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🇨🇳 you wanted to ABOUT BUT WERE TO ? | : 🇨🇳


Legendary Jim Rogers says the are probably the .

He says and are more communist than China. Rogers describes the factors that helped create an in China.

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading)

Disclaimer: and/or (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Re...


Google agrees to pay $392 million to settle lawsuit

Google settles “” lawsuit with 40 states, will pay $392 million

Google has settled a with a coalition of 40 state attorneys general today. Google agreed to pay $391.5 million for misleading Location History settings the company was running from 2014-2020.

Google's Location History settings have gotten it in trouble with several bodies. The action began after a 2018 Associated Press article pointed out that the "Location History" check box didn't control all Google location history across your entire account and that many location tracking features lived under a second check box called "Web & App Activity." Consumers might turn off the "Location History" check box thinking it stopped all Google location tracking, but it was actually only for a single Google Maps feature. Google lost a case in Australia over this setting in 2021 and recently settled a separate lawsuit with Arizona for $85 million. A few other states still have pending lawsuits.

Google redesigned its privacy settings several times since the AP article, and in a blog post on the settlement, Google said the ruling was "based on outdated product policies that we changed years ago." As part of the settlement, Google promises to make more privacy settings changes in "the coming months," saying the changes include:

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading)

Disclaimer: and/or (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

David v spills the bean AGAIN! Opps



IN A ?? –just like the late AOL.. Remember??

But app stores were much more advanced..


Little did they know THAT APP STORES we not providing traffic but infact stealing all customer data-- all along and then CHARGING YOU 30% FOR THEIR THEFT?

Whatta deal HUH?

What Americans did not know WAS that in fact we already had this tech called long before cell phones WERE even BROUGHT to market.

The code was called ‘’ where all text and images would layout perfectly to ANY SCREEN SIZE.. grin and ugh!


YES this tech was here long before a cell phone even hit the market. App stores where never needed to begin with..

HELLO? Again.

Think about.. now you have kindergarten age kids carrying around Dumb phones 24/7 and teaching them to become ..

..and that’s what happened.

Now your children have been using a dumb phones for last 2 decades and are missing out on the MAINSTREAM power that a laptop or a desktop provides because they are to a DUMB PHONE??

Question if we were all walking around with laptops in our hands would their be ??

Answer NEVER! Not needed.



ON YOUR LAPTOP LIKE AND WHY LIKE AND WILL PUSH YOU INTO cheap subscriptions TO BE TRACKED BY AND (free flowing microwave tech is a danger to all living creatures | aka ) ALL MARINE CREATURES AND FOR BIRDS BEES, WHALES, SEA TURTLES ETC. ETC. ETC..

ON ????

Just recently, we were able to drive all to to the tune of 70.000 users.

WE RE-DIRECTED all those user right back to OUR INSTANCE.. grin

Yes we took 70,000 TWITTER ORPHANS from Twitter based on minor SEO efforts --over a period of one year.

Equates to Million$ in $ to our company. (We know the numbers).

And we have no apps in any app store btw.. In fact our new site that we are getting ready to launch works straight out of the box on any device or any screen size. Just load up your favorite browser and type in our domain name and you will have full access to all sites benefits, functions and features (currently at the end of development)

Launching Soon-- Stay Tuned! Your invited:)

Many uninformed Users were sold and told to list their sites/application/scripts with a APP STORES for TRAFFIC; when in fact if they spent some time and money Learning SEO; WEBMASTERS could drive MASSIVE amounts of traffic --MORE than any --ever will FOR 30%??


Think about IT? The App store is only concerned with driving traffic to THEIR APP STORE NOT YOUR SITE-- all the while stealing your DATA, your customers DATA and TRAFFIC DATA all because you think you need to be in APP STORE??

You have been . App Store are just high powered data collection Hubs stealing and profiting from your hard work.

Throw the phone away and get yourself a new high powered Laptop GPU with a CPU. And learn SEO from the founder of SEO. Learning Lab Coming Soon.


Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading)

Disclaimer: and/or (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR..


David v spills the bean AGAIN! Opps


We dinosaurs roamed the earth and the internet was in its infantile stages (still btw -that is another story) Google launched over rivals like Yahoo – Yahoo market share depleted.

Google just a simple Search bar and Results. founded SEO in 2000. We decided to take it to another level.. .. (but that's also another story for another day;)

Back in the days of Google of White Hat, Black Hat, Grey Hat and now BOGUS Pink Hat confused diluted many Webmasters...

Even back then we dominated all search engines (10 million keyword phrases indexed) and Google came out with the above Propaganda to fool the masses in order to stifle any and all competition.

At this time Webmasters would even pay Yahoo ($295 USD) in editor fees to have their Sites by Yahoo audited-- in order to be indexed with Yahoo Search.

We never took them up on that offer; but in hindsight Yahoo direction was the correct one.


3 Words !!

Everyone and his dog fired up a WordPress blog in order to start driving traffic to their Money sites (aka business landing pages). Most could barely create a site ;let alone learning how to create traffic to their sites.


SEO became the #1 Goal of all companies needing a presence of being listed on the first page of Google..


As time time passed Competition to be #1 on the first page of Google became a feeding frenzy of SEO professionals and .

The CAT (Google) and MOUSE (users) game WAS ON!

All the while Google pushing more of their false propaganda about SEO in order to corner all markets and hold back competition..

Our Company knew these were all lies and ignore all propaganda.

We were making excess of 180k per month at the time.

We became the largest traffic providers in the world. We even BLOCKED China for 2 decades not because of the Chinese Government but bc of all the Chinese merchants screaming for traffic as well.


And all the USA Kids on ..

Now we are going back two decades when mom’s would give their children cell phones when they started school in kindergarten. The kids didn’t even know how to use a phone but one was placed in their hands ...24/7??

The biggest mistake all parent made including ourselves father of 4 made.

We could not get those phones out of the hands of our children.

ADDICTED OUR CHILDREN like all the rest in the USA.

Think about it. From years 1-7 years old is when personality and character is formed in all children (Father of 4 grown children) and why you see and every other our 's minds --at such a young age ()

--they HAVE NOT even developed the coping skills needed to even process that type of information or cultural lifestyle(s).

You see folks; Cell phone companies and big tech has YOUR ON

WAS BORN!: India graduated millions from their IT SCHOOLS-- at the same time. And was born --where Americans companies farmed out all voice mail and directory assistance to India. Remember?

The : At the same time many also wanted to access their sites by a mobile phone. Just like seeing their web site on a business card..

India had a scaled down version of what is called BOOTSTRAP that allowed them to wrap a basic NAVIGATION MENU around your existing website in order for your website to layout properly at any screen size OR RESOLUTION.

Everyone and his dog stampeded to this inferior tech bc they thought they would receive more TRAFFIC to their business sites??

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading)

Disclaimer: and/or (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT ..

from 2016 | : All will be from the Growth of the Internet - DISCLAIMER: on but by .

, , LAND BARONS, REAL ESTATE, AND ALL ARE as of 2016. ( and why no-one pays taxes in the United States of America-- only the W2 Slaves --working for a Centralized Institution PAY INCOME TAX. Ugh!

Eg, Back in 1999 without the help of anyone or any USA Government; we were able to develop and secure many online businesses to the tune of a $180,000K NET PER MONTH. More money than any of the above in a centralized system can even dream of..

The is Folks, BEEN DEAD SINCE 1999..

The NEW is Here;)

We have entered into a Global Economy 2 decades ago and now the USA citizen is just now hearing about it??? Something is REALLY WRONG with that picture, wouldn't you agree?

I told a Gangster the other day. Wouldn't you rather make the same amount of money that you are currently making ‘illegally BTW,’ and not go to prison or not worried about getting killed or shot and even like yourself in the morning --when looking in the mirror??

Its possible on the internet. WE DID IT and WE ARE DOING it --as we speak!


HAVE OUT GROWN YOUR INFERIOR SYSTEM OF CHECKS AND BALANCES designed for one purpose only; and that is to OPPRESS the American Citizen and Rob the Future from our Grandchildren’s Grandchildren.

Not on our Watch! All will be -- ON BY .

You had your chance as a Centralized System and not only did you FAIL miserably (you BLEW IT); you also raped and pillage from your own USA Citizens. And you are AS !

Happy Sunday btw.

The recent scandal was based on a CENTRALIZED NETWORK and why all your money was stolen.

Don't be fooled by Mainstream News; they are all BIG TIME ! ‘’ always forget to mention that this was from a .

Just like they have STOLEN all of your Money form the USA ; which is also a Centralized Institution.


Heck, for bashed bitcoin at the same time REJECTED 175 times trying Patent BLOCKCHAIN --BEHIND THE SCENES; the system that POWERS cryptocurrencies.

Banks simply cannot COMPETE with this technology and why they will sell their own mothers to disrupt a !

All , , , , Officials, , , Media and ..

ALL JOBS ...are .

..And NOW those jobs have become ! Due to the 2nd coming of a WORLDWIDE decentralized blockchain system..

And why you will see a huge Push BY THE USA GOVERNMENT to suppressed blockchain and OUT OF EXISTENCE.

Unfortunately, THEY WILL FAIL AGAIN MISERABLY. It’s a Given..
They are ; ‘THEY’ do not have the eyes to SEE.


IS A ??

* As with anything to do with Currencie$ there are Downsides as well as Upside$. On the upside the competition for is fierce.

* The whole idea to is for the to that each in the is .

* is used to confirm all transaction in each block multiple, multiple times.

* This of each -which is also referred to as a .

* that offer only -while our "Dollars" are picked at -until gone..

* An transaction is NOT a payment. A Crypto transaction is a Program, which is referred to as the technology known as .

* Its not the "payment" that is irreversible, its the " that is Irreversible.

*Transactions CANNOT be , (a big one) or .

* built on blockchain technology offers SOLID , , and .

* simply cannot with this Technology..

* WE predicted in 2016 that Cryptocurrencies BUILT ON A NETWORK will be the *recommended form of payment POWERING ALL OTHER BUSINESS PROCESSES EXCLUSIVELY on the INTERNET in upcoming years.. after the fallout;)

In case you didn’t know.. what you are seeing now is the FALLOUT PREVIOUSLY PREDICTED..

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading)

Disclaimer: and/or (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsore..

from 2016 | : All will be from the Growth of the Internet - DISCLAIMER: on but by .

, , LAND BARONS, REAL ESTATE, AND ALL ARE as of 2016. ( and why no-one pays taxes in the United States of America-- only the W2 Slaves --working for a Centralized Institution PAY INCOME TAX. Ugh!

Eg, Back in 1999 without the help of anyone or any USA Government; we were able to develop and secure many online businesses to the tune of a $180,000K NET PER MONTH. More money than any of the above in a centralized system can even dream of..

The is Folks, BEEN DEAD SINCE 1999..

The NEW is Here;)

We have entered into a Global Economy 2 decades ago and now the USA citizen is just now hearing about it??? Something is REALLY WRONG with that picture, wouldn't you agree?

I told a Gangster the other day. Wouldn't you rather make the same amount of money that you are currently making ‘illegally BTW,’ and not go to prison or not worried about getting killed or shot and even like yourself in the morning --when looking in the mirror??

Its possible on the internet. WE DID IT and WE ARE DOING it --as we speak!


HAVE OUT GROWN YOUR INFERIOR SYSTEM OF CHECKS AND BALANCES designed for one purpose only; and that is to OPPRESS the American Citizen and Rob the Future from our Grandchildren’s Grandchildren.

Not on our Watch! All will be -- ON BY .

You had your chance as a Centralized System and not only did you FAIL miserably (you BLEW IT); you also raped and pillage from your own USA Citizens. And you are AS !

Happy Sunday btw.

The recent scandal was based on a CENTRALIZED NETWORK and why all your money was stolen.

Don't be fooled by Mainstream News; they are all BIG TIME ! ‘’ always forget to mention that this was from a .

Just like they have STOLEN all of your Money form the USA ; which is also a Centralized Institution.


Heck, for bashed bitcoin at the same time REJECTED 175 times trying Patent BLOCKCHAIN --BEHIND THE SCENES; the system that POWERS cryptocurrencies.

Banks simply cannot COMPETE with this technology and why they will sell their own mothers to disrupt a !

All , , , , Officials, , , Media and ..

ALL JOBS ...are .

..And NOW those jobs have become ! Due to the 2nd coming of a WORLDWIDE decentralized blockchain system..

And why you will see a huge Push BY THE USA GOVERNMENT to suppressed blockchain and OUT OF EXISTENCE.

Unfortunately, THEY WILL FAIL AGAIN MISERABLY. It’s a Given..
They are ; ‘THEY’ do not have the eyes to SEE.


IS A ??

* As with anything to do with Currencie$ there are Downsides as well as Upside$. On the upside the competition for is fierce.

* The whole idea to is for the to that each in the is .

* is used to confirm all transaction in each block multiple, multiple times.

* This of each -which is also referred to as a .

* that offer only -while our "Dollars" are picked at -until gone..

* An transaction is NOT a payment. A Crypto transaction is a Program, which is referred to as the technology known as .

* Its not the "payment" that is irreversible, its the " that is Irreversible.

*Transactions CANNOT be , (a big one) or .

* built on blockchain technology offers SOLID , , and .

* simply cannot with this Technology..

* WE predicted in 2016 that Cryptocurrencies BUILT ON A NETWORK will be the *recommended form of payment POWERING ALL OTHER BUSINESS PROCESSES EXCLUSIVELY on the INTERNET in upcoming years.. after the fallout;)

In case you didn’t know.. what you are seeing now is the FALLOUT PREVIOUSLY PREDICTED..

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading)

Disclaimer: and/or (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR ..

for Allegedly With After Gizmodo Story

Apple is facing a class action lawsuit for allegedly harvesting iPhone user data even when the company’s own privacy settings promise not to. The suit, filed Thursday in California federal court, comes days after Gizmodo exclusively reported on research into how multiple iPhone apps send Apple analytics data, regardless of whether the iPhone Analytics privacy setting is turned on or off.

The problem was spotted by two independent researchers at the software company Mysk, who found that the Apple App Store sends the company exhaustive information about nearly everything a user does in the app, despite a privacy setting, iPhone Analytics, which claims to “disable the sharing of Device Analytics altogether” when switched off. Gizmodo asked the researchers to run additional tests on other iPhone apps, including Apple Music, Apple TV, Books, and Stocks. The researchers found that the problem persists across most of Apple’s suite of built-in iPhone apps.

The lawsuit accuses Apple of violating the California Invasion of Privacy Act. “Privacy is one of the main issues that Apple uses to set its products apart from competitors,” the plaintiff, Elliot Libman, said in the suit, which can be read on Bloomberg Law. “But Apple’s privacy guarantees are completely illusory.” The company has plastered billboards across the country with the slogan “Privacy. That’s iPhone.”

Apple did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

As seen in a video posted to the Mysk YouTube Channel, the App Store appears to harvest information about your activity in real time, including what you tap on, which apps you search for, what ads you see, how you found a given app and how long you looked at the app’s page.

Apple’s privacy settings make explicit promises about shut off that kind of tracking. But in the tests, turning the iPhone Analytics setting off had no evident effect on the data collection, nor did any of the iPhone’s other built-in settings meant to protect your privacy from Apple’s data collection.

Mysk’s tests on the App Store found that Apple receives that data along with details that can identify you and your device, including ID numbers, what kind of phone you’re using, your screen resolution, your keyboard languages and how you’re connected to the internet—the kind of information commonly used for device fingerprinting.



Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading)

Disclaimer: and/or (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

Exclusive: At least $1 billion of client funds missing at failed crypto firm FTX

* founder moved $10 in funds to trading firm Alameda - sources

* Bankman-Fried showed spreadsheets to colleagues that revealed in to Alameda - sources

* Spreadsheets indicated between $1 billion and $2 billion in is for – sources

* Executives set up "" that thwarted - sources

* Whereabouts of missing funds is unknown - sources

New York, Nov 11 (Reuters) - At least $1 billion of customer funds have vanished from collapsed crypto exchange FTX, according to two people familiar with the matter.

The exchange's founder Sam Bankman-Fried secretly transferred $10 billion of customer funds from FTX to Bankman-Fried's trading company Alameda Research, the people told Reuters.

A large portion of that total has since disappeared, they said. One source put the missing amount at about $1.7 billion. The other said the gap was between $1 billion and $2 billion.

While it is known that FTX moved customer funds to Alameda, the missing funds are reported here for the first time.

The financial hole was revealed in records that Bankman-Fried shared with other senior executives last Sunday, according to the two sources. The records provided an up-to-date account of the situation at the time, they said. Both sources held senior FTX positions until this week and said they were briefed on the company's finances by top staff.

Bahamas-based FTX filed for bankruptcy on Friday after a rush of customer withdrawals earlier this week. A rescue deal with rival exchange Binance fell through, precipitating crypto’s highest-profile collapse in recent years.

In text messages to Reuters, Bankman-Fried said he "disagreed with the characterization" of the $10 billion transfer.

"We didn't secretly transfer," he said. "We had confusing internal labeling and misread it," he added, without elaborating.

Asked about the missing funds, Bankman-Fried responded: "???"

FTX and Alameda did not respond to requests for comment.

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading)

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"Be to !" | The US National and Its | How the Debt Clock's Warning Affects You | NOVEMBER 13, 2022

Also See:

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading)

Disclaimer: and/or (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

📈 Why The U.S. Can’t | "Our Levels?? 📈

a " ~ . April 14, 2021 |

The U.S. national debt is now bigger than its economy. That might sound scary, but we’ll explain how the United States can never go broke and can actually pay all of its debts whenever it wants to.

To help us, we spoke to economics professor Stephanie Kelton, author of The Deficit Myth, former chief economist on the U.S. Senate Budge Committee and a former economic advisor to Bernie Sanders.

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading)

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🇨🇳 can Build Huge in such a ?🇨🇳

Over the , infrastructure in China has developed by and . The length of China's has from 50,000 km in 1978 to 130,000 km in 2018. Its also increased from 120,000 km to 4.05 million km during the same period.

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading)

Disclaimer: and/or (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

🇨🇳 : 🇨🇳 " have no idea what's going on in . There are so many areas where China already the ." | 800 million Chinese People have risen out of . That's two and a half time the population of the United States. 50% of People with | The Event in (2019) - Full Documentary

Why is one misunderstood nation now the source of more and than anywhere else on earth? And why does ’s this story? | Join entrepreneur and legendary investor , as he explores this mysterious place, and explains how it now offers what he calls: “The Greatest of Our .”

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading)

Disclaimer: and/or (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

China's AMAZING >>👀

NEW SUBWAY 🇨🇳 10 days Ago!

A few days ago Line 14 of Shenzhen Metro system just opened, and with it, several stations of course! I came to ride it and visit the most impressive subway station yet of the whole system, this is Gangxia North station in Futian District! It is just a masterpiece!

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading)

Disclaimer: and/or (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

🇨🇳 Life in China | How is like to travel by train in China in 2020? 🇨🇳

China's in China AMAZING >>👀

🇬🇧 by is one of my favorite ways of wandering around. I took a train from to to kind of give a little perspective of that traveling by train is in .

Trains in China are very fast! How fast? The average go from 250 to 350 km/h.

are ! So a network that can take you basically anywhere that fast, will be of course very popular. In 2019, The total volume of passenger transported by in China was about 2.3 billion people!

China has the largest high speed rail network, it accounts for two-thirds of the world's total. with over 20,000 kilometers of tracks. That isn’t just more than the country with the next biggest system, which is Japan. It’s not even more than the next five countries combined. It’s more the entire rest of the planet.
After a smooth hour moving at a speed of more than 300 km/h I arrived in Shanghai. As a safety measure during the coronavirus times, once you arrive to another city either by airplane or train, they will ask you to scan a QR code to double check your health status and confirm your travel history.

The boom of the high-speed rail in China has greatly reduced travel time and has transformed Chinese society and economy. A broad range of travelers of different income levels choose High Speed Rail for its comfort, convenience, safety and punctuality.

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading)

Disclaimer: and/or (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

🇨🇳 Life in China | How is like to travel by train in China in 2020? 🇨🇳

China's in China AMAZING >>👀

🇬🇧 by is one of my favorite ways of wandering around. I took a train from to to kind of give a little perspective of that traveling by train is in .

Trains in China are very fast! How fast? The average go from 250 to 350 km/h.

are ! So a network that can take you basically anywhere that fast, will be of course very popular. In 2019, The total volume of passenger transported by in China was about 2.3 billion people!

China has the largest high speed rail network, it accounts for two-thirds of the world's total. with over 20,000 kilometers of tracks. That isn’t just more than the country with the next biggest system, which is Japan. It’s not even more than the next five countries combined. It’s more the entire rest of the planet.
After a smooth hour moving at a speed of more than 300 km/h I arrived in Shanghai. As a safety measure during the coronavirus times, once you arrive to another city either by airplane or train, they will ask you to scan a QR code to double check your health status and confirm your travel history.

The boom of the high-speed rail in China has greatly reduced travel time and has transformed Chinese society and economy. A broad range of travelers of different income levels choose High Speed Rail for its comfort, convenience, safety and punctuality.

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading)

Disclaimer: and/or (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

🇨🇳 Life in China | How is like to travel by train in China in 2020? 🇨🇳

China's in China AMAZING >>👀

🇬🇧 by is one of my favorite ways of wandering around. I took a train from to to kind of give a little perspective of that traveling by train is in .

Trains in China are very fast! How fast? The average go from 250 to 350 km/h.

are ! So a network that can take you basically anywhere that fast, will be of course very popular. In 2019, The total volume of passenger transported by in China was about 2.3 billion people!

China has the largest high speed rail network, it accounts for two-thirds of the world's total. with over 20,000 kilometers of tracks. That isn’t just more than the country with the next biggest system, which is Japan. It’s not even more than the next five countries combined. It’s more the entire rest of the planet.
After a smooth hour moving at a speed of more than 300 km/h I arrived in Shanghai. As a safety measure during the coronavirus times, once you arrive to another city either by airplane or train, they will ask you to scan a QR code to double check your health status and confirm your travel history.

The boom of the high-speed rail in China has greatly reduced travel time and has transformed Chinese society and economy. A broad range of travelers of different income levels choose High Speed Rail for its comfort, convenience, safety and punctuality.

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading)

Disclaimer: and/or (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

🇨🇳 Life in China | How is like to travel by train in China in 2020? 🇨🇳

China's AMAZING >>👀

🇬🇧 Traveling by train is one of my favorite ways of wandering around. I took a train from Hangzhou to Shanghai to kind of give a little perspective of that traveling by train is in China.

Trains in China are very fast! How fast? The average speeds go from 250 to 350 km/h.

Train tickets are very cheap! So a network that can take you basically anywhere that fast, will be of course very popular. In 2019, The total volume of passenger transported by high-speed railways in China was about 2.3 billion people!

China has the largest high speed rail network, it accounts for two-thirds of the world's total. with over 20,000 kilometers of tracks. That isn’t just more than the country with the next biggest system, which is Japan. It’s not even more than the next five countries combined. It’s more the entire rest of the planet.
After a smooth hour moving at a speed of more than 300 km/h I arrived in Shanghai. As a safety measure during the coronavirus times, once you arrive to another city either by airplane or train, they will ask you to scan a QR code to double check your health status and confirm your travel history.

The boom of the high-speed rail in China has greatly reduced travel time and has transformed Chinese society and economy. A broad range of travelers of different income levels choose High Speed Rail for its comfort, convenience, safety and punctuality.

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading)

Disclaimer: and/or (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

China's AMAZING >>👀

NEW SUBWAY 🇨🇳 10 days Ago!

A few days ago Line 14 of Shenzhen Metro system just opened, and with it, several stations of course! I came to ride it and visit the most impressive subway station yet of the whole system, this is Gangxia North station in Futian District! It is just a masterpiece!

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading)

Disclaimer: and/or (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.


Officials provide update on massive oil spill in Huntington Beach, California | | U.S. Coast Guard, California Department of Fish and Wildlife hold press conference to provide update on massive oil spill in Huntington Beach.

Founder of (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of (High Frequency Trading)

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Judas Priest - You've Got Another Thing Comin' (Official Lyric Video)


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📛 DISCLAIMER: We Cover the 'Way' the #News is #COVERED_UP! 👿 JOBS FOR ALL WORLDWIDE COMING SOON! * Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours * EXPERT BLACK BOX TESTER * Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) * Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding) * Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading) Book a Chat w/ TastingTraffic