
✝️ 🇺🇸 🇨🇦 🇵🇸 3: The of a | Mar 14, 2024 | of 50 Years in .

🌎 🌍 🌏 Well with much joy again this morning I uh return to the it's um it's been a long break since we finished chapter 5 but we
find ourselves at the beginning of chapter 6 and this is a notable portion
of scripture so open your Bible if you will to Revelation chapter
6 as you will remember the Book of Revelation is
chronological the first three chapters deal with moving in his church on
the earth so in chapters 1 to three you have the church on Earth in chapters
four and five the church appears in heaven symbolized by the 24 which
means that by the time you get to four and five the church has been raptured
and is now in the presence of saints and around the Throne of
God but then in chapter six it comes back to Earth back to Earth for the time
known as the when everything comes to its
final end and in chapter six there is a picture that is very graphic it's laid out in Seal
judgments Wills were sealed in the so they would only be opened by the
one who had the authority to access the will that's what you have here Christ
has taken the will of God the title deed to the universe from the father's Throne
as we saw earlier and he is going to open it as the heir to the universe and with
each seal there's an element of features that he uses to take back what is
rightfully his as Psalm 2 says so starting in chapter 6 is where the Lord
in the future will take possession of what has been in the control of the usurper Satan Christ the
rightful Heir the rightful King opens the seal which is the will and testament
of God and he is the one who can open the seals and take back the
universe as we come to chapter 6 the first seal is in the opening two
verses I'm just going to read those two verses for you this morning then I saw when the lamb broke
one of the Seven Seals and I heard one of the four living

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