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Major and Biz - Is It a ?

First release of this article (January, 2000) Updates as of March 20, 2015 (2 Updates)

Ok let's think about this for a second! If you're not into or a then you are pretty much at the mercy of major 's. intermediary Brokers (, etc,.) and other to provide web traffic to your sites.

And here is how it works..

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Major and Biz - Is It a ?

It seems most get caught up in the of , of mentality on the net (AKA ??) and the of .

It gets . How could the buyer/advertiser numbers since they never see IPV4 addresses of visitors (now even keyword referrer strings are being CONCEALED) 'recorded by the seller'?

Disclaimer: tastingtraffic.net (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [tastingtraffic.com]

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