

!.. Both Candidates are . Both and/or ARE FOR .

The Supreme Court on the abortions to individual states..

And most likely will bail out of trumps 14th amendment ruling bc of the COWARDS

for ..
Choose Wisely..

What is the Right thing to-do?? As far as they are concerned? A ¾ % vote of which will definitely throw that loser out for GOOD this Time.. >> Democrats control the Congress..

? Why do we need to choose from 2 EVILS?? that is 'not a choice,' bc both parties and under CONTROL BY . We no longer have a or a Real Democracy?? –

Murdering in Biden's ; (11 out of 12 are ) hello?

surprisingly just dropped out unexpectedly but EVERYTHING.

SAYS. No Problem too BIG or too small WE CANNOT SOLVE;)

Both including Biden's (TRANNY) BE REMOVED FROM !

. None of this is etched in stone btw..

1. All individual States of America WHO ARE DEMOCRATS will remove TRUMP off the VOTING BALLOTS (state by state approx. ½ OF ALL STATES).

Since Every election I have seen has always BEEN very close >> 51%/49% --year after year.

WHICH MEANS AT LEAST ½ OF THOSE STATES ARE ? and will have no problem removing Trump off of those state ballots. (49-50%)

SINCE STATES have the AUTHORITY TO MAKE AND REGARDING OUR . Then Certainly these same states are Grownup enough to Detriments to their OWN systems & Society! as it should be.

First Problem FIXED ! BTW..

2. The brings Charges against , , and (whatever it is?)
All Three will be found guilty and from office -- as .

3. Now the supreme courts can save face and finally for the first time in USA history we can have a fair Election >> monitored by --AS IT SHOULD BE!

Next >> AND ALL AND . Monitored by --AS IT SHOULD BE!

OTHERWISE all FORTUNE 500 companies can kiss their asses GOODBYE financially. THEY will be !

..btw it is easier to move the money than to steal it;)

Not a threat. By design;) AND WE DON'T . Fortunately we only know how to tell the truth and our track record SPEAKS VOLUMES FOR ITSELF..

Food for thought..>> TastingTraffic LLC learned a lot from and over the years.. We are well underway of our 20 year plan as well.. ;) Any brick and Mortar cannot compete with us. THEY are simply too far behind.

But we LOVE our GREAT Country called the USA as so many others do... And really want to ❤️ LOVE it again!

How about?? “Lets BECOME the United States of America Again? and show the world that WE NEVER FAIL AND IN THE END WE ALWAYS DO WHAT IS RIGHT;)

~the world is watching~

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