
🕵️ VIOLATES (S)? PROOF THAT HAS BEEN by the USA Government since 2007.

🔐 We DO NOT have ANY SECURITY other than the 🇮🇱 NAZI Israeli's Security?? AND their SECURITY WALL WAS BREACHED?? AND WHO is running our Government atm?? ISRAEL! 🇮🇱

We are using BRAIN-DEAD 🇮🇱 Israeli's GROSSLY FLAWED Security when they could not even protect their own citizens. 🩸 Most by their own out of !


How do you think a 🇨🇳 Chinese Weather Balloon was able to INTO OUR ?? BECAUSE THE USA HAVE ANY 🛡️ !

USA Citizens Personal Security is now at risk bc this country sat on hands last 2 decades printed 🤑 money to 💣 WAR AS OUR NEW ECONOMY spearheaded by Israeli NAZA's Using France and 🇩🇪 Germany ( ) to manipulate the global masses' but failed and will continue to fail until our USA boarders IS IN FACT BREACHED?? BUT That already happened with stampeding OUR UNSECURED boarders.

Again we have --its a lie. When in you have the /INVENTOR of An American Company since 1999 >> TastingTraffic LLC (EXPERTS without ANY breach or ANY viruses in over 27 years;) Living at USA's DOORSTEP! Says 1 think only.

~the NEW American Dream by by Israeli !

And we are tax payers to the tune of 100K per year MIN. So unless you are paying 100K per year min.
!GET OFF ! chuckles

DO YOU THE NOW? .. The United States of Secrets, Part Two (full documentary) | FRONTLINE see below

Google plans to destroy a trove of data that reflects millions of users' web-browsing histories, part of a settlement of a lawsuit that alleged the company tracked millions of users their . WSJ: (Research : ALL BIG-TECH WAS CONVERTED INTO THE NSA, CIA AND FBI. ALL BRAIN-DEAD! Using big tech is in-fact a USA Security Breach within it self. All CEO are Isreali's converted into INDIANS )India) as cover-up.

Google has indicated that it is ready to settle a class-action lawsuit filed in 2020 over its Chrome browser's Incognito mode. Arising in the Northern District of California, the lawsuit accused Google of continuing to "track, collect, and identify [users'] browsing data in real time" even when they had opened a new Incognito window.

The lawsuit, filed by Florida resident William Byatt and California residents Chasom Brown and Maria Nguyen, accused Google of violating wiretap laws. It also alleged that sites using Google Analytics or Ad Manager collected information from browsers in Incognito mode, including web page content, device data, and IP address. The plaintiffs also accused Google of taking Chrome users' private browsing activity and then associating it with their already-existing user profiles.

The class action, filed in 2020, accused Google of misleading users about how Chrome tracked the activity of anyone who used the private "Incognito" browsing option. The lawsuit alleged that Google's marketing and privacy disclosures didn't properly inform users of the kinds of data being collected, including details about which websites they viewed. The settlement details, filed Monday in San Francisco federal court, set out the actions the company will take to change its practices around private browsing. According to the court filing, Google has agreed to destroy billions of data points that the lawsuit alleges it improperly collected, to update disclosures about what it collects in private browsing and give users the option to disable third-party cookies in that setting.

The agreement doesn't include damages for individual users. But the settlement will allow individuals to file claims. Already the plaintiff attorneys have filed 50 in California state court. Attorney David Boies, who represents the consumers in the lawsuit, said the settlement requires Google to delete and remediate "in unprecedented scope and scale" the data it improperly collected. "This settlement is an historic step in requiring honesty and accountability from dominant technology companies," Boies said.

1. Static Page Here:

(full documentary) | see below | 2,823,946 views Premiered Sep 11, 2021 | .. The United States of Secrets.

In part two of this two part series, FRONTLINE explores the secret relationship between Silicon Valley and the National Security Agency, investigating how the U.S. government and tech companies worked together to gather and warehouse personal data. (Aired 2014)

This journalism is made possible by viewers like you. Support your local PBS station here:​.

How did big tech companies react when the government asked them to turn over data on millions of ordinary American citizens? And what do companies like Google, Facebook and Yahoo! really know about you? FRONTLINE Producer Martin Smith ("Money, Power and Wall Street" and "Obama's War") investigates the ways Silicon Valley has played a role in the NSA’s dragnet, and blurred the boundaries of privacy for us all.


: Watch Part One here:

• United States of Secrets, Part One


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