
💻 recommends graduation requirements in | has updated its policy recommendations to include a requirement for every to take computer science to receive a . 🎓

⌨️ Artificial intelligence ( COMMENT: AI IS A FANTASY! = (aka ; AT BEST;) has increased the urgency to ensure our students are adequately prepared for a rapidly changing world. It is no longer sufficient for students to know how to use technology; they be and . Several states have recognized this imperative and require students to take computer science to graduate high school. Without a graduation policy, we will not be able to ensure all students genuinely have the opportunity to learn computer science. 💻

🎓 Computer Science Graduation Requirements | Computer science is necessary, supports other learning objectives, and engages students in their academics—fulfilling the purpose of a graduation requirement.

Representation in Computer Science: Every 🎓 student is capable of learning computer science (CS). We believe that it is a foundational subject that every student would benefit from learning and it has become increasingly clear that we cannot leave those opportunities to chance.

💻 Every state permits CS to count toward graduation requirements, and many have a requirement that every high school must offer. However, even in leading states, we found that some schools are finding ways to meet the letter of the requirement but are not truly providing the opportunity to all students. This changed for one state’s students when South Carolina adapted its existing technology requirement to be the nation’s first computer science requirement. The 2020–21 school year was the first year the requirement was in place without any waivers, which eliminated the loopholes that many schools in states with just a requirement to offer use, and the results have been stark. The national average for young women in high school foundational CS courses in 2021-22 was 31% - in South Carolina, it was 46%.

Seeing this data, it is not surprising that since 2018, seven other states have joined South Carolina in requiring computer science as a prerequisite for graduation. , , , , , , and have all taken this significant step. Ensuring Equitable Outcomes:

2023 State of Computer Science Education

The rapid pace of technological advancement, as seen with the widespread integration of generative artificial intelligence ( COMMENT: AI IS A FANTASY! = (aka ; AT BEST;), underscores the need for foundational knowledge in computer science for all students. This report calls upon advocates to embrace the urgency of this matter and revamp school curricula to align with the demands of the 21st century, including requiring that all students learn computer science. Currently, 57.5% of public high schools in the United States (U.S.) offer a foundational computer science class—an achievement marking the largest percentage growth in the last five years. Across the 35 states* where data is available, 5.8% of high school students are enrolled in foundational computer science. Even with growing access this growth, large disparities still exist, and we must continue to focus on eliminating participation gaps.


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