified to death, on a cross and rose again conquering death 3 days later. In that moment of death Jesus went into hates (HELL) and took back his keys AS LANDLORD OF HELL!

? !

There is only (1) (God the Father) and only (1) Messiah (God the Son) and only 1 Messenger/Guide (God the Holy Spirit ) who died and was raised from the dead for 40 days after death with a ( ) of 500 witnesses who saw HIM AFTER his >> TO PROVE TO THE WORLD THAT THERE IS ! There is no other record of a MAN BEING resurrected after death in any other belief system ON EARTH! Confirmation a TRUE GOD ( ) May you HIM NOW!

Jesus was seen by over 500 people after is DEATH??
1 Corinthians 15:1-11, Over 500 people at one time saw after HIS .

Over a period of 40 days up to the day Jesus went back Home HE was seen by, and talked to a number of individuals. Jesus said HE would come back the same way HE went to Heaven. Look towards the bottom of the page for the 12 different recorded appearances of Jesus:

1. Static page here:



* I will add that to my list to remind myself every Christmas why I won't celebrate it. This is a good reminder.

* Thought this guy might screw up by hurting Christians (by mistake or something) but he showed us the truth by being humble and not hurting any other faith....

* People get mad at me because I refuse to indoctrinate my children with the concept of Christmas and Santa Claus. They tell me that I’m depriving them of their childhood. I don’t care I’m not into pagan holidays.

* As a British revert that live with Christmas celebrating atheists/agnostics I am sad that I have to have these things in my life. I used to say I'm only celebrating family, but after watching this I am a fool. I can not move due to disabilities and I am trying every year to not participate but when my sister (who I live with) wants all this then I can't say no due to her having backing

* Biggest lie ever a parent speak to their children is Santa giving presents.🤥😡

* Not celebrating Christmas this year! My husband is finally convinced ! To those who are saying Muslims are disrespecting us and the holiday... please go watch youtube of true Christians who are preaching the same facts about Christmas as this channel ! The bible explain the same thing ! Wake up people! We are living the end days!!

* I told my children the truth this year, and after reading this, I am very glad that I did. Everyone said, oh, you are ruining their fun, but I am not going to lie to them. Excellent research!

2. Video here: THE OF

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