

💽 🍟Many took the ASKENAZI BAIT!;) Their has MANIPULATED the ENTIRE TECH INDUSTRY, into well.. . Reminds me of the . History repeating its self.. ?

Because like we have always said, ARE . The cannot compete with a force so they will , , , and commit like 🩸 to WIN🏆 ??

The only thing they will win however a TO their .. ⚰️ NOT A GOOD PLAN;)

Basically the 🇮🇱 , 🇪🇺 and 🇨🇳 have fallen 3 decades behind in terms of .

A word to . We Recognize that the only reason you are behind is because you pulled billions out of poverty and for that we admire and commend you for a job WELL DONE!..

You have been gracefully invited to join in our upcoming launch as we see big changes in your direction (server side;) . We can only HOPE that the USA and Israel--will do the same.

What is the Definition of INSANITY!?? >> Doing the same things OVER AND OVER EXPECTING different RESULTS?? = !

~Like a Chasing its Tail~ (aka IS ALL YOU GOT!)


BTW.. Seeing Who can Spit the furthest when it comes to computer chips has absolutely NOTHING TO DO WITH the REAL Advancements of the Internet of Things (IOT).


All of the above is to slow down competition BY CONFUSING the real truths.

THIRD PARTY COMPUTER CHIPS (Think illegal 3rd party still in use today. !?? and you will get the BIG Picture 🖼️ )

All these chips are and all have ! (ZERO OR OF DATA??)

Computer Chips, like all HARDWARE are NOTHING more than HEAT SINKS and why and are DUE TO Laser tech which does not solve the HEAT SINK PROBLEM. (More Heat = Less Speed >> LESS PERFORMANCE)

So they will be stuck here for decades >> EXACTLY like NVIDIA. Who never solve the HEAT SINK problem where their glorified INTEGRATED graphics card still heats up to extraordinary temperatures levels and why they burn up .

No one will win in the chips race bc there is nothing to win.


?? Jews Pushing Backwards aka oil tycoons for their in GAZA >>

Miami 🇮🇱 USA (Was the plan UNTIL WE SHUT EM DOWN) That’s right we VISITED MIAMI (Collins ave) and talk to many non jew merchants who confirmed what we already knew..

?? All countries have missed the LOVE BOAT and currently has ZERO competition when it comes to real online technology.

Now is the time to get on the internet and learn and CODE!
Everything on earth needs to be CODED for the first time OR RE-CODED to UPGRADE poor past coding FULL OF AND . (aka )!

Most followed the hype which meant you followed the bogus carrot, as well.. --which are all lies in order to delay your production so that the losers can catch up to current tech.

Most DEVELOPERS are still in DESKTOP APPLICATION MODE OR STUPID APP STORE TECH (All elementary school tech used for and )

App stores OVER ROVER! Never needed in the first place. All were fool by free traffic but got INSTEAD!

. THE IS IN THE NOT THE ! THE HARDWARE (chips) IS THE TO THE .;) So lets get that straight!

No one is ahead of TastingTraffic LLC in terms of technological advancements or insights.. !!.

In fact we were the first in the (Home of ASML LASER TECH). We hosted our Servers there back in 2000 as the largest traffic providers in the world FOR THE NEXT 7 YEARS.

We caught Netherlands stealing our traffic right out of our PAID servers, (aka ).

We then moved and built out the first major (via ) on the planet back in 2000

From 1999 - 2007 we were the largest traffic providers on earth. It wasn't until the CIA/USA and BIG TECH Weaponized its inferior tech (via mainstream news outlets) against it own citizens and the rest of the world (BIGTIME EXCLUSION BY ) PLUS! STEALING OUR TECHNOLOGY!? VIA the .

1. Real Time Bidding (RTB) powering all major pay per clicks and ..

2. High Frequency Trading (HFT) powering all USA stock markets and hyper sonic weapons without authors consent.

Here is the bottom line. All big tech (USA TECH) was stolen.

The USA has ZERO TECH. And the Tech that they do have has been built for theft using programming lang. The go to language for those who ! The Kids easy peasy softer way! NOW BLINDER THAN BATS 🦇 USING THAT LANGUAGE. Not a good plan.

Just like the Ashkenazi jews DESIGN using their INDIAN counterparts. Why do you think Indians from India running all big tech companies.. hello any one home. For IP_Theft!

TastingTraffic LLC is the current LEADER by Leaps and Bounds when it come to THE INTERNET OF THINGS (IOT).

Its not about servers, its not about operating systems; NOR is it about COMPUTER chips. All have nothing to do with on the internet.

All countries are STILL in their INFANTILE Stages. (aka baby diapers) >> they have nothing !

THE POWER IS IN THE SOFTWARE NOT THE HARDWARE AND UNTIL a 360 degree change IN CORRECT MENTALITY you will be chasing your tails LIKE ! = insanity = forever!;)

United States of Secrets, Part Two (full documentary) | FRONTLINE |

Watch Part One here: • United States of Secrets,

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📛 DISCLAIMER: We Cover the 'Way' the #News is #COVERED_UP! 👿 JOBS FOR ALL WORLDWIDE COMING SOON! * Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours * EXPERT BLACK BOX TESTER * Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) * Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding) * Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading) Book a Chat w/ TastingTraffic