#International_Tech_News | GOOD #MORNING WORLD!
Good #Morning World | #AGE OF #DECEIT - THE #TRANSAGENDA + #BREEDING_PROGRAM (FULL VERSION) | Viewer #Descretion Advised | Newly Released Dec 3, 2022
BIGGEST SECRET in #Plain_Sight, the #TRANSformation of #Mankind, #Soul_TRANSfer, #Transhumanism, #TRANSgender, #TRANSpocalypse. #MKUltra, #Montauk_Project,
CHUTE COMMENT: Been trying to wake others to this agenda for a while now, most cannot even #discern a #true_female, over 100 years of #Hollyweird and TV shows giving us #males as #females?? has #led to the public notion of a woman being completely #SKEWED!
The application of lipstick, string of pearls, long flowing hair, femanised features, like rhinoplasty or Adam Apple shaving, all help to fool the eye, but their jawlines, shoulders, long necks, wide trachea, long arms that hang straight down, big hands, long legs and big feet are all giveaways, yet most won't see or can't see, #LUST #BLINDS THEM FROM THE #TRUTH.
There are #NO_females in #Hollyweird, if there are then they are the ones #playing at being #men, with most of the #male_actors either #transgendered or #eunuchs.
The high order #secret_societies believe that #human_evolution must always continue and they believe that the #androgynous form is evolutionary #higher_up the ladder than the #natural_order.