
🖥️ Scathing RIPS , insincerity in response to ?? And its THE !;)

🎈 A was able to into our by ( aka ‘Acting As,’ NSA Security.. !) btw the SAME SECURITY USED until they MURDERED their OWN CITIZENS out of !

🔐 Its SHOCKING really!!

>> This is a PERFECT EXAMPLE of the DIGITAL so-called , TECHNOLOGY that the USA & Israel have in TERMS OF !

?? >> The and ’S cannot tell the between a AND/OR A . Think about that?? THEY are murdering USA Citizens by the millions WHY WOULD THEY CARE ABOUT YOUR SAFETY OR PROTECTION!!??

Most of you don't even make enough money to pay taxes. If you don't PAY you don't get to PLAY! But on the Flip side of that if you pay like we have done; then your Technology gets stolen or worse..

How? When you file with the IRS and they see a huge spike in revenues that triggers IRS audits. Exploratory rectal exams bc these losers are brain-dead and cannot INNOVATE! so they will steal from their own citizens. BTW China has ALWAYS been the least of our worries.. UGH!

BOSTON (AP) — In a scathing indictment of Microsoft corporate security and transparency, a Biden administration-appointed review board issued a report Tuesday saying “a cascade of errors” by the tech giant let state-backed Chinese cyber operators break into email accounts of senior U.S. officials including Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo.

The Cyber Safety Review Board, created in 2021 by executive order, describes shoddy Cybersecurity practices, a lax corporate culture and a lack of sincerity about the company’s knowledge of the targeted breach, which affected multiple U.S. agencies that deal with China.

It concluded that “Microsoft’s security culture was inadequate and requires an overhaul” given the company’s ubiquity and critical role in the global technology ecosystem. Microsoft products “underpin essential services that support national security, the foundations of our economy, and public health and safety.”

The panel said the intrusion, discovered in June by the State Department and dating to May “was preventable and should never have occurred,” blaming its success on “a cascade of avoidable errors.” What’s more, the board said, Microsoft still doesn’t know how the hackers got in.

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