
Good World | . YOU are --YOU ARE ‘ACTING AS’ --as you have always CALLED since the 80's??!! the LIES! Or we will !


Does this 4 Year Old Think He's a ?? in Show (Heartbreaking) | SINISTER AND ! who are ! for .. (!!)

Children at this age DO NOT EVEN HAVE THE TO EVEN THIS Type of ; (Father of 4); yet this LITTLE BOY was CONVICTED by GOD himself and IT WAS !

When ask the question this little boy RIGHTEOUSLY ..

DEMAND (S) into ALL by the movement ( | ) at such tender years has ongoing long term implications of in our children and society --WHICH IS MAN-MADE just like CLIMATE CHANGE AND POLLUTION.

Speaking of ..

These Sinister , , # are ALL in REALITY.. They used to be CALLED back in the day on Santa Monica blvd, LA. 1980's..

Yes I was THERE and saw the first AIDS/HIV documentary ever in existence! And if I see you using a female bathroom it certainly will be the LAST THING YOU DO!!>> IF I see YOU USE a BIOLOGICAL FEMALE BATHROOM. PROMISE!

WE --we got your back!

We eat homosexuals for breakfast lunch and dinner. Taste like Sh*T --but some gotta do it!

Oh ya I have literally pulled out “lost men” down 4 flights of stairs from being raped in >> eg: 801 Club and/or Bourbon Street club; Cock and Balls.. remember?? aka the Hen Houses.. We know where you all live! And now so does everyone else..

btw did NOT come from . It came from to IN 2015 and then it spread across country INFECTING . This is a that has MUTATED Over and over.. since HIV/AIDs in the 80’s.

It is NOT a Virus! Prepare for the NEXT these are getting ready to release. It will come in the name of a ! Out of New England. How fitting..

all of us are not MORONS!

See youtube comments below:

These ARE TO BE ! imho. It's ! to .

We the People DEMAND that it is to indoctrinate any child under the age of 21 OR to participate by themselves or with parents consent. ! AND DECLARED ! You will be arrested and sent to prison! And if you think its tough now regarding what bathrooms to use?? Just wait until you get to prison!

But this little boy tried to !

1 6:18 “Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the person against his .”

Even this little boy he is a . This little boy-- without the support of his Parents (no less); THAT HE IS A AND . See the in his in ! All will SEE. Only the cannot..

is a that the warns us to from. It is a that affects not only our with but also our . By heeding this command and fleeing from sexual immorality, we honor and our , , and .

Yet this SINISTER CULT will not allow this boy to BE who GOD CREATED HIM TO BE!
THAT IS FOLKS! And a CULT to be disbanded by ! If necessary.

This little boy has more than HIS OWN PARENTS at 4 years old. Reminds me of me at that age. All this kid wants to do is get the hell out of there AND.. !

When told to tell everyone that he is a Girl, this boy could not say IN A PUBLIC SETTING (AKA in front of ).

In fact, he instinctively did what ALL little boys and All little girls should do and that is to FLEE --without hesitation:) not fight it. FROM IT!

This boy does not even know what sexual immorality is at such tender years.. But he knows one thing instinctively. That it is --what his own parents are FORCING him to say??

This boy has in him -not --like the rest. Another Chosen one (aka a Child of God)

This boy does the right thing even when his own parents are living @ only 4 years old..

DavidV: I knew nakedness at 3 years old.. Just Saying..

He flees which can be confirmed in this video. But then gets by parents; into SATAN'S deviant liar and is TO BE ??!!

James 4:7
“Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”

1 Corinthians 10:13
“No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.”



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