
KOCK BROS. NAZI'S EXPOSED. Remember Colonial Pipeline hack. It was HACKED BC OF AN OLD PASSWORD NOT CHANGE. runs rampant in the usa DEEZ DAYS;) doesn't it ??

NEWS FLASH! ALL AKA The (INEPT ) are at it again >> trying to control public opinion and thier agenda. BOYCOTT & NIKI HALEY (more dirt bag friend of yours??) Well they are not 'FRIENDS OUR OURS' --AND THAT IS WHAT REALLY MATTERS;) BUILT THE FOR THE ??

for our in with ABSOLUTELY TO anyone in our Country.

and have been the to our in the form of to the , , and soon, possibly even the


. WE YOU OUT OF THIS COUNTRY AFTER YOUR GOT BC YOU ARE TO OR TO TO A to your pipeline Network?? jepordizing the Security of our Great Country. You are all irresponsible fools back in the 80's and now even more BRAINDEAD! Which is 100% proof you are a DANGER TO SECURITY OF LANDS. You are responsible for the cleanup as well! So get busy --there will be again. You those rights long and WE BOTH KNOW IT!

Koch Bros? You our country during COVID AFTER YOU PIPELINE GOT HACKED over a simple password remember. WE DO!. You are just a bunch of Cowards NOW TRYING TO WEASEL you way back as . Take you money and shove it up where the sun dont shine.

TO DURING . YOU CAN IN . YOU ARE IN OUR COUTNRY. wont let you his and why your ugly faces are back! iF THE TRUTH BE TOLD. And the republicans are broke broke with zero vison and zero direction to lead this country into the 21 century. imho.

As they say if you cannot handle the heat get out of the kitchen. Now these inept USELESS DEPRAVED OIL TYCOONS WITH THIER 1920 TECHNOLOGY is at is again. This time endorsing LOSER Republican candidates as a hedge play. I will not work. WE WILL SEND YOU PACKING AGAIN BUT THIS TIME YOU WILL LOSE EVERTHING! PROMISE!

You are inept useless and 100% braindead. There are 1000's of way to do your a ; but you are all to lazy and too dam cheap to do anything properly. You are a to our and out country! LEAVE OR WE WILL THROW YOUR SORRY ASSES OUT HEAD FIRST!

Memory Lane | • FULL DOCUMENTARY • BRAVE NEW FILMS (BNF) | Billionaires and have been the to our in the form of to the , , and soon, possibly even the . Jan 21, 2015

Memory Lane | The & the : Book Reveals Billionaires' Built Key for the | In her new book, " : The of the the of the ," reporter Jane Mayer how the and fellow right-wing billionaires have a aimed at and .

The book contains a number of revelations and new details. Mayer begins with revealing that the Kochs’ father, industrialist Fred Koch, helped build an oil refinery in —a project personally by . The refinery was to the effort, fueling . Mayer joins us to discuss.


The last time we the ' dealings to the world--we here at Brave New Films wound up in their crosshairs. They produced ad , but, it takes more than a banner ad to slow us down.

(5:11) How the Koch Brothers use United to democracy

(7:11) The Koch plan to public

(17:11) Koch University: your

Is your school on the list?

(21:02) Kochs VS The

(25:09) Kochs &

(31:26) Koch on

(34:54) The Koch plan to

(38:20) Kochs & The

(40:52) How the Koch Brothers by their EVERYWHERE!


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